Differences Between Chinese and Western Dragon Culture.doc

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1、Differences Between Chinese and Western Dragon CultureAbstractThe dragon is a spirit symbol of Chinese people.There are some different cultural connotations between Chinese dragon and Western dragon.The Chinese dragon is a symbol of propitious omens and good fortune.And it also stands for the suprem

2、e imperial power,while Western dragon is the incarnation of evil and greedy. Because of cultural differences,western people are different from Chinese people in understanding and using dragon images. Therefore, a good grasp of its historical and cultural connotations allows people to truly understan

3、d the meaning of another culture in cross-cultural communication.Key words: dragon, Loong, cultural differences, origin, mythology, symbolic meaning, Introduction The dragon is a mascot in Chinese national culture and it is a cultural symbol of Chinese nation.In China, dragon culture has a long hist

4、ory. It is very profound and also a reflection of Chinese identity. Chinese people claim to be the descendent of dragon.In acient China, only empire could wear dragon robe(a kind of cloth with dragon images on it),and if something was named by Loong【1】(In Chinese,it means dragon),that means it is de

5、finitely very noble or expensive,such as Dragon Well Tea(Longjing tea), Longyan and so on. In Chinese Zodiac, there is also a dragon and it is the only animal that does not exist in real life. But in the west, the dragon is a symbol of evil, the incarnation of Satan. In western mythology, there are

6、many stories about dragon.In these stories, human warriors always want to defeat a dragon in order to get the treasures in the dragon lair or save the beautiful princess who was grabed by the dragon. Even today, in western movies,the dragon is described as a kind of huge monster which is similar to

7、Godzilla. And in the Role-Playing Games, the dragon is often designed as a boss that is ready to be defeated by the players to help them upgrade. Therefore, understanding the differences between Chinese and Western dragon culture helps us understand the different cultural backgrounds and know more i

8、mplied meanings of the dragon. Origin The Chinese dragon comes from an ancient totem. In ancient times, our ancestors could not make a reasonable explanation about most natural phenomenons. So with the totem, they hoped they can have the power of lightning and storm, the magnificence of mountains, t

9、he flexibility of a fish and the vigorousness of birds. Therefore, the dragon gradually became a nine Unlikeness( a creature which has deer horn, cows ears, camels head, rabbit eyes, snakes neck, fish scales, tigers sole and eagle claw). This composite structure means the dragon is the king of anima

10、ls and the Almighty God of the world. In our ancestors minds, dragon can change into anything, can be small or huge, can be short or long, can dive deeply in the water, can fly above all the clouds. In Ci Hai, it says that Loong is a miraculous animal with scals and palpus in the ancient legends tha

11、t controls the weather and water. It also says that Loong, with horn and claw, can mount the clouds and ride the mist, summon wind and call for rain and change unpredictably. Every part of Loong has special symbolic meanings. And all of the meanings is auspicious. But in Western peoples concepts, dr

12、agon stands for evil. In Encyclopedia, it says dragon, a legendary reptilian monster similar in form to a crocodile and usually represented as having wings, huge claws, and a fiery breath.【2】 It is a magic creature in Western legend which has formidable magic power. And Western people think that the

13、re are many kinds of dragons. Dragons can have a variable number of legs: none, two, four, or more when it comes to early European literature. In China, we say the Loong has nine sons and each son is different. Yet, in west, they can say the dragon has hundreds of sons and each of them is also diffe

14、rent. Some dragons live in the deep sea; some sleep in the volcano; some remains dormant in the swamp and some hide themselves in caves. Nowadays, we often use the word “dragon” when we refer Western dragon. However, in ancient times, people did not use “dragon”. Semitics founded Judaism and at that

15、 time, some people believed that Seraphim in the Judaism is the embodiment of the dragon with justice power. In Western culture, Seraphim is closest to Loong for its nature and characteristics. Seraphim is not only similar to Loong in its stature, function and significance, but also close to Chinese

16、 local dragon in the origin. Chinese dragon likes a huge snake while Western dragon came from the word “Seraph” in the ancient Hebrew language. From the Holy Bible, we can find that dragon is snake. In Revelation, it refers that the great was hurled downthat ancient serpent called the devil,or Satan

17、,who leads the whole astray. The Old Testament mentions many times that dragon comes from Greece, and it is often described as a huge sea monster or a viper. Since Mesopotamia legend, dragon was treated as symbol of Devil.Therefore, people at that time lived near Mesopotamia Plain accepted this idea

18、 and passed it until today. So the Christian and Jews treat dragon as a evil creature. Mythologies In ancient China, there are many mythologies about dragon. For example, in Journey to the West, Tang Seng rides a white horse named white dragon horse. In the book, the white dragon horse is the third

19、son of dragon king in the west sea, but he offended the rules. So Guanyin pulished him by changing him into a horse to protect Tang Seng to west. From the book, we can learn that the ancient Chinese people believes dragon is a god who controls the weather and water. The Chronological Record of Histo

20、rians, written by Sima Qian of the Western Han Dynasty, was the worlds earliest biographical work of literature, covering a history of 3,000 years. Its contents rang from the legendary Huang Di, or Yellow Emperor, to Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty. 【3】In this book, Sima Qian saied our Chinese natio

21、ns forefather Huang Di is the incarnation of Yellow Dragon, which is the dragon king. It belongs to earth in Five Elements and earth is in the middle of Five Elements, so Yellow Dragon is the leader of dragons. Because of this, when Huang Di reached the heaven, he became the emperor of heaven. Drago

22、n is also the first of the four Divine Creatures to Chinese-the others being the unicorn, the phoenix and the tortoise. It brings rain to the earth, hasten the crops and cools the toiling framer. If a place do not rain for a long time, people will think thats because they have made the dragon king a

23、ngry. So they will present oblations to fawn on the dragon king. There are also many legends about dragon in the west. In Greek mythology, there is a god who controls business and trading. A dragon with a horn accompanies him. That is why latter people believe dragon likes treasures. In ancient Egyp

24、tian mythology, dragon has an image of upper body as the eagle, lower body as the lion. The upper part of the eagle represents the Helios, the lower half stands for fertile godness Hathor. This image stands for water. It is the earliest prototype of Egyptian dragon. In Mesopotamia mythology, the mos

25、t representative example is Muuu- the later generations of ocean godness. On the wall of Darwaza DIshtar (built in Neo-Babylonian period ), there is a relief of Muuu. It is said the Muuu was created by ocean godness to fight against Jupiter. It has lion foot, eagle claw, ox horn, and scorpion needle

26、. In the Old English poem Beowulf, dragons are said to breathe fire or to be poisonous. They are commonly portrayed as serpentine or reptilian, hatching from eggs and possessing typically scaly or feathered bodies. They are sometimes portrayed as having especially large eyes or watching treasure ver

27、y diligently, a feature that is the origin of the word dragon. In the ancient Greek mythology, the dragon often appeared as ferocious monster and the caretaker of treasures. In Homers epic, it mentioned twelve Labours of Heracles and the eleventh is to steal a golden apple of Hesperides. The golden

28、apple was guarded by a serpent-like dragon with a hundred heads whose name is Ladon. In mythologies, Western dragon and Chinese Dragon are very different in the following two points: First, the Western dragon must have wings, whether large or small, it is essential; although Chinese dragon can fly i

29、n the sky, it denpends on fabulous ability not wings. Second, the Chinese dragon is incarnation of clouds and rain. In Oriental mythology, the dragon is responsible for rain to moisten the earth. Western dragon is fire-breathing. Its image is evil, and the character is also evil. it hides in the dee

30、p forests, but when it appeared, it must cause a disaster for human. Symbolic meaning in old times Existing in both Chinese and western cultures, dragons have very different symbolic meanings. The Chinese dragon is a sacred symbol and the Western dragon is a terrible monster. Because of different na

31、tional history, different religion, different customs, different lifestyle and different topography, different people have different understanding about dragon. The mythologies of Huang Di and Yan di, the legend of Journey to the West, etc, show us that Chinese dragons are good, favorable, powerful

32、and humane while the mythologies of Satan and Cadmus, the stories of the dragon-slayers, etc, reflect that western dragons are bad, hateful, destructive and monstrous. In ancient China, Chinese progenitors , Yan Di and Huang Di, have a close relationship with dragon. Thus, the Chinese people called

33、themselves Descendants of the Dragon. Dragon culture has penetrated into all areas and all aspects of Chinas social and culture. Loong, in traditional Chinese culture, is a sign of good luck and success, a symbol of power, elegance and honor. In feudal society, dragon is the synonym of imperial powe

34、r. Therefore, the emperor called themselves “sons of dragon”, their body called “dragons body ”, their clothes called “robes”, their bed called “bed of state” 【4】In short, all of the things that are related to emperors daily life were distinguished by the word dragon to show the superior privileges.

35、 Another cultural symbolism of Loong is outstanding and out of the ordinary. The dragon is a sacred thing that ordinary people can not compared with. So we often named the people who have noble ambition, Good behavior and outstanding ability with “Loong”, such as Zhu Ge Liang, we called him Sleeping

36、 Dragon. European dragons are usually depicted as malevolent. The dragon has never been a positive image that on behalf of ferocious, brutal and barbaric. In the Bible, dragon represents Devil and Satan. In the west, almost all the dragon can breath fire. Fire is easy to hurt other people, so Wester

37、n dragon often stands for full of aggression. They are also considered to be greedy, liking piles of coins, gems and magic items. In Western culture, because the dragon has a disgraceful image, the derived language often has derogatory sence. In the Middle Ages dragon is a symbol of evil, and Satan

38、is considered to be the great dragon.【5】Conclusion Obviously, the cultural connotation of the dragon is very different which is caused by different developing process of culture. It is not difficult to find out that Chinese dragon can be authenticated by historical object and its changes in each per

39、iod is quite clear and continuous. But in Europe, each nation has a different impression about dragon. In the process of cultural blending, the dragons characters were gradually perfected. But no matter how the dragon changes, its origin has something in common: They are produced because of humans e

40、ndless imagination; they are evolving; they have already formed their perfect shape and culture. Therefore, in cross-cultural communication, we should notice that different nations have different cultures. Only in this way can we improve cross-cultural awareness.References:【1】 蒋红红从龙文化看龙的英译J华侨大学学报(哲学与社会科学版),2003,(2)【2】 http:/en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon【3】 Modern Chinese-English Dictionary【4】 朱芳,李梦凡. 中西方龙文化的差异边疆经济与文化:文化交流版,2011【5】 钱莉从语用学角度看汉英龙文化的差异J安康学院学报,2007,(3)


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