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1、BEC 中级写作评分标准:(语言、语法、组织和文体)级第一部分第二部分别分数分数5全部完成答题要求所有内容点都已包括在内并在答题要求允许的情况下加以发挥语言规范、自然;错误最少,均18 或20属小错。9或10 分分多样化的语言结构和丰富的词汇量。组织效果好,注意前后呼应。语域和格式完全适当。给读者的印象极佳。4较好的完成答题要求所有内容点都处理得不错。7或8分14 或16大体准确; 运用复杂语言时有错分误。结构合理,用词准确。大体上组织较好,注意逻辑关系。语域和格式总体来说适当。给读者的印象良好。3 尚能达到答题要求所有的主要内容点已包括进去,遗漏了一些次要的内容。出现一些错误,但不妨碍交流。

2、10 或12结构和词汇掌握范围适度。5或6分分组织和安排总的来说令人满意。语域和格式尚可, 虽然并不完全成功。给读者的印象较好。2 不能完全达到答题要求遗漏了一些主要的内容点或者处理得不充分,可能有些不切题。3或4分6或8分有时错误影响清楚交流,错误较多,使读者感到迷惑。结构、词汇掌握范围有限。内容条理不清、不连贯,造成理解困难。语域和格式不适当。给读者的印象不佳。1未能达到答题要求显著的内容遗漏 / 或大量内容不相关,可能由于对题目要求的误解。严重不规范,经常出现基本错误。1或2分2或4分题目要求的结构和词汇几乎没有提到。缺乏组织,造成交流失败。几乎没有使用适当的语域和格式。给读者的印象极差

3、。0什么要求也没达到。字数少于所需字数的 25% ,或是完全不能辨认或0 分0 分是完全不切题。评分五个方面:1 content2 language3 structure & vocabulary4 organisation展开论述上面的5 个方面1 内容的完整性2 语言6C 原则1准确 (correctness)包括四层意义,即阅读人能理解、接受的英语水平;使用精确措词,传达准确信息;正确地使用语法和标点符号;拼写正确。(1) 恰当的语言风格请比较下面两组例词:approximatelyAboutinquireAskascertainfind outobtainreceiveassisthe

4、lpparticipateshareconstructbuildpurchasebuycontributegivesufficientenoughdifficulthardutilizeuse(2) 准确的措词和信息下面列出的是一系列极易混淆的单词及词组,请注意区分:a lot / allotall right / alrightcannot / can notdifferent from / different than. due to / because ofeffect / affectfewer / lesslie / layprincipal / principlethat /whi

5、chtheir / them / they rewait for / wait onwho / whom(3) 正确的语法和标点符号(4) 正确的拼写2 清楚 (Clarity)(1) 逻辑布局 (Logical Organization)常用的逻辑布局方法包括:因果关系 (Cause & Effect)时间顺序 (Chronological Development)序列顺序 (Sequential Development)比较 (Comparison)一般到特殊 (From General to Specific)特殊到一般 (From Specific to General)(2) 合理构

6、架句群与段落 (Well-Written Sentences & Paragraphs)例句:修改前 : Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago, and it now has branch offices in four states, and it employs nearly 400 individuals.修改后 : Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago. With branch offices in four states, it nowemploys nearly

7、400 individuals.(3) 统一性与一致性 (Unity and Coherence)(4) 强调 (Emphasis)位置重复数量技巧(5) 将句中关系紧密的词尽量靠近。比较下面三对句子:A. They bought a bicycle in Beijing in a small shop which costs $ 25.00.They bought a bicycle for $25.00 in a small shop in Beijing.B. He was warned not to drink water even in a restaurant which had

8、not been boiled.He was warned not to drink water which had not been boiled.C. Those who work rapidlyget ill in theseconditions.Those who work in these conditions rapidly get ill.(6) 避免在同一个句子中使用意义不同的同一个字。We shall take a firm line with the firmWe shall take a strong line with the film3简洁 (Conciseness)

9、A. We have begun to export our machine to countries abroad.We have begun to export our machines.B. In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule.If you speak to Mr. Wood about production, ask him to consider the delivery sched

10、ule.C .We require furniture which is of the new type.We require new-type furniture.(1) 使用简洁的语言 (Use simple language)尽量使用避免使用pleasepreferbecausewill you be good enough toexpress a preference forfor the reason that(2) 少用陈词滥调 (Omit trite expressions) as the case may beit has come to my attention at an

11、early ageavail yourself of this opportunity previous tocrack of dawnpursuant to your request take the liberty todue to the fact that thanking you in advance enclosed hereinthis is to inform you under separate cover with kindest regards I wish to state(3) 避 免 冗 长 的表 达 方 式 和 不 必 要 的 重 复 (avoidwordyexp

12、ressions&unnecessaryrepetition)。WordyConcise1.We would like toplease2.For the month of AugustforAugust3.Pursuant to the end of this weeknow4.A long period of timea long time5.At this timenow6.Is at this timeis7.The weight was higher thantheweight was greater than8.I expected it to beexpected9.During

13、 the year of 1995during 199510. For the development offordeveloping11. In the city of Dallasin Dallas12. The problem was that the car would not the car would not startstart13. Square in shapesquare14. in accordance with your requestyourequested15.Sign on the front of this formsignthis form16.During

14、the time thatwhile17.Consensus of opinionwe agree18.Remember the fact thatremember19, Held a meetingmet20. this is the situation at this timenow(4) 删改无关紧要的成份 (Remove unneeded facts) A. It should be noted that this is the best we cando,B. For your information we enclose a catalogue. C. Please be advi

15、sed that we have received yourinvoice.1.asby July 102.asyouas you indicated3.always4.atatsoonindicatedasinallthisyourpossiblelettertimestimenow5. continue to utilize the old form until start using the new form on Februarysuch time as the new form is available6. despite the fact that7. for the month

16、of AprilApril8. for obvious reason that because9. I would ask that you I0. in conjunction with11. in the mere recent pastrecently12. in the unlikely event that13. in the unlikely event that I am if I am late, please delay the meetingbe on time, please delay the meeting14. in view of the fact that be

17、cause15. it will be greatly appreciated if you please16. our production of the new product willdespiteforpleasewithifunabletoproduction will begin on July 1commence on July 117. please be advised that we expect you to please review the contractreview the enclosed contract(5) 多使用主动语态的句子结构以明确表达意思。Paym

18、entoftheiraccountswillbeJohnsons next weekJohnsons will pay their accounts next weekmadeby4具体 (Concreteness)(1) 尽可能地提供明确、具体的信息。A. These brakes can stop a car within a short distance.These Goodson power brakes can stop a 2-ton car within 24 feet.B. We hope the equipment will be delivered to our compa

19、ny as soon as possible.Pleasedelivertheequipmenttoourbefore next Friday.C. She is a fast panyShetypesatthefastrateof85wordsperminute.(2) 使用具体词汇A. We have no hesitation in advising youWe advise youB. The preparation of new price scale is in hand.New price scales are being prepared this week.C. Due to

20、 the unusual nature of the request,As the request is unusual,agreatdealoftime,bad,large,good,small,around, old, convenient, young, little, majority, minority, most, less5 完整 (Completeness)自查:谁 (Who)?什么 (What)?什么时候 (When)?在哪里(Where)? 为什么 (Why)? 怎么样 (How)?6 礼貌 (Courtesy)例如:Dear Mrs. Walters,Because yo

21、u delayed so long in your response, Model GSF is off stock. If you are interested, we have some similar models on handYours truly,修改:Dear Mrs. WaltersIf I had known your needs before May 20, I could have shipped Model GSP immediately. However, the spring sale drained our stock.The Model GSK, a simil

22、ar instrument, is in stock,and you could have it at the same price as the GSF. Itnormallysellsfor$10,000more.we willshipitassoon as you give us the word.Yours sincerely(1) 使用礼貌友好的词汇A. 说“ Thank you ,例如 :Thank you for your letter of yesterday.Thank you for your prompt reply.Thank you for helping us in

23、 this respect.Thank you for your information.(2) 体谅对方的写作态度Writer emphasis:WeFriday.Reader emphasis:YouMonday, October 10.(You-Attitude)areshippingwillreceiveyouryourorderorderonbyWriter emphasis:Toreduceourcosts,wechanging the billing system.Reader emphasis:To provide you with clear records,we are c

24、hanging our billing system.areWriter emphasis:Iwaspleasedtohearthattheproject was completed.Reader emphasis:Congratulationsonsuccessfullycompleting the projectWriter emphasis:We regret that you closed your account with us a week ago. We believe that people may come backto ourbankagainsoonerorlatersi

25、nce we have a good credit amongour customers.Reader emphasis:A week ago you closed your account with us. Whatever the reason, we are pleased to have played some small part in your program. You are cordially invited to use our other services as occasion may require.(3) 措辞得体 (Appropriate Wording) a避免采

26、用消极性的词汇或句式Negative Wording:TheofficeOclock,Positive Wording:TheofficeOclock.isisclosedopenafter untilfourfourNegative Wording:When I received your complaint,I checked our records.Positive Wording:WhenI receivedyourletter,Ichecked our records.Negative Wording: receive notification. Positive Wording:N

27、egative Wording:Positive Wording:Negative Wording: letter.Positive Wording: letter.Negative Wording:Becauseyoufailedtothe cable, the picture was blurred.Positive Wording:ThepicturewasbecausetheV-2cableconnected to the terminal.YoudidnotreadmyconnectblurredwasnotrecentPleaserefertomyJune10thTheExecut

28、iveBoarddidnotSeveralmembersoftheExecutive Board inquired aboutthetimeofourDecembermeeting.Willyoupleasesendthem a follow-up?Your letter was not clear.I would appreciate an outline ofourmarketingdifferencesthatyou mentioned in your October14th letter.b. 有失礼貌的言词We deny your claimWe do not believeWe a

29、re not surecomplaintconfusioncontraryWe find it difficult to understandcontrivanceWe expectWe insistWe are forcedWe take issuedelinquentdenydisagreeableexasperateYou forgotfailureYou neglectedYou failed toYou misunderstoodYou mustYou should knowYou do not haveYou are delinquentYou insist thatYou did

30、 not sayignoranceimpatienceincompetentincredibleinexcusableinferenceinsincereinsinuateinsultingYour ignoringYour credit refusalYour recent complaintYour failure toYour misunderstandingYour neglectful attitudeYour disregard forYour insinuationYour lack of communicationYour delinquent accountuncoopera

31、tiveintolerableirresponsibleirritatedlackneglectobjectionobnoxiousoffensiveunbelievable(4) 避免使用有性别歧视之嫌的词语A用“person”代替第三人称单数。例如 :Instead of:Pleasesharethisreportwithyoursupervisor. He will find it interesting.Say:Pleasesharethisreportwithyoursupervisor, who will find it interesting.B 有一些常用的商务英语词汇有性别歧

32、视之嫌,应该稍加改变。Instead ofSayBusinessmanbusiness personworkmenemployees/workeChairmanrForemenchairpersonSalesmansupervisorsSpokesmansalesStockboyrepresentative/salesWorkmanpersonspokespersonstock clerkemployee/worker(5) 及时答复 (Timely Response)例: We will examine your camera to determine theshutter-response

33、problemandhaveitbacktowithin three weeks, if repairs axe needed, I will callyou for approval to make the repairs.例: Mr. Smith is out of the office until the end ofthe month. I am sure he will be able to provide youwithallof theinformationyourequestedwhenyouhereturns.连贯和衔接(一)连贯(coherence)常见连接词有:1 表示罗列增加First, second, third,First, then / next, after that / next, finallyFor one thingfor another ,On (the) one handon the other hand,Besides/what smore/inaddition/furthermore / moreover / another /


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