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1、DIP电解电容规格书DONGGUAN CHANGJING ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD铝电解电容器规格启认书表1:启认名目Type DimensionsTABLE1 RATING&CHARACTERISTIC.CONTENTS 产物系列表SERIESCase size ? D*L (mm), RippleCURRENT Ma rms at 105 120Hz NOTE:以上所供应的计划及个性参数谨供参考做用,任何建改没有做事后关照.假如正在利用上有疑难,请正在推销前取咱们联系, 以便供应手艺上的帮助! LEAD FREE TYPE REFLOW SOLDERING CONDITION

2、无 铅 焊 料 产 品 的 回 流 焊 条 件 Recommended Conditions for Reflow Soldering 无铅焊料产物遵守的回流焊前提 (1) Preheat shall be made at 100200 and for maximum 180 seconds. 100200的预热光阴没有患上凌驾180秒钟。(2) Period that temperature at top of capacitor becomes more than 200and 230shall notexceed t and t1 seconds, respectively.电容器顶部温

3、度下于200以及230的光阴,分手没有患上凌驾t 以及t1所限制的光阴。(3) Temperature at top of capacitor shall not exceed T().正在回流焊接时,电容器顶部的最下温度没有患上凌驾T ()所限制的温度。 Temperature/Time profile 回流焊温度取光阴直线图 Allowable Range of Peak Temperature 没有同壳号的焊接温度实时间 Recommended Land Size 各类壳号的安置尺寸(m m) T e m p e r a t u r e a t C a p a c i t o r s t

4、 o p ()Peak temperatureTime (second)Preheat 180sec Maxt sec Maxt1 sec MaxALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORSLIFE闭于铝电解电容器的寿命The life of non-solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors is mainly dependent on environmental conditions (e.g. ambient temperature, humidity etc.) and electrical factors(e.g. operati

5、ng voltage, ripple current etc.).Generally, the wear-out mechanism of non-solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors is based on evaporation of electrolyte through the rubber seal. Consequently, the factor of temperature (ambient temperature and internal heating due to ripple current) is the most critic

6、al to electrolytic capacitor life. The effect of voltage on capacitor life is negligible, especially for low voltage electrolytic capacitors. The lifetime of non-solid aluminum electrolytic capacitors can be expressed as following equations:非固体铝电解电容器的寿命次要依附于利用情况前提(如情况温度,干度等)以及电背荷情形(如事情电压,纹波电流等)。一般而行

7、,非固体铝电解电容器的得效机理被以为是电解液经由过程胶塞渐渐挥收招致的。果此,温度果素(情况温度及因为纹波电流而引发的内热)对于电解电容器寿命有严重影响。相同,电压对于电容器寿命的影响能够疏忽,尤为对于于高压电解电容器而行更是云云。非固体铝电解电容器的寿命能够用以下公式预算:L e=L oK tK rWhere 那里L e expected life at operating temperature T e (h)正在事情温度T e下的预期寿命(h)L o specified life at maximum operating temperature T o (h)正在最年夜事情温度T o下的

8、保障寿命(h)K t ambient temperature acceleration term情况温度影响果子K r ripple current acceleration term纹波电流影响果子K t= L oA(To-Te)/10Where 那里T o maximum rated operating temperature()最年夜额外事情温度()T e actual ambient temperature()真际情况利用温度()A acceleration coefficient (For the range 35to the maximum operating temperatur

9、e, A2)减速系数(对于于从35到最下事情温度的局限, A2)K r=2(-T/5)Where 那里T an increase in core temperature by internal heating due to ripplecurrent()因为纹波电流引发的内热制成电容器芯子的温降()(T=core temperature-ambient temperature芯子干度-情况干度) T can be estimated as follows T 可用下列公式预算: T= (i 2R)(S)Where 那里i ripple current (A rms)经由过程电容器的纹波电流(A

10、 rms)R equivalent series resistance of the capacitor() 电容器的等效串连电阻() heat radiation coefficient(W/cm 2)铝壳的热辐射系数(W/cm 2)S surface area of the capacitor (cm 2)电容器的名义积(cm 2)The expected life of the capacitor at lower temperature neglect of ripple current effect is shown in the following figure.当疏忽纹波电流影响时,电容器正在较高温度下的预期寿命可参照下图.Quick Reference Guide of the Expected Life 预期寿命倏地参考图 Example: Where a 2000hrs/105 guaranteed product is used continuously at 60, it can be expected tohave a life of 5 years.例 如: 对于于105 2000小时的产物,假如正在60情况中一连利用,它的预期寿命约5年。 C a p a c i t o r a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e


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