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1、Unit1Backtoschool一单词 :book书crayon蜡笔pencil铅笔pen铅笔notebook笔记本book bag书包pencil case铅笔盒ruler尺子二对话:1. I m Chip. What s your name? ( 你叫什么名字 ?) I m Donny2. Hi, Beth.Hi,Toni. How are you? Fine, thank you. (你好吗 ?很好,谢谢 )3.What sthis?It sapencil. (这是什么 ?它是一支铅笔 .)三短语Standup起立Sitdown坐下Open your book打开你的书Close yo

2、ur book合上你的书Take out your book拿出你的书Put away your book收起你的书四字母语音B bbook书bookbag书包bug臭虫(美)萤火虫P ppencil铅笔pencil case铅笔盒purple紫色五歌曲1. Hey ! What s this?It sapencil.1Hey ! What sthis?It s a crayon.Hey ! What s this?It s a notebook.Hey ! What s this? It s a book bag.Hey ! What s this?It s a pen.Wow! It s

3、red.2.I m Beth. Whatsyourname?I m Donny.Hi, Donny. How are you?Fine, thank you.I m Donny. What syourname?I m Toni.Hi, Toni. How are you?Fine, thank you.六课文BacktoschoolLook at the super kids. They are at school.(在学校)This is their(他们的)teacher(老师 ).Look at(看着)Donny. Point to(指着)Donny.Donny has a red(红色

4、 ) and green(绿色 ) book bag(书包 ).Look at Chip. Point to Chip. Chip has a blue(蓝色 ) book bag.Look at Toni. Point to Toni. Toni has a book bag.What color? Yellow(黄色 ).Point to Beth. Beth has two notebooks(笔记本 ).What color? Red and blue.Point to Peter. Peter has two books.2Peter has a book bag. Its gree

5、n.Where s Mojo? There he is! Mojo has a pencil case(铅笔盒 ).Mojo has a pencil(铅笔 ) too.What a nice classroom(教室 )!Unit2My family一单词Mother妈妈father爸爸big sister姐姐big brother哥哥little sister妹妹little brother弟弟 grandmother奶奶grandfather爷爷二对话1. Thank you.You are welcome.谢谢 ,不客气 .2.Are you ready?Yes.准备好了吗 ? 是的

6、.3.Who s he?He s my little brother.他是谁 ?他是我的弟弟 .三短语Walk走Run跑Hop 单脚跳Skip跳过Turn around转圈Stop 停下四字母F ffather爸爸four四five 五V vviolin小提琴vase 花瓶vest 马夹五歌曲1.Who s she?She s my mother.She s my mother.Who s he?He s my father.He s my father.3She s my little sister. He s my little brother.little sister littlebr

7、otherFamily.2.1,2,3,4,5,6,7! Are you ready? Yes!Walk. Walk. Walk.Run. Run. Run.Stop. Stop. Stop. Thensit down.六课文My family(我的家庭 )This is Peter s family. Where(在哪里)s Peter?Point to Peter. Peter has a father(爸爸 ) , a mother(妈妈 ) ,a big sister(姐姐 ),a little sister(妹妹 ) ,alittle brother(弟弟 ) , a grandfa

8、ther(爷爷 ) andagrandmother(奶奶 ). Thisa big family(家庭 ).Look at Toni. Point to Toni. Toni is Peters big sister(妹妹 ).Joey is Toni and Peter s Little brother(弟弟 ).Look at Joey. Point to Joey.Lisa is Toni and Peter s Little sister(妹妹 ).Where s Lisa? Point to Lisa.Look at their mother(妈妈 ). Point to their

9、 mother(妈妈 ).Look at their father(爸爸 ). Point to their father(爸爸 ).4Where are grandfather(爷爷 ) and grandmother(奶奶 )?Point to grandmother(奶奶 ). Point to grandfather(爷爷 ).Where s Donny? Point to Donny. Donny is their friend(朋友 ).Unit3On a picnic一单词rice米饭chicken鸡肉cake 蛋糕candy糖果water水juice果汁milk牛奶tea 茶二

10、对话1.I m hungry.Me, too. let s eat2.I m thirsty.Have some juice.3.Do you like chicken?Yes, I do.三短语Eat the candy吃糖Drink the water喝水Pass the chicken传递鸡肉 Take some chicken拿些鸡肉Cut the cake切蛋糕Pour the milk倒牛奶四字母C ccake蛋糕candy糖果crayon蜡笔G ggreen绿色grandmother奶奶grandfather爷爷5Mmmilk牛奶mouse老鼠mother妈妈五歌曲1.I lik

11、e juiceI like juice.I like juice.I don t like milk.Do you like juice?Yes, I do.Do you like milk?No, I dontDo you like juice?Yes, I do. I like juice.2. I m hungryChicken, rice, candy, cake, water, juice, milk and teaChicken, rice, candy, cake, water, juice, milk and teaI m hungry.Me, too.I m thirsty.

12、I m thirsty. Have some juice.I m thirsty. I m thirsty.Me, too.I m hungry. I m hungry. Me, too.let s eat六课文On a PicnicThe superkids are on the picnic.(野餐)They had good things to eat.Here are some rice(米饭 ) and here are some chicken(鸡肉 ).Point to chicken.Here are some candy(糖果 ) and here are some cake

13、(蛋糕 ).6Point to the cake.They had good things to drink too.Here are some water(水 ). Point to the water.Here are juice(果汁 ) and here some milk(牛奶 ).Point to the milk.Where s Beth? Point to Beth. She has some tea(茶 ).Toni has some juice for Peter. Toni is a good big sister.Look at Mojo. Mojo likes chi

14、cken.Yum.Unit4Having fun一单词swim游泳skate滑冰skateboard滑板juggle杂耍fly a kite放风筝draw画画ride a bike骑车sing唱歌二对话1.Sorry!That s ok.2. Ouch! Are you all right? I think so. 3.Can you swim? Yes, I can.三短语Take off your shoes脱掉你的鞋子Put on your skates穿上你的滑冰鞋7Get on your skateboard上到你的滑板上Get off your bike下自行车Jump in th

15、e pool跳进游泳池Kick your feet踢你的脚四字母Ssswim游泳skateboard滑板seven 7Zzzero0zipper拉链zebra 斑马Jjjuggle杂耍juice果汁jump向上跳五歌曲1.I can tswim.I can tswim. No, I can t. I can tswim. No, I cant.Can you swim?No I can t.I can tswim.I can sing. Yes I can.I can sing. Yes I can.Can you sing? Yes I can. I can sing.2. Take off

16、 your shoesTake off, Take off, Take off your shoes. Put on, Put on, Put on your skates.Take off your shoes. Put on your skates. Skates. Skates. Skates.Jump in, Jump in, Jump in the pool.Kick, Kick, Kick your feet.Jump in the pool. Kick your feet.Swim. Swim. Swim.六课文 Having fun8The superkids are havi

17、ng fun(玩得很开心).They re at the park(公园 ).Where s Peter? Point to Peter. Peter can skate(滑冰 ).Who s with(和。在一起)Peter? Beth!Look at Mojo. He is by(靠着)the pool(游泳池 ).Look at Chip and Joey. They can swim(游泳 ).Who can skateboard(滑板 )? Point!Look at the kite(风筝 ).Wow! It s a beautiful(漂亮的 ) kite. It s reall

18、y nice.Who can juggle(杂耍 )? Point !How many balls? Count . One two three.Who can ride a bike(骑车 )? Toni. Point to Toni. A-Oh!Donny fell down(摔倒) . Ouch!(哎呦)Unit 5 Pet Day一单词dog 狗cat猫rabbit兔子hamster仓鼠turtle乌龟bird鸟fish 鱼snake 蛇二对话1.whose s bird is that?It s mine.2.Can I hold your hamster?Sure.3.Is thi

19、s a snake?Yes, it is.9三短语Pick up the hamster拿起小仓鼠Walk the dog留狗Put down the hamster放下小仓鼠Feed the fish喂鱼Pet the rabbit摸摸小兔子Brush the cat刷刷小猫四字母D ddog狗Donnydraw画画T tturtle乌龟Tonitwo2I Iiguana变色龙insect昆虫igloo 冰屋五歌曲1. Is thisa snake?Is this a snake?No, it s not. Is this a turtle? No, it snot.Is this a ca

20、t? Yes, it is. This is a cat.Is this a hamster? No, its not.Is this a bird? No, it s not.Is this a dog? Yes, it is. This is a dog.2. whose cat is this?whose cat is this? whose cat is this? It s mine. It smine.Can I hold your cat? Can I hold your cat? Sure .Sure.10whose dog is this? whose dog is this

21、? Its mine. Itsmine.Can I pet your dog? Can I pet your dog? Sure .Sure.六课文 Pet DayIt s apet (宠物 ) day at school. Where s Toni? Point to Toni.Toni has a bird(小鸟) . What color? Blue.Where s the hamster(苍鼠)?Point to the hamster. It s Peter s hamster.Where s Mojo?Mojo is on Chip s shoulder(肩膀.)He s havi

22、ng fun.Chip is holding a snake (蛇) . What a big snake? What color? Green.Look at the fish(鱼). Pointto thefish. One two three four five.Where s the dog(狗)? Point to the dog.What color? Black!What a nice dog!Pet day is great!Unit 6 In the Classroom一单词clock钟表board白板door 门 desk 桌子 chair椅子11CD player CD播

23、放机trash can垃圾筒computer电脑二对话1.Sorry,I m late. That s OK.2. who s next? Me.3. what s that?It s a computer.三短语Go to the board去白板那Go back to your seat回你的座位Turn on the computer打开电脑Turn off the computer关掉电脑Write your name写你的名字Throw away the trash扔掉垃圾四字母N nnotebook笔记本nose 鼻子nine9L llight灯光leg 腿lion狮子A aapp

24、le苹果ant蚂蚁alligator短嘴鳄五歌曲1. This is a doorThis is a door. That is a door.This is a board. That is a board.This is a clock. That s a clock. Tick tock. Tick tock.What s this? It s a desk.What s that? Its a chair.What s this? It s a clock.12Tick tock. Tick tock.2. Go to the boardGo to the board. Write y

25、our name. Go back to your seatWho s next? Me.六课文 In the ClassroomThe superkids are at school(学校 ).They re in the classroom.(教室 )Where s the clock(钟表 )? Point to the clock.Tick-tock(滴答滴答) , Tick-tock.Point to the board(白板 ). Six and four is ten.Where s Peter? Peter isat the computer(电脑 ).How many(多少)

26、 computers? Count them. One two.Point to the chairs(椅子 ). How many chairs?Count them. One two three four five six seven. What color?Brown.Where s the CD player(CD 播放机 )? Point to the CD player.Look at the desks. How many desks?13Count them. One two three four. Wow.It s a great classroom!Unit 7 At ho

27、me一单词reading正在读painting正在画dancing正在跳舞 watching TV正在看电视eating正在吃sleeping正在睡playing正在玩coloring正在涂色二对话1. May I watch TV? Sure. Go ahead.2. What are you doing? I m coloring.3. Hurry up! Wait a minute.三短语Do your homework做家庭作业Brush your teeth刷牙Wash your face洗脸Put on your pajamas穿上夹克Get in bed上床Go to sleep

28、睡觉四字母W wwatching TV正在看电视water水walk走R rreading正在读rabbit兔子ruler尺子O ooctopus章鱼ostrich鸵鸟omelet煎蛋饼 ,五歌曲1.What are you doing?What are you doing? What are you doing?I m painting.I m reading.What are you doing? What are you doing?I m watching TV2. May I watch TV?14May I watch TV? No, no, no.Wash your face.

29、Brush your teethMay I watch TV? No, no, no.Get in bed. Good night! Good night!六课文At home在家The superkids are at Toni and Peter s house.What s Mather doing?She is reading.Toni is watching TV.Where is Mojo? Point to Mojo.What s Peter doing?Peter s coloring.What color?Brown.Who is painting?Joey s Painti

30、ng.Point to Joey.What are Chip and Beth doing?Peter and Chip are playing.Who is eating?Chip s eating. He is hungry.Who is dancing?Donny is dancing.15Who issleeping? Fatherssleeping. Shi.Be quiet.(安静)Unit 8Playing Sports一、单词bat棒球棒glove 棒球手套 baseball棒球basketball篮球soccer ball足球 helmet棒球帽 racket羽毛球拍padd

31、le 乒乓球拍二、对话1. It s hot. Yeah.2.let s play basketball. Good idea.3. Do you have a glove?Yes, I do.三、短语Throw the ball扔球Catch the ball接球Kick the ball踢球Hit the ball击球Bounce the ball拍球Shoot the ball投球四、字母H hhelmet棒球帽hamster小仓鼠head 头K kkite风筝kangaroo袋鼠king国王Qqquestion问题queen 王后quilt被子E eelephant大象egg 鸡蛋el

32、bow 肘部五、歌曲1.Do you have a baseball?Do you have a baseball? Do you have a baseball?No, I don t. No, I don t .Do you have a helmet?Do you have a helmet?16No, I don t. No, I don t .I have a baseball. I have a baseball.I have a bat. I have a bat.I have a helmet. I have a helmet Let s play ball. Let s pl

33、ay ball.2. Let s play basketball!Let s play basketball! Good idea!Throw the ball. Bounce the ball. Shoot the ball. Yeah!Let s play baseball! Good idea!Throw the ball. Hit the ball. Catch the ball. Yeah!六、课文Playing sportsThe superkids are playing sports.Beth has a racket.Point to the racket.(羽毛球拍)Ton

34、i has a racket too.Who has a basketball? Chip does.Point to the basketball.(篮球)Peter and Chip can play basketball.Where s the soccer ball?Point to the soccer ball.(足球)Point to the baseball.(棒球)Who has a baseball? Donny does.How many gloves?(手套)Count them. One two three.The superkids are having fun.(

35、玩的开心)17Unit 9 Craft Time一、单词rulers尺子(复数)crayons蜡笔(复数)erasers 橡皮(复数)staplers订书机(复数)colored pencils彩色铅笔(复数)pens 钢笔(复数)markers记号笔(复数)hats 帽子(复数)二、对话1.What s are you making?A hat.2.Where s the glue?Here it is.3.How many pens do you have?I have 2 pens .三、短语Draw a half circle画个半圆Cut it out剪下来Paint it 涂色Fo

36、ld it折叠Glue it涂上胶水Put on your hat带上你的帽子四、字母X xbox盒子six6fox狐狸Yyyes是的yellow黄色yo-yo悠悠Uuumbrella雨伞up向上under下面短语五、歌曲1. How many crayons do you have?How many crayons do you have?1,2,3,4,5.18How many crayons do you have?I have 5 crayons.How many markers do you have?1,2,3,4,5,6,7.How many markers do you have?I have 7 markers.2. What are you making?What are you making?It s a hat.I cut it out. I paint it.I fold it.I glue it.What are you making?It s a hat.Wow, I like it! Put on your hat.六、课文 Craft time(工艺时间)It s c


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