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1、初中英语常用交际用语归纳(1)交际用语打招呼与告别用语(Greeting and SayingGood-bye)1.How are you ?Im fine,thanks.2. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.谈论颜色(1. What colour is2.Whats you faJenny?Talking about colourit?Itvourite colour,)s red. My favourite colour is blue.3. How many colours do youlike? Three.谈论高度(Talking abo

2、ut height)1. Are you short ortall? I m short tall.2. How tall am I, MrWood?Youre 1.6 metres tall.看病用语( Seeing a doctor)1. Whats thematter? I cut my knee. It hurts.就餐用语( Having meals )1. Would you like some dumplings? No, thanks. Yes please.2. I d likeporridgeforbreakfast.3. It s Theyre delicious.4.

3、What would you like for supper?5. Are you ready to order(订购)?Yes, please. I d like.谈论天气( Talking about weather)1How is the weather today? Whats theweather like today? It s sunny ,rainy ,snowy ,windy.2. Is itsnowy? No , it s hot today.3. whats the temperature (气温) ? It s 0 degrees.4. Is itrainy?Yes,

4、its rainy.5 It s warm and windy in spring.6. Hows the weather today,Steven? It s cold and snowy.7. Whats the temperature outside,Kim?It s minus fifteen.8.Whats the temperaturetoday? Isit warm or hot?9.It s very cold hot today, isnt it?10. It s a cold day! 11.What a cold day!12. It s getting warmer.谈

5、论时间和日期( Talking about time and date)1. What time is it? Whats the time?It s 7:00 a quarter to seven ten pastseven.2. What day isit? It s Tuesday.3. What s thedate? It s October 30.谈论年龄( Talking about age)1.How old are you? Whats yourage? I m fourteen years old.2. She is very young.谈论购物( Talking abou

6、t shopping)1. May I help you ? What can I do for you? I would like want to buy a pencil, please.2. How much is this/ arethey?Threeyuan.3. Ill take it.(我买了)4. Here s the money.5. What colour kind would you like?6. What about this one?7.I m looking fo r a birthday present for my friend.8.Do you have a

7、ny other sizes kinds?谈论距离( Talking about distance)1. How far is it from China to Canada?2. Beijing is far from our city.3. How far is Beijing from here?It s about 7,000 kilometers miles away.请求允许( Asking for permission)1.May I have some noodles, please?2. May I have some grapes(葡萄 )?Sorry. Wedont ha

8、ve any grapes. But we havesome pears.3. what would you like, Mom? I would like a bowl of noodles.指路( Showing the way) Excuse me. Does the hotel have a computer?Yes!I can show you.Go straightdown thishall.Here it is!道别用语(Saying good-bye) Okay. See youlater!later!See you表扬与鼓励(Praise and encouragement)

9、1.The giftiswonderful!2.You can do it.3.These chopsticks arebeautiful!4.Beijing is great!5.Verygood!Good work!6.7.Well done!Excellent! Wonderful!8.You speak English very well!9.Keeptrying!is beautiful!10.You dress11.Come on!谈论节日和季节(Talking about festivalsand seasons)1. Whats your favourtite festival

10、 season? My favouritefestivalis ChildrensDay. Myfavourite seasons is fall are spring and winter.2. I like TeachersDay.3.I like winter because I like to ski andskate.4.Spring in China is usually warm.5. Therere four seasons in a year.谈论频率(Talking about frequency)1.supper.I always wash the dishes afte

11、r2.I ususlly go to school by bus.3.I nevereatonions.4.Sometimes I ride my bike.5. How often do you eat donuts watchTV? Twice a day. Once a week. 喜欢与不喜欢( Expressing like and dislikes )1.I like to wear my redcoat.dislikes going for a walk.2. He She likes3.Sandra loves to eat many differentfoods.4. I h

12、ate getting out of bed sometimes.5.I hate to comb myhair.roses.6.I love7. Brian enjoyed collecting stamps.8. Many people enjoy learning about their familytrees.9 He hates .偏爱和爱好(Expressing preferences)1.My favourite colour isblue.favourite clothes.2. Shirts are his3. My favourite subject is socialst

13、udies. 4. I like Children s Day best.时间的表达(Expressing time)1.now?whatsthe time What time is itIt s a quarter past tothree.2.Whats the time by yourwatch?Itpast three.s three thirtyhalf谈论规格(尺寸)(Talking about size)1.What size does your friend wear?think he is the same size as Brian.2. I3.Its too bigsma

14、ll.问路及指路 ( Askingand directingthe way)1.Where isthe school?2.Excuseme. Canyou tell me the way to the cinema?3. Go down this street. Turn right at the second crossing.4.From there, you can see the movie theatre.表达希望和愿望 ( Expressinghope and wish)1.I wish to see your new photo.2.Ihope thatsome ofmy cla

15、ssmateswillbe my friends when we are older!3.hes older.He hopes to have a great family when谈论原因和结果(Talking about cause andeffect) Whydo you want to be a doctor?Because I want to help sick people.谈论次序(Talking about sequences)First, you have fun working in your garden. you can enjoy the fresh flowers,

16、 vegetables and fruit that you have grown.Then ,谈论材料(Talking about materials)1.Isyourshirtmade of cotton?2.whats the table made of?3.Straw hats are made from the stems of grass plants.4.He made a large wooden ship.谈论目的( Talking about purpose)1.what did you come herefor?2.I come here for help.3. Why

17、do pepole sometimes coverplants in Canada? They do thatin order to keep plants warm.提醒和警告(Reminding and warning)1.Danger!2. No somking/parking!3. Don t feed theanimals! 4.Nont forget to water your plant!5. Slowdown!6. Entrance/Exit!7.Don t climb toohigh.8. Neveroffer to teach fish to swim!9.Becarefu

18、l!10. Stop!11. Take care!确定和不确定( Certainty and uncertainty)1.I m sure/ not sure.2.I m sure/ not sure( that/which/why/whether)3. Perhaps I ll work in the space program.4. Maybe you should do this experiment outside.5. Maybe you used glue.提出建议和命令(Giving advice/ order)1.You dbetter.2.Youshould 3. Don t

19、push/run.Please be quiet.4.可能和不可能( impossibilities )Possibilities and1. It can be helpful to you.couldn t take a train from Canada to London.2. HeV电话用语(Making telephone calls)1. Hello!This/Its.speaking.I speak to.2. Hello! May3. Hello! Id liketo .4. Hold on,please./Please wait a moment.5.Can I take

20、a message for you?I ll ring him up again.6.谈论数字(Talking about numbers)1. How many people are there in Asia? There are more than 3 billion people in Asia.2. How many people live in North America? More than 400 million people live in NorthAmerica.4. How much garbage does a person in North America make

21、 each year?Every year, each person in North America makes about 1,000 kilograms of garbage.提供帮助( Offering help)1. Can I helpyou?Thanks for your help.3. What can I do for you?Yes, please.4. Thank you all the same.祝愿与祝贺(Wishes and Congratulations)2.1. 常用的祝贺Goodluck!wishes to youWellBestdone!ations!Con

22、gratulWish you all the success!yourself/yourselves!EnjoyHappy birthday to you!you good health and lots of happiness!Wish2. 节日祝贺用语Happy NewYear!MerryChristmas!Happy SpringFestival!Happy Mid-AutumnDay!4.常用应答语Thankyou.You,too.The same to you.表达喜悦( Expressing Happiness)1. Howwonderful/nice!2. That s nic

23、e/lovely/great/wonderful!3. I m so happy/glad/pleased/happy(to )4. Its well done.购物( Go Shopping )1. 售货员用语What can I do foryou?n I help you?May/CaHow much/many would/do youlike? What color/size would you like?What(How) about this one (pair)?Heres your change.2. 顾客购物用语I want/Idlike .too much/expensiv

24、e, Im afraid.ThatsLet me have kilos/box(es),etc.have any other kind/size/colour, ect.?Do youThat s fine. Ill takeit.much does it cost?How much is it/How看病( Seeing a Doctor)1. 医生询问病情Whats the matter(with you) /whatswrong?/what s your trouble?Do you have afever?temperature?Have you taken yourHow long

25、have you been like this?2. 病人陈述病情Theres something wrong with my (eyes) I ve got a cough(fever/stomachache/headache/backache/sore throat) I ve got a painhere.This placehurts.I feelterrible(bad/awful)Idontfeel well.It hurtshere.Icant sleep well.I dont feel like eating anything.3. 医生的遗嘱、安慰及建议Take this

26、medicine three times a day, afte meal.r the It s nothingserious.right/well soon.Youll be allGet up early and take moreexercise. Eat less fat food and more vegetables.介绍他人( Introducing people)1.He/She was bornin/on .from 2. He/She is3.He/She graduatedin .4.He/She diedin/on .5. He/She succeededin .fam

27、ous/well-known for 6.He/She is7. It is said that.表达恐惧(Expressing fear)1. Help!terrible!3.I2. Howm scared!提建议(Giving suggestions)1. 表达建议的用语Wed better gonow.playing badminton now?What/How aboutWhy not put off the meeting tilltomorrow?Would/Could you do it, please?Shall we go to thepark?Let s go to sch

28、ool.2. 应答建议的用语肯定回答: Yes, please./Ok./Certainly./Goodidea./Thats a good idea!/What a good idea!/Allright./Sure./Yes, Lets./I would be glad to./Iwould like to./Yes, Id like/love to.(其中to 不能省略 )否定回答: No, thank you./Sorry, we cant./Sorry, you can t./Sorry, but ./Sorry, I ll /Yes, I dlike(love) to, but能力

29、与不能够(Ability and inability)1.询问能力Can you ride abike? Will you be able to join my birthday party? Is she unable to come to my birthdayparty ?Didnt you know how to swim?2.表达有能力、无能力 I can/cant drive acar. I can manage itmyself. I can t manage to work out the maths problem. There s nothing I can do abou

30、t it. Idont know how to mend her telephone.道歉( Apologies )1.表达道歉Par don?Excuse me! I beg yourpardon.sorry/sorry.ImIm sorry for/about.2. 回答别人的道歉的应答语 That s allright/Ok.It doesn tmatter./Thats nothing./Never mind. No problem./Don t worry aboutit!相似于差别(Similarities and differences)1. You finger has the

31、 same DNA as your hair.2. Li Ming looks like hisfather.3.Chinais very differentfrom Australia.4. Western custom are different from Chinese customs.同意与不同意(Agreement and disagreement)1. 完全同意Certainly./Sure./Of course./All right./Ok.Yes, please./Yes, I think so./Thats true.That s a good idea./I agree(w

32、ithyou)./Im sureyoure right.2. 不完全同意(Partly agree)Yes ,maybe/perhaps. You may be right.Yes , I suppose so.3. 完全不同意( Disagree )No, I don t think so./I don you)./I can t really agree with you.t agree(with I m afraid not./ Of course not./No way.就餐( Having meals )1. 主人征求或建议对方吃什么Would you like something

33、toeat/drink? What would you like to have?Would you like somemore.?whichdo you prefer,riceornoodles?What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?2. 主人让客人随意用自己喜欢的食物或饮料Helpyourself/yourselves.Help yourself/yourselves to.3. 客人的应答语I d like .Just a little, please.Thank you. Ive hadenough.It s delicious, but I can职业( Occupation)I m full,thankt eat any more.you.1. 询问职业What do youdo? What s your job?What do you want to do be when you grow up?What are you going to be?2. 描述职业I m a teacher/doctor/worker/farmer/lawyer.I want to be a nurse/polit/tailor.I m going to be a journalist/engineer/merchant.


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