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1、2017-2018 学年度第一学期第二阶段测试初二(英语)试卷考生注意:座位号1、考试时间 60分钟2、全卷共六 道大题,总分100 分题号一二三四五六总分核分人得分一、单项选择( 每小题 1 分 20 分)。()1. Where _ he go on vacation? He went tothe mountains.A. didB. isC. doesD. has()2 .There _ a sports meeting in our school tomorrow.A.isB.is going tobeC.isgoing tohaveD. Are()3. How oftendoesyou

2、rsistersurftheinternet? _.A. three timeB. three timesC. three time every dayD. threetimes a day()4. I hope _on time.A.her to comeB.she can come C.she can comesD.her come()5. This is an important problem. Please _.A. write it downB. write down itC. write it in D. write init()6.Where is Linda? She may

3、 be at home. But Im not sure _ it.A. atB. aboutC. withD. In()7. I m sorrytokeepyou_toolong.Itdoesnt matter.A.towaitB.waitingC.waitedD. wait()8.He tries _Englishwell.And he practices _Englisheveryday.A.tolearn,to speakB.learning,speakingC.tolearn,speakingD.learning,to speak()9.We all enjoy _ on Sunda

4、y.A. go fishingB. going boatC. go swimmingD. going hiking()10.The boy is _ than I.A.veryshortB.more shorterC.much shorterD.theshortest()11.Youd better _exercise and keep _.A .take , healthB. take ,healthyC. to take ,healthyD.taking, healthy()12.This school is not expensive. And the price of it is th

5、e _ofthe three.A.lowestB.biggestC.highestD.smallest()13. Mybrotherworks_.Yes,sohe_ everplayscomputergames.A.hard;hardlyB.hardly;hardChard;hardD.hardly;hardly()14.Why washelate,Tom ?Hewaslate_hewasill,not_thebadweather.A.because,becauseofB.becauseof,becauseC.because,becauseD.becauseof,becauseofit. I

6、like to() 15. The boy wants to be a(n)_ . He studies math really hard.remember this29becausegivinga giftisnotaboutmoney. Its abouthow mulove you can feel from it. Do remember, a gift that costs two dollars isnt 3A. writerB. cleanerC. engineerD. Artistvaluable ( 有价值的 ) than the one that is worth (值)

7、one hundred dollars.()16. My bike is _ newer than yours.()21. A. hardly B. quickly C. slowlyD. easilyA. muchB. very C. more D. less()22. A. rushed B. rodeC. climbedD. came()17.Themoreexerciseyoutake,_youwillbe.()23. A. andB. orC. because D. butA.healthierB.happier()24. A. excitingB. interestingC. re

8、laxingD. disappointingC.thehealthierD.theweaker()25. A. liked B. hatedC. hurt D. thanked()26. A. got inB. got onC. got offD. got up()18. Tom is as _ as Mary.()27. A. surprised B. excitedC. happyD. badA. more carefulB. careful C. carefullyD. the most carefully()28.A. friendshipB. moneyC. loveD. knowl

9、edge()19. .Why didn t you buy the pen on your way home?()29. A. idea B. newsC. adviceD. experience-Sorry, I forget _money with me.()30. A. littleB. lessC. leastD. moreA. takeB. bringingC. to takeD. taking三、补全对话 20分A()20. Do you mind my _the door. Its cold outside.A:Hi,Molly.Whatareyougoingtobewhenyo

10、ugrowup?A.closeB.closingC.closesD.closedB.:1二、完形填空。(共 10 小题,计 10 分)A:AreyougoingtomovetoShanghai?When I was about 12 years old, I really wanted a new bike! I told my parentsB:Er,youknow,IlikeXi anbest,so2.mybirthdaywish, butI knew therewas littlehope because my family could21have A:Isee.3.thatmoney.

11、Onmy birthdaymy parents toldmethey had my giftoutsideinthe backyard.Atonce I22 outtotheyard.There was my bike,23 itwasntthebike thatWell,I m goingtostudyEnglishharderandlearnhow toteacIB:h.thought it would be. This one was pink, old and worn with age. It was so24!A:4.IB:I m goingtofinishmy studyinth

12、ecollegefirst.ThenI mthoughtI25myparentsfeelingsbecause Icouldsee the disappointmenton their goingtodothat.faces and I was sure they could see it on mine. I26 the old bike and rodeA.:5Iit,hope you can make yourdreamcometrueoneday.feeling27that I had made my parents feel this way. So I put on a smile

13、, rodeB:Thankyou.asAIwanttobeateacher.fast as I could and didnt come down.B.HowareyougoingtobecomeanEnglishteacher?As time went by, I began to understand my parents gave me something much moreC.Thatsoundsgood.than justan old bike.They gave mea lifelessonabout28Whenyou give somethingWhatareyougoingto

14、plantodo?out of love, it doesnt matter what it is in fact. What matters is love that is inD.E.I m goingtostayinXi an.F.I m goingtobeanEnglishteacher.A. speak as quickly as possible. B. laugh as much as you can.G.Whenareyougoingtostart?C. use it as often as you can.D. write more than you read.BJohn:

15、Hello! Is that Mike speaking?()3.When you make a mistake, youd better _.Mike: _6_.A.do the same thing again. B. ask others for help.John: Mike,do you enjoy your new school?Mike: Yes,very much. But things are quite different here.C. have a sense of humor.D. run away.John: Really?_7_?()4.When people l

16、augh at your mistake ,you should _.Mike: Yes, I go toschool every day. But on Friday afternoonwe do a lotof activitiesin the school clubs.A.not to be seriousB. be angry with them.John: Sounds great! _8_?C. be more carefulD. not speak English any more.Mike: I like math best. My math teacher says I am

17、 doing well in it.()5.Which of the following is true?John: Well done! Will you come back this summer?Mike9! See you then!A. Everyone is afraid of making mistakes when he writes in English.John: _10_!B. Everyone makes mistakes when he speaks a foreign language.四、阅读理解1The best way of learning a langua

18、ge is by using it. The best way ofC. Nobody makes any mistakes in learning a foreign language.learningEnglishisusing English as muchas possible.Sometimes you willD. Clever people never make mistakes when they speak English.get your words mixed up( 迷惑的 )and people wont understand. Sometimes2Every yea

19、r students in many countries learn English. Some of thesepeople will say things too quickly and you cant understand them.But ifstudents are children. Others are young people. Some learn at school,you keep your sense of humor(幽默感 ),you can always have a good laughothers teach themselves. Why do all t

20、hese people want to learn English?It is hard to answer that questionMany boys and girls learn English atat the mistakes you make.school because it is one of their subjects. Many people learn EnglishDontbe unhappy ifthe peopleseem to( 好象 ) laughatyourmistakes.because it is useful in their work. Some

21、young people learn English for theirIts much better for people to laugh at your mistake than to be angryhigher studies because some of their books are in English at college oruniversity. Other people learn English because they want to readbecause theydontknow what you are saying. The most importantr

22、ulefornewspapers and magazines in English.learning English is Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Everyone makes根据短文内容判断正误,正确的填T,错误的填 F。mistakes.() 1. Everybody learn English at school.()1.The most important thing of learning a language is _.() 2. It is hard to answer why so many people learn English

23、.A. laughing B. writingC. rememberingD. practising() 3. Children learn English because they like it.()2.In learning English, you should _.() 4. All the books are written in English() 5. English is useful in peoples work and lifeBruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his motherwo

24、rked in ashop.He livednot farfrom hisschool.He always walked thereand walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. Itwas very wet after it rained. One day,when he got home,his clothes wereall wet. His mother became angry and said,” don t play in the wateron your way homefrom schoo

25、l!On the next day Bruno came back wet and dirty(脏的) clothes.His mother becameeven angrier.” I lltellyour fatheryou come back wet again.” said his mother,” Hell punish you,youknow. ”The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.“yourea good boy today,” his mother said happily,”you didn t pla

26、y in thewater. ”“ No,” the boy saidunhappily.” There were too many olderboysin the water when I got there this afternoon. There wasnt any room(空地方) for me at all.”() 1. Bruno went to school _every day.A.by bikeB.by busC.by carD.on foot() 2. The playground was between _.A.two classroomsB.the cinema a

27、nd shopC. Bruno s house and school D.the shop and Brunos school() 3. The little boy liked to play on the playground_.A.when it snowedB.when there was some water thereC.when the children played football thereD.when his father was busy with his work()4. Bruno was afraid of _ most.A.his fatherB.his mot

28、herC.his teacherD.the other boys()5. That afternoon, the boys clothes were dry because _.A.nobody made room (地方) for him in the water.B.there was no water on the playgroundC.he took off his clothes before he played there.D.he played in the water carefully.根据短文内容回答问题。(本题共 5 小题,满分 5 分)Thekangarooisthe

29、world ?slargestlivingmarsupial.ItwasfirstfoundontheislandofsouthwesternAustralia.TheanimalwasgivenitsnamebyafamousEnglishtouristinthe18th century.Thekangaroomaybe7feet(2.1m)tallwhenstandinguprightandthemale canweighasheavyas200pounds(90kg).Thefemaleissmallerandlighterthanthemale.Thekangaroo?sheadiss

30、mall,butitsearsarelarge,anditsforefeetarereallysmall.Theanimalhasstrongbacklegsandlongtail.Thekangaroousuallycoversfrom5to10feet(1.5to3m)witheachjump.Thefemaleisusuallyfasterthanthemale.Themotherkangaroohasapouch(initsabdomen(腹部 ).Thebabykangaroogrowsupinthemother?spouchslowly.Thekangaroolivesongras

31、sand otherplants.Itisalwaysmovingfromoneplacetoanother,lyingdowntosleeponthegroundduringthenight.Itlikestoenjoythewarmsunshine.Whenit?sindanger,itcanuseitsbacklegsandstrongtailtoprotectitself.AnswerthefollowingquestionswithNomorethan6words.1. Who gave the kangaroo its name in the 18th century?_2.Whichkindofkangaroolookssmallerandlighter,themalekangarooorthefemalekangaroo?_3. Where does the baby kangaroo grow up?_4. What does the kangaroo eat?_


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