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1、PEP 小学英语五年级下册第一单元测试题Name _一、 翻译下列词组。1 吃晚饭 _2 去购物 _3 have Chinese class_4.finish class_5 go back to school_6.做早操 _7 打扫房间 _8 上舞蹈课 _9 去散步 _10 吃做饭 _11 起床 _12 在周末 _13 打乒乓球 _14 go swimming_15 做家庭作业 _二、选择正确的答案,把序号填到括号里。()1.What do you do_ the weekend?-I often go shopping.A. inB.onC.of()2. I often go _ a wa

2、lk_my firend on Sundays.A. for,,withC.for, with()3. When _you do morning exercises?A. doesB.doC.are()4. _ do you play sports?-I play sports at 5:00.A. WhenB.WhoC.What()5. When do you eat_ ?-At 12:00.A. breakfastB.lunchC.dinner()6. When do you_? -At 6:00a.m. I work at night.A. play sportsB. do

3、 morning exercisesC.go to bed( )7.On the weekend, I _ clean my room, _ I watch TV. A. Usually,often B. often ,but C.usually,sometimes. ( )8.Mike often does his home work_dinner. A. after B. at do you _class_the morning? A. have, on B.finish, at C.finish, in-At 11:20.()10 -Our _start at 3

4、 p.m. after lunch. A. class, hot B.classes,late-Wow, that stoo_C. classes,lake.三 将下列对话补充完整,将正确序号填入横线上。(5分)A. I go to school at7:40.B. And you?C. Yes, I do.D. I have English class at9:20.E. I do morning exercises at 7:00.Amy: When do you get up?Mike: At 6:00._Amy: I usually get up at 6:30. When do yo

5、u do morning exercises?Mike:_ .Amy: When do you go to school?Mike:_Amy: When do you have English class?Mike:_.Amy: Do you like English classes?Mike:_四连词成句。(5 分)1. go, to,back,When,do,you, s chool,lunch,after(?)2. a,of,lot,fun,sounds,like,That(.)3. shopping,today,you,are,Why(?)4. I, a, dancing, take,

6、 class, sometimes, my , friend,with, onSundays.(.), You,to.a , robot,need,help,you(.)五,根据首字母,填出所缺单词(10 分)1. I often do morning e_everyday. 2.I u_ play s_ at 3:00pm.3.-When do you e_ b_? -At 6:30 in the morning .4.Sometimes,I go s_(购物) with my mum.5.We always take a d_ c_ on Saturdays.6.let s g

7、o for a w_ after lunch!7.what do you often do on the w_?五、 阅读理解。(5 分) Hello,I am Amy.It s Sunday today.its a nice day,but I have many things to do.I get up early ,then I do morning exercises.After breakfast,I do my homework.At 9:30,I take a dancing class with my friend. I cook lunch for my parents.A

8、fter lunch,I wash clothes. In the afternoon,I go to the park with my classmates.In the evening,I watch TV. I go to bed at 9:00.whata nice and busy day! 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T )误(F)。()1.Amy has many things to do on Sundays.()2. Amy gets up late on Sunday morning.()3.Amydoes her homework before 9:30.()4.Amy is helpful at home.()5.Amy has a nice and busy weekend!


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