新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky》_8.docx

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《新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky》_8.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky》_8.docx(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Lesson18 Three Kites in the Sky一、教学目标知识与技能目标1.学生能够利用上下文、插图以及已有的知识理解故事内容和细节信息; 2.渗透寻读,细读,预测等有效阅读策略,学生能从故事中提取有效信息;3.能够激发学生表演故事的热情,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。情感态度目标1.培养学生学习英语的兴趣,激发学生的好奇心;2.培养学生良好的小组合作意识;3.培养学生乐于助人的品质,懂得美好的品德更受大家的喜爱和尊重。学习策略1.帮助学生通过预测故事、提取有效信息等手段理解故事;2.帮助学生形成有效阅读策略并培养学生提取有效信息的阅读意识; 3.通过共同完成故事表演的任务,实现

2、小组合作的基本学习策略。二、教学重难点能在老师的帮助下听懂、读懂故事,并能复述表演故事。三、教学过程1. Warming-upT: Good morning class. What a fine day today! The wind is not strong. Lets go outside to fly kites. Do you want to go with me? Ss: YesT: OK. Lets go. Look! Some children are playing there. What else can you see in this picture?(教师出示图1,让学

3、生观察图片中的人们正在做什么做现在进行时的练习)2. Pre-readingT: I also see these three kites flying in the sky. They have their own names. Do you know their names? Lets have a look-they are Kylie, Karla and Krista. (Show Picture 2,3,4)But I dont know who is Kylie, who is Karla, who is Krista. Can you help me? Now open you

4、r books and read picture 2,3 and 4 by yourself. While reading, I have one question for you-What do they look like?Please find the answers and underline them.3. While-reading(1) Two minutes for the students to read and find.T: Well, now the three kites are in my hand. Who can come here to help me to

5、match the names and the pictures?( Ask one student to come to the blackboard and do the matching)T: Is she right? Lets check her answer together.( Show the right pictures of the three kites)(2) Talk about the three kitesKylie- beautiful, many colours, a long red tail( Stick these key words after Kyl

6、ie)T: What does Kylie say? I will read it at first-Everyone will look up at me. Everyone will like me. S1: S2: (The students try to read the sentences)Karla-strong, fly very high (stick the key words) What does Karla say to everyone? Listen and imitate.Krista-not beautiful, not fast, not strong She

7、is only a kite. (stick the key words)(2) What happens next? T: Now these three kites are flying in the sky. What happens next? Listen carefully and guess. (Play the sound)Ss guess many ideas.Look at the video continuously.T: Well, what happens? Yes, a boy cant swim well and he needs some help. (stic

8、k the picture 6 on the blackboard)(3) Krista sees a boy and she flies very low. A man hears Krista and jumps into the water and saves the boy.( stick the picture of Picture 7 after Picture 6 on the blackboard)(4) Watch the video again from the beginningStudents finish Exercise 1 on the paper.Exercis

9、e 1 Read and Order( ) A man brings the boy to the beach.( ) Krista flies very low and shouts.( ) Everyone looks at Krista and remembers it.( ) Krista calls the other two kites.( ) Krista sees a boy swimming, but he cant swim well.( ) A man hears Krista, he jumps into the water.( ) Krista wants to he

10、lp the boy.Change the paper with the partner and check the answers(生生互评:交换同桌的练习并互查,给出评价-三个风筝涂色)T: We know at last no one remembers Kylie, no one remembers Karla. Everyone remembers Krista. What about you? Which kite do you like best? Why? (Discuss in the group)Ss show their opinions together and sha

11、re with others.4. Post-reading(1) Finish Exercise 2 on the paperExercise 2 Fill in the blanksThree kites are_ _in the blue sky.Kylie thinks about her _ _.Karla wants _ to see her.Krista sees a boy swimming in the lake. The boy needs some _.Krista flies very _.A man hears Krista and saves the boy.Eve

12、ryone _ at Krista.Change the paper in a group and check the answers(小组互评:小组内交换练习并互查,给出评价-三个风筝涂色)(2) Act out the storyChoose any part they like in the story and act out in a groupShow their story in a group, ask some other groups to evaluate.(设计思路:学以致用是学习的最终归宿,让学生根据本节课的故事表演自己喜欢的部分,提高了学生的综合语言运用能力。)5. HomeworkTo act out the story with your friends after class.板书设计教学反思通过本节课的学习,学生可在文本、图片和已有知识的基础上提取有效信息,渗透基本的阅读策略,并能在教师的帮助下完成故事的表演,基本达到了本课的教学目标。不足之处,是在最后学生以小组为单位进行故事表演环节,可再多给学生一些展示的机会,让班里处在每个学习层次的孩子都能得到锻炼。


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