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1、-精选文档 -三年级下期重点句型B: I like jiaozi best.L1:我最喜欢吃饺子。A: Can you come out and play with me?L11:你能出来和我玩吗?A: What s your gift? B: It s a secret.B: I m sorry I can t. / Yes, Let s go.你的礼物是什么? / 这是个秘密。对不起,我不能去。 /好呀,我们一起去。L15:L2:A: Do you want to fly my new kite?A: What are you going to do this afternoon?你想去放

2、风筝吗?你今天下午准备去干什么?B: Yes. Let s go. / Sorry, I can t.B: We are going to plant trees this afternoon.是的,我们走吧。 / 对不起,我不能去。我们下午准备去种树。L16:L3:A: I like the shape. /B: So do I.A: The trees are turning green. They are so lovely.我喜欢这个形状。我也一样。树木正在变绿。它们非常漂亮。L17:L5:A: I will sing and dance. How about you?A: How m

3、any stars are there?我打算唱歌、跳舞。你呢?有多少颗星星 ?B: I will play the piano.B: There are five yellow stars, one big star and four我打算弹钢琴。small ones.L19:有五颗黄星星 ,一颗大的和四颗小的。A: Are you doing your homework?L6:你在写家庭作业吗?A: What shape is your watch?B: Yes, I am. / No, I m not. I m making a card你的手表是什么形状的?是的。 / 没有,我在做卡片

4、。B: My watch is round.L20:我的手表是圆的。A: Can I open it n ow? B: Please do. / Please donL7:我现在能打开它吗?请吧。/请不要打开。A: What shapes do you have?L21:你有些什么形状 ?A: How is he coming? B: He is coming by air fromB: I have triangles and squares.Canada.我有三角形和正方形。他怎么来?他从加拿大乘飞机来。L9:L23:A: Do you want those sweet potatoes?

5、A: Whatdo you wanttobe? B: I wantto be a你想要那些白薯?scientist.B: Yes. Give me one. / Yes. Give me some please.你长大想干什么?我想成为一名科学家。是的。请给我一个(一些)吧。L24:L10:A: What does she do? B: She is a doctor.A: What s your favorite food?她是干什么工作的?她是一名医生。你最喜欢吃什么食物?L25:可编辑-精选文档 -A: Will you take swimming lessons?B: Yes, I will./No,I won t. I ll takesinginglessons.你打算去上游泳课吗?是的。/不,我不去。我去学唱歌。可编辑


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