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1、Unit 11-12 quizD.Listen to the conversations. Check (1.? ) the correct information.The woman visited Hokkaido for the first time.The beaches in Hokkaido are not crowded.The woman thinks Hokkaido is pretty stressful.2.The man had a great vacation in Paris last July.The man hasn t been to Paris yet.Th

2、e man can t wait to go to Paris in August.3.You shouldn t go to the Ramblas because itsa very long street.You shouldnt miss some of the museums in Barcelona.You should visit Spain in January.4.The woman went to Victoria, but not Vancouver.Victoria has a nice harbor. It s dangerous, however.Victoria

3、is both safe and clean.E. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.1. (really Seoul is fascinatingcity a).2.(anPerucountryinterestingisextremely).3.(metooforisTaipeiexpensive).F. Circle the correct word.1.New York City is very exciting, but itboring/safe s /( stressful).2.Lisbon is an in

4、terestingcity, and itbeautifuls(/noisy/ polluted).3.Tokyo is a safe city.It sclean(/crowded / dangerous), though.4.My hometown is pretty boring. Its very (expensive/ relaxing / ugly ), however.D.Complete the sentences withshould , shouldnt, or cant .1.This city can be dangerous at night. Youstay out

5、 too late.2.Youtravel by subway late at night. There are no trains after midnight.3.In Hong Kong, the weather is best in the fall. Yougo there then.E. Match the problem with the advice. Then use the information to write conversations.ProblemAdvice? a feveruse a heating pada sunburnsee a dentistsore

6、muscles? take some aspirina toothachetry this lotionExample: A: What should I do for a fever?B: Itssometimes helpful to take some aspirin.1. A:B: Itsa good idea2. A:B: It s sometimes helpful3. A:B: It s importantF.Complete the conversations withbottle, jar , pack , or tube .1. Customer: What do you

7、have for a cold?Pharmacist: Take thisof vitamin C, Take one every day.2. Customer: Can I have something for dry skin?Pharmacist: I suggest thisof hand cream. Apply some every morning.3. Customer: May I have something for a toothache?Pharmacist: Of course, Try thisof special toothpaste.4. Customer: C

8、ould I get something for a sore throat?Pharmacist: Sure. Heres aof cough drops. They really work.G.Read the article. Then check (? ) four things people suggested the writer should do.Too Much Advice!sn t it amazi ng? You have a health Iproblem, and everyone gives you differentadvice. For several mon

9、ths, I felt tired all thetime. Some people suggested I sleep longer,but others said I was sleeping too much. Onefriend told me I was working too hard, andshesaidit simportanttorelax.Anotherfriendsuggestedthatit helpfulsto getalot of fresh air. His advice was that I shouldgo for a long walk every day

10、 after work. Oneco- workertoldme, You re nottired,justlazy!”Evendifferentdoctorsgiveyoudifferentadviceforthesameproblem!I visitedonedoctor, and she gave me some vitamin C. Itdidn twork.SoI wenttoanother doctor,andhe simplysuggestedI take a vacation.That didn t work either. A third doctor toldme to p

11、ick up some medicinefrom thedrugstore.Ifelt evenmoretired!Finally,IwenttoadoctoroftraditionalChinesemedicine.Hegavemesomemedicinalplants. He advised me to cook them in waterand then drink the herbal mixture. It worked!Now,I m never tired but I can t sleep atnight! Who should I ask for advice this time!Ask someone for advice.See a doctor.Go on a vacation.Take some aspirin.Never sleep at night.Try some medicinal plants.Sleep less.Walk before work.Sleep more.Work longer hours.


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