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1、可编辑华中师范大学从事博士后研究人员进站协议书Agreement for Post-doctoral Researchers onEntering the Post-Doctoral Station at CCNU甲方:华中师范大学Party A: Central China Normal University乙方:郝格非Party B:经甲乙双方协商,达成以下协议:After negotiation, Party A and Party B have reached thefollowing agreements:第一条甲方同意接收乙方为甲方物理学博士后流动站的博士后研究人员,博士后研究工作

2、期限为两年, 时间从湖北省人力资源和社会保障厅正式批准乙方进站计算。乙方不得无故延长研究期限,根据研究工作确需延长的, 可推迟三个月。推迟出站期间不享受学校待遇。若超过规定时间仍未出站的,按自动退站处理。ARTICLEI.PartyA agreestoacceptPartyBasthepost-doctoral researcher at Party As post-doctoral stationin Physics. Party B s post-doctoral working duration will be two years, starting from the day when

3、the Hubei Provincial精选可编辑DepartmentofHumanResourcesandSocialSecurityapproves Party B s entrance in the Station. Party B should not delay its research duration for no reason. If it really needs postpone, the research can be delayed for three months.During the extra time, Party B will not have the Uni

4、versityspayment. If Party B could not finish his/her work in the extratime, he/she will automatically be moved out of the Station.第二条甲方为乙方提供必要的工作条件,关心乙方的生活。甲方为乙方提供5000 元人民币 / 月的工资待遇。甲方提供博士后公寓一套予以租住,其他按中华人民共和国以及甲方的相关规定执行。ARTICLE II. Party A will provide Party B with necessaryworking conditions and ta

5、ke care of Party Bs life. Part A willpaya monthlystipendof RMB5000toPartyB.PartyAprovides the post-doctoral apartment for Party B for rent. The others will be executed in line with the laws and regulations of People s Republic of China and Party A.第三条乙方在站期间应当在中国境内购买人身意外保险、大病保险和住医院保险等专项医疗保险,保额不低于人民币四

6、十万。ARTICLE III. During his/her stay at the Station, Party Bshould buy specialized medical insurance such as personalaccidentinsurance,criticalillnessinsurance,andhospitalizationinsuranceinChina.Thetotalinsurance精选可编辑amount should not be less than 400,000 RMB.第四条乙方在站期间,其科研成果必须以甲方为位移署名单位。ARTICLE IV. D

7、uring Party Bs stay at the Station, PartyA mustbe undersignedsa PartyB s onlyinstitutiononpublishing his/her research achievement.第五条乙方在甲方工作期间,必须遵守中华人民共和国法律和甲方规章制度, 服从甲方管理, 不得有违反中华人民共和国法律和有损甲方利益的行为。ARTICLEV. Duringhis/herworkingperiodat PartyA,Party B must abide by the laws of the Peoples Republic o

8、fChina and the regulations of Party A. Party B must obey theadministration of Party A and mustnt violate the laws of thePeople s Republic of China and jeopardize the interests ofParty A.第六条乙方须在进站3 个月时进行研究报告开题,进站12 个月进行中期考核,出站时进行出站考核。ARTICLEVI.PartyB shouldconducthis/herresearchreport in the third mo

9、th after he/she enters the Station, andthemid-termexaminationinthetwelfthmonthwhilereceiving the final examination on leaving the Sation.第七条本协议一式两份,经甲乙双方签字后生效。甲乙双方对本协议有争议的,协商解决。协商不能解决的,按中华人民共和国法精选可编辑律规定解决。ARTICLE VII. The Agreement is issued in two copies, and will be effective on the date of its si

10、gnature. If there are any controversial issues in the Agreement , Party A and Party Bshould seek the solution by negotiation. If the negotiation does not work, it will apply to the laws and regulations of the People s Republic of China.甲方:乙方(签名):Party A:Party B(signature):XX 年 XX 月 XX 日XX 年 XX 月 XX 日YYMMDD精选可编辑欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求精选


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