新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 2 Good Health to You!Lesson 12 Helen Keller》教案_8.docx

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1、 教学设计 课题: Lesson 12 Helen Keller课时:1目标1.学生能听懂并理解这个简单故事;能够就故事内容回答问题;能够借助图片和提示词等复述故事内容。2.学生在教师的引导下能够挖掘故事深层次的内涵,并从故事中获得启示。习惯目标:学生养成认真倾听,准确表达,书写整洁的习惯。教学重点学生能运用多种阅读策略理解故事内容,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读故事。(在一、二环节突破)教学难点学生能借助图片、提示词等帮助复述故事。(在一、二环节突破)预习作业一起作业预习新课的单词,课文朗读。(5分钟)教学过程教学环节复备及教师反思自觉质疑. Warm-up (解决情感态度目标)(5 minut

2、es)1.Greeting.2.Free talk 用free talk 来激活学生对本单元知识的系统回顾,并为接下来的教学做好铺垫。自主探究. Presentation (20 minutes)(解决知识与技能目标1、2。学习策略目标1、2、3。)Pre-reading (2分钟)教师出示故事中的第一幅图picture 1教师引导学生观察图片并说出自己观察到的内容并介绍海伦凯勒的基本信息。While-reading (21分钟)1. 学习故事中图1和图2内容 (1)观看电影视频,检验学生对故事内容进行的预测。观看后回答问题,检验预测并提取正确的关于海伦凯勒的信息。 S1: She was b

3、orn in the U.S. in 1880. S2: She was ill when she was 18 months years old. S3: She is deaf and blind.(2)展示图2、3,进一步阅读,理解故事,发展学生的寻读策略。教师进一步提问:Helen often got angry, was it because her parents didnt love her? Why did she often get angry?Why did she blind and deaf?What did she do sometimes?学生通过阅读找出或推断出答

4、案。Play a game. If I was Helen, I feel.T:Maybe Helen was afraid, sad, and angry every day. So, was there any hope in her heart? Ss:No.T:Nohope.Butfrom1887,Helenhadanewlife.Whathappened? S1:Shehadateacher.T: What was her name?Ss: Anne Sullivan.T: What did she want to do?S2:ShewantedtoteachHelenwords.T

5、:Wasiteasy?Ss:No,itwasveryhard.T:ButhowdidAnnedo?Pleasewatch a short video.T: Helen learnt so many words, did she understand the meanings?S: No.T: She thought it was a game. But after she learnt about a million words, one day, when she had a sudden enlightenment. She knew that everything has a name.

6、 Do you know which word it was?Ss: WaterT: Yes, water. Lets watch the video to see it.T:IfyouwereHelen,howdidyoufeel?S2:Ifeelexcited.T:SowastherehopeinHelensheart?Ss:Yes.T:From that day on, Helen changed. Please read the text from pictures 6-7 and find out the sentences about Helens changes. S1:Hele


8、心充满对海伦的同情和敬佩,继而逐步达成情感教育。逐图处理信息,内化语言。更深一步的理解海伦的坚信和坚持,苏利文老师的爱心与耐心,达成情感教育。通过体验的方式让学生了解海伦的内心世界,从而挖掘故事深层次的内涵。安妮老师出现了。通过视频,让孩子了解到像海伦这样的残疾人学习是多么困难的一件事情,安妮老师又是多么的不易和伟大。从而进一步挖掘故事深层次的内涵。自我展示. Post-reading (10 minutes)(解决知识与技能目标3,情感态度目标。)Do some exercises.T:ThisiswhatHelensaidinherbook.Nowletstrytoreadittogeth

9、er.Ss:Notofhope,regardlessofanythingusuallydonot.T: Theres another sentence from The Shawshank Redemption. Lets read it together.T:Whatcanyoulearnfromthestory?让学生在文中找出海伦的变化,以此鼓励学生像海伦一样努力学习。最后结合板书上的关键信息,复述故事内容,体味海伦的一生。以海伦的名言结尾,点出本课的主旨。最后以肖申克的救赎的经典台词点亮孩子心中的希望。拓展提升Class closing (5 minutes)Homework1.Please read the story to your parents.2.Gather more information about Helen Keller.教师引导学生探讨故事的寓意,启发学生思考。板书设计Lesson 12 Helen Keller


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