新冀教版六年级英语下册《Unit 3 What Will You Do This Summer.Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky》_4.doc

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1、冀教版 六年级下册Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky 教学分析1、学生分析六年级的学生已经有了一定的语言基础,他们具备了一定的口语表达能力和阅读能力,能借助图片读懂简单的对话,表达情感并进行语言交流。在学习本课内容之前,学生已经学过了如何用will句型表达将要进行的活动,用形容词描述外貌等特点和基本的动词短语。这都为本课的学习奠定了基础。2、教材分析本节课的教学内容为冀教版小学英语六年级下册第三单元的第十八课“Three Kites in the Sky”本单元中,李明、詹妮和丹尼将尽情享受夏季的各种活动,并讨论他们的暑假计划。本课是一节故事课,是对本单元教学内容

2、的运用和拓展,本课故事主要介绍了三个不同的风筝并通过故事赞美了外表平凡却勇敢的救了落水小男孩的风筝Krista,告诉学生美好的品德更受大家的喜爱和尊重。本课的故事符合六年级学生的认知水平,在教师的指导下学生容易理解故事,愿意进行故事的表演和创编。教学目标1、知识与技能目标(1) 学生能够利用上下文、插图以及已有的知识理解故事内容和细节信息;(2) 学生能就故事进行提问和回答;(3) 激发学生表演故事的热情,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。2、情感态度目标培养学生乐于助人的品质,懂得美好的品德更受大家的喜爱和尊重。3、学习策略(1)帮助学生形成阅读策略并培养学生的阅读意识,促进学生推测故事、理解故事

3、能力的发展。(2)通过共同完成故事表演的任务,发展小组合作的基本学习策略。教学重难点1. 教学重点通过图片和教师讲解,促使学生理解故事大意。2. 教学难点学生通过对故事的理解,发挥想象表演故事。教学准备人物头饰、多媒体教学过程Step 1 Pre-reading1. Free talkT: What season is it now? Can you talk about Spring? What do you like to do in Spring? Can you guess what I like to do in Spring?【设计意图】通过问候和自由谈话拉近师生距离,激活学生的思

4、维;导入故事学习。T: Id like to watch the kites flying in the sky. How about you?2. Lead in: Look and say.T:How is the weather? What can you see in the picture? What are the kites name? What do the three kites look like? (图1)Listen and answer the above question.【设计意图】在阅读故事之前先呈现故事的主要人物,通过描述图片,激活和提供必要的背景知识,激发学

5、生的阅读动机和兴趣,为学生学故事做好铺垫。Step 2 While-reading Part Onea. Describe the three kites. Kylie: What does she look like? What does she have? T: If you are Kylie, what will you say? 全班一起模仿Kylie.(教师拿出Karla模型)T: Look, who is she? Can you describe it? T: What do you want to say if you are Karla? 邀请同学模仿Karla.(PPT出

6、示Krista的图片)T: Look at Krista, she is not beautiful, she is not strong, but she is also flying in the sky. What is she thinking now? Can you guess?S:各抒己见出示第4幅图片T: What does Kylie think about? What does Karla do? What does Karla want to do? What do they say in the sky?引导学生发言,并用HowI am! 句型猜测角色语言邀请学生模仿K

7、rista,注意人物语言的表达【设计意图】通过阅读引导学生找出答案。整体认识三个风筝的外表特点及性格。b. Talk about “Which kite do you like?” 请学生讨论哪个风筝最漂亮,哪个风筝飞得高,喜欢哪个风筝及原因。T: Which kite do you like?S1: I like Kylie because she is beautiful. S2: I like Karla because she is strong and she can fly very high. S3: S4: 学生两两进行对话交流【设计意图】学生通过理解表达在外表方面喜欢哪个风筝

8、为故事的学习进行铺垫和与故事结尾喜欢哪个风筝形成鲜明的对比。Part Twoa. Look and say请学生看PPT上故事的5至7幅图,用自己的语言进行故事的预测。T: Please look at these pictures. What happened? Can you guess?S1: Kylie and Karla are flying.S2: Krista finds a boy and calls Kylie and Karla.S3: Krista and a man help the boy.【设计意图】通过描述图片,让学生对故事发展进行了解,激发学生的阅读兴趣和动机。

9、b. Read Picture 5-7 and talk about the questions in groups.Questions on PPT:What is the boy doing?Can the boy swim well?What does Krista do? What does Krista say?Can Kylie and Karla hear Krista? Why?How does Krista help the boy?Who hears Krista?How does the man help the boy?回答问题之后,依据答案复述第57幅图的内容The

10、boy is. But, he cant Krista calls She says Kylie and Karla cant , because they So, Krista and. A man He into the water, to the boy and to the beach.【设计意图】通过阅读让学生了解故事大意并通过小组间的交流与合作降低阅读的难度。并为后面的全篇复述做好铺垫。c. Check the answers on PPT. 【设计意图】通过回答问题和检查引导和帮助学生完成任务。Part Threea. Talk in groups. T: Which kite

11、do you like best now? Why? S1: I like Krista because she is helpful.S2: 【设计意图】通过小组讨论交流培养学生形成良好的价值观。b. Read P8 and answer Questions:Which kite does everyone remember? Which kite does everyone like?Why will everyone remember Krista?【设计意图】故事结尾与开头形成鲜明的对比,引导学生理解故事的内涵,学生了解到美好的品德更受大家的喜爱和尊重。Step 3 Post-read

12、ing (15minutes)a. Watch and read the whole story 【设计意图】大声朗读故事可以彰显故事的吸引力,感知朗读的魅力,加深学生对故事的理解,激励高水平的理解,形成良好的语音语调。b. Retell the story and role play.【设计意图】学生用自己的语言复述故事和表演故事不仅可以增加学生活动的乐趣,还可以为学生创造合作学习的机会。对故事的表演可以培养学生的想象能力、表演能力和语言表达能力,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。Step 4 Homework (1minutes)Make an individual Story Sequencing Chart or write a new story. 【设计意图】帮助学生理解按照正确的顺序回忆故事情节, 激发学生的想象力,创造力,培养学生的写作能力。Blackboard Design Lesson 18 Three Kites in the Sky beautifulnot beautiful, not strong but helpfulstrongEveryone remembers her and likes hercall and help the boy with a man see a boy


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