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1、八年级下册期末试题.单项选择。 (15分 )()1 I like many kinds of sports _ football, basketball,swimming and table tennis.Asome moreB such asCso manyDso much()2 _ that many people don t eat regularly.AIt is saidB It saysCIt was saidD It said()3 Let s wish the Food Festival a big _.AsuccessfulB successCsuccessfully Dsu

2、ccesses()4 According _ the passage we know Bill Gates is the richest.AtoB withCofDin()5 Children _ their parents for all of their needs.Adepends onB depend onCdependDdepends()6 _? Size 8. Can I try one on?AHow much is it BHow many do you want C What time is it DWhat sizedo you wear()7 This suit look

3、s so beautiful _ me.AinBupConDonto()8 _ be quick or you will be late for school.AYou d better toBYou d better C Youve betterD You sbetter()9 It s cold outside, you must _ your coat.Aput inBtake offCput onD get off()10Your plan is perfect, I agree _ you.AonBtoCwithD of()11 What did the teacher say ju

4、st now? He said that the earth_ around the sun.AgoB goingCwill goDgoes()12There _ a football match in our school the day aftertomorrow.Ais going to beB will haveChasDis()13Have you ever _ aliens(外星人) ?Aheard fromB heard ofCheardDlistened( ) 14If you have any problems, you can _ the policemen for hel

5、p.Aturn toB ask forCadviceDinvite( )15Can you tell me _ I can do it like this or not ?AthatBweatherCwhetherD if 词汇。 (40 分 )A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。(6 分)1Where is the m_? I want to order something.2Suzhou is famous for s_ all over the world.3The bus was empty e_ for an old lady and a driver.4Can you i_ wha

6、t Beijing will be like in 2012?5Chinese people are used to have meals with c_ instead of forksand knives.6We are having fish for the main c_.B. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(16分 )1The scarf _ _ _(由制成) silk.2We _(设计) the cinema for the local villagers.3The white uniforms _ _(对很适合) for doctors.4 Tang costume _ _(代表 )

7、 Chinese history and fashion culture.5I can _(几乎不) keep my eyes open. I m almost falling asleep.6There is going to be a _ _(时装秀) in Haze tomorrow.7The line is busy now. _ _(别挂电话), please.8My grandfather worked in the dark _ _ _ ( money .为了 ) saveC.句型转换。(18 分)1I think Milly will cook some dishes.(改为否

8、定句)I _ think Milly _ cook any dishes.2We had a wonderful time in the park last week.(同义句转换 )We _ _ in the park last week.3She can speak _ _(不仅 ) English _ _(而且 ) alittle Japanese.4What a nice scarf!(同义句转换 )How _ this scarf is!5The pants are made of leather.(对画线部分提问 ) _ _ thepants made of?6I believe.

9、 They know how to use the tools.(合并为一个复合句)I believe _ _ _ how to use the tools.7He usually wears uniforms on weekdays.(就画线部分提问 )_ _ does he wear uniforms on weekdays?8I may invite you to come to our birthday party.(改为一般疑问句 )_ I _ you to come to our birthday party? 补全对话。( 5 分)选用方框中所给句子完成对话,有一句是多余的。A:

10、Hello, Uncle Xu!B:Hello, Bob!1You look worried andupset.A:2I really need your help.B: What s up?A:3But now it becomes more and more difficult since I am in GradeThree. My parents dont allow me to play basketball.B: Maybe yourparents are right.4A:I see. I do well in my lessons, and I hope my mom will

11、 allow me to playbasketball.B: OK.5AWork must come first.BI ll talk with your parents about that.CMy parents like me to play basketball.DWhat s wrong with you?EWell, I love playing basketball.FI have a problem.A : Thank you. Uncle Xu. It s very kind of you.1._ 2._3. _4. _5. _完形填空。(10 分)We live in th

12、e“ computer age( 时代 ) ” . People like scientists, teachers,writers and even students use computers to do1work. But more than 30years ago,2couldn t do much. They were very big and expensive. Very3people were interested in them and knew how to use them. Todaycomputers are smaller and4.5they can do a l

13、ot of work, manypeople like to use them. More and more people even have them at home.Computers become very important because they can work6than menand make fewer mistakes. Computers can7people do a lot of work.Writers now use computers to write. Teachers use them to help teaching andstudents use the

14、m to study. Computers can also remember what you put8them. Computers are very9and helpful. They are our good friends.Do you want to10 a computer?()1 A many ofB all kinds ofC a lotDverymuch()2 A scientistsB teachersC studentsDcomputers()3 A fewB littleC a fewD alittle()4 A cheapB cheaperC expensiveDm

15、ore expensive()5 A ButB AndC SinceDIf()6 A slowB slowerC fastDfaster()7 A helpB makeC useD stop()8 A inB intoC onDup()9 A beautifulB carefulC usefulDheavy()10A payB sellC lendDhave.阅读理解。( 20 分)(A)Happiness is for everyone. You don t need to care about the rich.Though they have beautiful houses with

16、large gardens and swimming pools,they may often feel lonely(孤独的 ).In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, your teachers will help you; when you do something wrong, people around you feel unhappy; when you succeed insomething, your fri

17、ends will say congratulations (祝贺) to you. All these are your happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.Happiness is not the same as money. It is a feeling of your heart. Although you are poor, you can also say you are very happy. Money is not everything

18、.You have something else that money can t buy. When you meet with difficulties, you can loudly say you are very happy because you have more chances to challenge( 挑战 ) yourself. So you can not always say you are poor and you have bad luck. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and luck

19、y person.1_ may often feel lonely even though they have beautiful houses withlarge gardens.ATeachersB ParentsC Old peopleD Rich people2What will your friends say to you when you make great progress(进步 ) ?ACongratulations.BThats all right.CIt s very nice of you. D Not at all.3When you have more chanc

20、es to challenge yourself, you may feel _.AproudB lonelyChappyD excited4You can make yourself happy by _.Amaking much moneyB taking every chance you haveCowning beautiful big housesD having nice cars5We can learn from the passage that _.Apoor people are always unhappy because they don t have money to

21、 buy bighousesBwe can find happiness around us even if we dont have much moneyCno one will help you if you are poorDrich people are very proud because they have big houses and nice cars(B)Everybody needs water. All plants need water. We use water to wash cups, cars clothes and ourselves.Where does a

22、ll water come from? It comes from the clouds. The clouds can change into rain. Some of the rain goes down the ground. Some of the rainwater goes down the mountains into streams( 小溪 ) The streams come together to make rivers and lakes.Water can change itself. When water gets very cold, it becomes ice

23、. Whenwater gets very hot, it becomes steam(小蒸气 ).() 6. _ need water.A. Only animalsB. Only plantsC. Only peopleD. All living things() 7. We usually clean our clothes with _.A. steamB. cloudsC. waterD. rain() 8. the water in the streams comes from the _ .A. riverB. lakeC. windD.clouds() 9. when the

24、weather gets very _, water changes into ice.A. warmB. hotC. coolD. cold() 10. where does steam come from?A. it comes from the clouds.C. it comes from very hot water.B. it comes from plants.D. it comes from very cold water. . 书面表达。( 10 分)从美国来的 Laura 特别喜欢吃中国菜,她很想学点什么给家人露一手。请你按照下面图示给她介绍一道西红柿炒蛋的做法吧!提示:1

25、所需原料:西红柿、鸡蛋各两个;少许油、盐和糖;2 烹调时间约三分钟。要求: 60-80 词。参考词汇或句型 : oil油; salt盐; pan 平底锅; mix up混合; tomatoes witheggs 西红柿炒蛋开头 :Let me tell you how to make . / Let s make . / Do you know howto make .?制作过程中常用的词:add .to把加到;mix up混和在一起;cut up 切碎; pour into / to 把倒入,评论菜肴的词汇: good, nice, delicious, wonderful在连接图示各步骤时

26、,可以用副词: first “首先、第一”; next “接下来”; then “然后”; finally “最后”来表示先后顺序。参考答案. 15 BABAB610 DBACC1115 DABAC. (A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. menu2. silk3. except4.immagine5. chopsticks6.course(B) 根据汉语提示完成下列句子1. is made of 2. designed 3. are suitable 4. stands for 5. hardly 6. fashion show7. Hold on8. in order to(C) 句型转换1. don t will 2. enjoyed ourselves3. not onlybut also4. nice5. What are6. that they know 7. How often8.Mayinvite. 补全对话15 D F E A B. 完形填空15: BDABC610: DABCD.阅读理解A 答案与提示: DACBBB 答案与提示: DCDDC. 书面表达


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