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1、。2013外研八上 module oneUnit1 Lets try to speak English基础积累 一英汉互译1 makeamistake _2whatelse _3lookup_4 agree withsb._5 try to dosth _6 那是个好主意 _7写下_8为什么不 .呢? _二 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词1Theteacherhasgivenusmucha_abouthowtolearnEnglishwell.2Let strytospeakEnglishasmuchasp_3MyEnglishteacheraskedmeto t_thesentencei

2、ntoChinese .4Ifindit ssometimeshardtou_theChineseEnglishteachersaccents5Dontforgettowritedownthec_answersnexttothemistakes .6Wehaveto _( 完成 )thesentenceswithcorrectform ofthewords.7Listeningtotheradioisgoodforour_(发音 )8Englishhasalarge_(词汇 )三 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空1Howabout_(read)anEnglishnewspaperaloudinth

3、emorning .2Dontforget_ ( bring)yourEnglishbookheretomorrow3Canyougive mesomeadviceabout_( improve ) myEnglish .4EmilyisgoodatEnglish,andshehasagoodway_ (learn )English.5Whynot_(ask) forsomeadvicefromothers .6Try_ (remember)fiveorsixnewwordseveryday, andyoucan learnEnglishwell .7Theyhavesomequestions

4、about_(understand)theseEnglishsentences .8Doesyourbrotherenjoy _(speak )intheclassroom ?9Whatdoyouthinkof_( they ) English ?10 . Whoisthe_ (one)studenttocometotheclassroom ?能力提升1单项选择1 Be careful ! _makeanymistakes .A Try not toB Try tonot C Try to D Notto try2Ifound _ was difficult to learn Englishw

5、ell . AthatBthisC itD so3My teachers and goodfriends often give me _ . A an advice B some advices Cadvices D some advice4Whatabout_ theradioor_anEnglishnewspaper- 可编辑修改 -。aloud ?A to listen , readB listening , readingC listeningto , to readD listening to ,reading5 You should practice more _ your Eng

6、lish . A improveB to improveC improvingD improves2 完成句子 http:/www.xk 1 何不在笔记本上记下你的错误呢 _ _ _ _ your mistakes in your notebooks?2 如果你不能信任我,你还能信任谁呢If you can t trust me ,_ _ can you trust ?3去美国度假怎么样?_goingtothe USAforaholiday ?4每天早上大声读英语对你的发音是有好处的_ is good _ your pronunciation toreadEnglish aloud in th

7、e morning every day .5我认为口语跟阅读一样重要Ithinkspeakingis _ reading .Unit2Youshouldsmileather1 基础积累一 英汉互译1askfor_2enjoydoingsth ._3 smileat_4 eachtime_5 害怕做某事 _ 6 不要担心 _7讨论某事 _ 8擅长 _二根据提示完成句子1Somestudentsaskforadviceabouthowtoi_theirmath.2OurEnglishteacheraskedustofinishtheseb_questionsinclassyesterday .3T

8、ome_watchingTVathomeontheweekends .4Weshouldoftens_atothers .5Ourteacherst_thatweshoulddomoreexercises .6Mary_(建议) toreadmoreEnglishinthemorning .7Weshouldtryto_( 记住 ) allthethingswearegoodatinEnglish .三句型转换1Youcanwritedownyourmistakes . (改同义句)_ _ writedownyourmistakes ?2Youcanimproveyour Englishbyl

9、isteningtotheradio.( 提问 )_Iimprove_English?3Tomcheckshisvocabularynotebookeveryday ._ _doesTom_hisvocabularynotebook ?4YoushouldalwaysspeakEnglish inclass .(一般疑问句)_we always_Englishinclass?- 可编辑修改 -。5 TounderstandAmericanEnglishissometimeshard.(用 it作主语改写 )_ sometimeshard_ _ AmericanEnglish.四 单选题1Doy

10、ouknowtheanswer_thequestion?Yes, I do .AforBofCwithDto2It _ me a long time _ English well .A take , to learn B took ,learn C takes , learn Dtook, to learn3My sister is _ math, AgoodatBwellatCgoodinDwellin4I_myhomeworkathome.AforgetBleaveC forgotDleft5Many boys enjoy _football but girls dont . A play

11、BplaysC toplayDplaying6 Can you tell me _ English well ? A how to learn B what to learn C how can I learn D what can I learn7 Mr Black was afraid to _thetree, for hewasafraidof _downfromit.Aclimb , fallB climbing, fallingC climb,fallingDclimbing,fall五 完成句子1我想要请教何时去博物馆。I want to_ _ _ aboutwhen togo t

12、othemuseum .2我 的 朋 友 汤 姆 喜 欢 放 学 后 打 篮 球 My friendTomenjoys_afterschool.3 乘公交车去学校通常花费我十分钟的时间 It usually_me 10 minutes _ _to school by bus .4马力建议我立刻去北京 新 课 Mary _me to _ _Beijingatonce .5当你遇到生词的时候要尽力记住他们Try_ _ themwhenyoumeetnewwords .6请在这张纸上写下你们的名字Please_ _ yournamesonthe pieceofpaper .Unit31 词组互译1a

13、s much as possible _ 2 .Howabout . ? _3 listen to the radio_4think about _5 stop todosth. _ 6 . 你怎么了? _7 对 .有好处 _ 8 寻找 _9跟某人打招呼 _10 带某人四处参观 _2 据义填词1-What sw_withyou ,Tom?-I haveaheadache .2It sd_formetounderthemathproblem .3I w_ tolearnsomeEnglishsongs .- 可编辑修改 -。4Iwill_ (邀请)somefriendstocometomyhou

14、se .5Thenovelhasbeent_ intomanylanguages .6It seasytolookforsomeE_peopletochatwithontheInternet .7Hisfatheralways reads_ (报纸)inthemorning.8ReadingsomeEnglisheverydayisgoodforyour_(词汇)3 用所给词的适当形式填空1Maryis_ (think)aboutamathproblem .2Sheletsherchildren_( watch)TVatweekends .3It_ (take ) mea longtimeto

15、understandthewholepassageyesterday .4Whatgoodweather !Let s_ (go) boatingonthelake .5Howabout_(go)shoppingtogethertomorrow?6My teacher toldmetostop_(translate) twosentences when Iwasreading .4单选题1 -Let s go shopping to buy a new dress for you .-_.ANot at allB Thank youC Good luckD Good idea2You_ pre

16、pare for the English test now .Our test will take place tomorrow .AmayB shouldC mustn tD neednt3It s kind _ youtohelpmewithmyEnglish . A forB ofCtoDwith4Americans often talk about the weather to start a _AcompositionB conversationCcompetitionDconstruction5She tried_ out the problem , but she found i

17、t difficult .A to workB workedC to workingD didn ttowork6-Why_ totheGreatWallthisSunday ?-Goodidea .A don tgoByounotgoCnot goDnotto go7Last week , I met my old friend Mike . But I forgot _ his phone number .AtoaskB askCaskingDandask5完成句子1对我来说学好英语是不容易的。但是我不会放弃的。It snoteasy_ me _ English well .ButIlln

18、evergiveup .2你应该在课堂上一直说英语。You _always_Englishin class . X kB 1 . co3当你做家庭作业的时候,你最好不要看电视You d_ watchTVwhenyou redoingyourhomework .4不要忘记代我向你妈妈问好。Don tforgetto _ _your mother forme5购物前列一个购物单是个好主意It s a _ _ tomakea shoppinglistbeforeshopping .6如果你已经制定了学习计划,你就应该把它付诸实践。Ifyouhaveworkedouta_ ,you _putitint

19、opractice .综合小测1 单选题1Reading in bed isnt_ our eyes . A good at BweakinC bad forDgood- 可编辑修改 -。for2 LiHua sshoesare as _ asZhangHui sAcheapBcheaper CthecheaperDthecheapest3 TrytosingmoreEnglishsongs, youwillfinditinteresting_aforeignlanguage .AlearningBlearnsClearnDtolearn4 It safinedaytoday.Howabout

20、_?AgohikingBgotohikeCgoinghikingDtogotohike5 Myparentsenjoy_forawalkaftersupper .AgoBgoesCtogoDgoing6 Listen! Someone_anEnglishsongnow .AsingsBsangCissingingDwassinging7-Whatanicemodelcar!-Thanksalot.It_methewholedaytomakeit .AspentBtookCcostDwasted8-Don forget _ yourhistoryandpoliticsbookstomorrowm

21、orning .-Thanks.Iwont .AbringBtobringCbringingDbrings9 Let s _forawalk,shall we?AtogoBgoingCgoDgone10_yournameonthepaperandyoucangetamagazine .A CutdownBLookdownCTurndownDWritedown11-Shallwegoand _hellototheforeignteachers?-Goodidea!Let sgo .A. sayBspeakCshoutDtalk12 Acaraccident_himlastweek . X| k|

22、B| 1 . c |O |mAtookplacetoBhappenedonChappenedtoDhappento13-Whereisyourcousin?-He_anEnglishexamnow .AhasBhadChashadDishaving完型填空Alice_1_middleschoolstudent.Sheenjoys _2_volleyball ,She alsolikeswatchingvolleyballmatches .Asshehasn tenoughmoneytobuythetickets,shehasto_3_themonTVathomeifshe _4_ free .

23、ButAlicemustgotoschool_5_MondaytoFriday. SoshewatchesthemonSaturday_6_ Sunday .LastThursdaymorningtherewasabigvolleyballmatchonTVAliceknewit. Shegotuplatewhenhermothercame_7_herbedroomandasked,“ Whydoyougetuplate?Whats wrongwithyou? “Ihaveaverybadheadache . ImafraidIcan tgoto- 可编辑修改 -。schooltoday .

24、Mum ,couldI _8_homethismorning?IthinkI _9_thisafternoon. “Aliceanswered. “ Ifthematchisover,youmust_10_toschoolthisafternoon ,“hermothersaid .1A. isBamCareDwas2AplayBplaysCplayingDtoplay3A watchBwatchesCwatchedDwatching4AwillbeBisChasDhave5AfromBonCinDabout6AorBandCbutDafter7 AofBoutCintoDwith8AstayedBstayatCstayedatDlive9AamgoodBamwellCwillbewellDwillwell10AtogoBwentCgoDgoing阅读理解AEveryonehasahobby .MyhobbyiskeepingadiaryinEnglish .WhenIwastenyearsold, Ibegantohavemyhobb


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