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1、实用精品文献资料分享六年级英语下册6B1-10单元补差练习题(上海牛津英语)Unit Feedback(Unit 1)Language I.Fillin the blanks accordingto the phonetic symbols.(根据音标写出单词 ) 1. Washington isthe _of the U.S. A. 2. Therewill be an art _inShanghai Art Gallery. (上海美术馆 ) 3. The Grand Gateway Plaza(港汇广场) isa _shopping mall.4.Wecan findmany _ther

2、e.5._must not take photos in themuseum.II. Look and write according to the pictures. (看图片,写单词 ) 1. There is plenty of _ at the supermarket.2. Look. Boat 2 is _ of Boat 1.3. We can enjoy the sunshine at those beautiful _. 4. Sogo is one of the biggest department _in Tokyo. 5. In Beijing, a lot of peo

3、ple like eating _.III.Complete the sentences withthegivenwords intheirproperforms. (用所给单词正确形式填空 ) 1. Shanghai is one of thegreatest_ in Asia. (city)2. Thousands of _visitthe Ocean Park every day. (tour)3. Do you know which cityisthe capitalof _? (Japanese)4. There are so manytall_ in Pudong NewArea.

4、 (build) 5. A lot ofpeoplein Sichuan enjoy _ food very much. (spice)IV. Choose the correct words or phrases to complete thesentences.(选择正确的词或短语完成句子 ) 1. It will take usabout 2 hours to _ (get, get to) Beijing by plane.2._(More than, More over )100 countrieswillcome toattend( 出席 ) the Expo 2010. 3.I

5、d like_ (towatch,watching) some cartoons. 4. They are _ (looking at,reading) some information about Thailand. 5. Lucy and Rebecca are going to visit Japan _. (take a plane, by sea)实用精品文献资料分享V. Choose the correct answers. (选择填空 ) ( )1. Ottawa (渥太华) isthe capital_ Canada.(加拿大) A.in B. at C.of D. from

6、( )2. Shanghai is _ south-east of Beijing.A. in B. at C. on D./ ( )3. Shanghai is _the east ofChina. A. inB. atC. on D./ ( )4.Howfar is it_ Shanghai_ London? A. in, in B. from, in C. at, to D. from, to( )5. Itusually_ me about2 hourstoflyto Beijing.A. take B. takes C. to take D. taking( )6. Weenjoy_

7、in summer. A. swimming B. watch TV C. go shopping D. playingthe football ( )7. Eddie would like _ cartoons. A.watching B. watch C. watches D. to watch ( )8. It takes themabout _ to get there by train. A. an hour and halfB. one hours and a half C. a hour and half D. one and a halfhours ( )9. Lets wal

8、k to the park, _? A. dontyou B. willyou C. shall we D. dontwe ( )10.There areabout12_ people in Tokyo. A. million B. millions C.millions of D. million of ( )11. - _ water is there inthe bottle?Please go and have a look.- Allright.A. HowoftenB. Howmany C. Howmuch D. Howold( )12. Wecan get _informatio

9、n on the Internet. A. a lot B. a little of C. few D.some ( )13. Sally is planning to visit Thailand _ A.by a plane B. by plane C. take a ship D. take ship ( )14. Inthe past,people _ to other places by ship. A. travelB. travels C. travelled D. travelling ( )15.? C Paris is thecapital of France. -_ A.

10、 That s right. B.That s allright.C. You are allright.D. Its on theright.VI. Rewrite the following sentences as required.(按照要求改写句子 ) 1. It takes about 2 hours to arrive in Hong Kong. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ _ ittaketo arrivein HongKong? 2. The students will visit Tokyo next month (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ will the stude

11、nts visit next month?实用精品文献资料分享3. The students will visit Shanghai Museum tomorrow. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ thestudentsvisittomorrow?4. Thereare about 8 million people in this country. (对划线部分提问 )_ _ people are there inthiscountry? 5.Weenjoycycling at weekends. (对划线部分提问 ) _ do you enjoy_ at weekends? 6. Its about 3050 kilometres fromShanghai to Bangkok. (对划线部分提问 ) _ _ isit from Shanghai to Bangkok?


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