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1、宾语从句专项练习宾语从句应用注意事项:1. 时态一致2. 人称一致3.陈述语气4.标点随主句一、概念宾语从句的宾语部分中有一个从句充当宾语。二、可接宾语从句的动词say 、tell、 think 、 know 、 see 、 hear 、 hope 、 guess 、 find、 feel的系表结构,如: afraid 、 sure 、 glad 、 sorry等三、宾语从句的标点符号。等,或由形容词构成宾语从句的标点符号取决于主句,如果主句是陈述句,句尾用句号;如果主句是疑问句,句尾用问号。四、引导词。1、that (从句是陈述句时,引导词用 that,它本身无词义,不充当成分,在口语中可省

2、略,但在正式场合不可省。)2、if 或 whether (从句是一般疑问句时用 if或 whether ,含义是“是否”。)if 、 whether 一般情况下可以互换,但在构成whether or not 句式只用 whether3、连接代词、连接副词(从句是特殊疑问句时用)连接代词( who、 whom、 whose、what、 which)连接副词( when、 where 、 how 、why )五、宾语从句的语序。宾语从句的语序都用陈述句语序(即正常的主谓语序)He says that Jim will miss a lot of lessons .He asked whether

3、we should hold a sports meeting .Do you know what the population of Dalian is?六、宾语从句的时态。1、主句是一般现在时,从句可根据需要选用任何时态。He says that he is good at EnglishHe says that he has been ill for two daysI don t know if he will come tomorrow2、主句是一般过去时,从句可根据需要用相应的过去某种时态。 (即一般过去时、过去将来时、过去完成时等)He asked me where I live

4、dHe said that she had been ill for two daysShe said that she would return soon3、当从句讲述的是客观事实或真理时,从句时态不受主句的影响,都用一般现在时。The teacher said“light travels faster than sound”He said that the earth is round特例: Could you tell me委婉的语气,常按照一般现在时处理。Could you tell me where the nearest hospital is?七、语从句的从句中不再有助动词。即一

5、般现在时的助动词do ,does ,一般过去时的助动词did.Do you like speaking English?He wants to know .(改为宾语从句)He wants to know if you like speaking English八、如果简单句变成了宾语从句,那么其谓语动词要相应的变化。常见的一般过去时的动词应用过去式;一般现在时的如果主语是第三人称单数的,动词要用单三形式,如果主语不是第三人称单数,动词都用原形;其他时态变成相应的时态的结构即可。九、宾语从句变否定句。如果主句的主语是第一人称I 或 we 时,并且谓语动词多为think动的词时,变否定句要否定转

6、移,即否定主句。否则,变否定句看从句。I think chicken can swim(变否定句)I don t think chicken can swim、guess、 believe等表示心理活He said that he would go shopping(变否定句)He said that he would not go shopping专项练习选择填空:( ) 1. Its so dark. I cant find out _ its a boy _ a girl.A. if, andB. that, andC. either,orD. whether, or( ) 2. Cou

7、ld you tell me if he _ to Shanghai?wentA.hasgoneD. goB.hadgoneC.( ) 3. He told me _ she would catch the early bus.A.whichB.whetherC.whyD. that( ) 4. Mrs. Green asked me _ I would go with her.A.whatB.whichC.whyD. that( ) 5. I dont know _ the coat _ cheap enough.A.if,isB.where,wereC.that ,wasD. if, we

8、re( ) 6. Call you tell me why _ yesterday?A.youdidntcomeB.didyounotcomeC.didntyoucomeD. you dont come( ) 7. He said that they _ Yunnan.A.havebeen toB. hadgonetoC.havegonetoD. has gone to( ) 8. Jack isnt sure _ students there are in his class.A. how manyB. whatC. whichD.whether( ) 9. Can you tell me

9、_ yesterday?A.whattheydoB.whatthey didC. what dotheydoD. what did they do( ) 10. I want to know _ his homework yesterday evening.A. ifhe finishedB. whether he had finishedC. had she finishedD.has she finished( ) 11. Do you know what _ this time yesterday?A. they are doingB. are theydoingC. they were

10、 doingD.were they doing( ) 12. Excuse me, can you tell me _?A. why was the train lateB. why the train was lateC. why is the train lateD.why the train is late( )13.Do you know where _ ? Someone is looking for him.A.heisB.hewasC.isheD. was he( )14.He wanted to know how long _ in hospital.A. she isstay

11、ingB. she had stayedC.didshe stayD.she stay( )15.My brother said he _ going _ his friend the next day.A.was, to meetB. would go, hasC. willgo, was goingtoD. willgo, will( )16.He told me that he _ to London the next day.A. would goB. goC. wentD. hasgone( )17.He said that light _ much faster than soun

12、d.A.traveledB. will travelC. travelsD. istraveling( )18.Our teacher said that the moon _ around the earth.A.turnB.turnedC.hasturnedD. turns( )19.He said that April _ the _ month of a year.A.is, thirdB.is,fourthC.was, fourthD. was, third( )20.Do you know _ ?A.isitwhose penB. whosepen isitC.whosepenit

13、isD. it is whose pen( )21.Can you tell me _ ?A. who are youB. who you areC. you are whoD. who yoube( )22.Do you know _ of the three?A. which book she likes bestB. which best bookdoesshe likeC. thatwhich book she likesbestD.which book she best likes( )23.I hear _ the teacher will come back from the U

14、K soon.A.whichB.thatC.whenD. whether( )24.Can you tell me _ language she speaks?A.whichB.whatC. thatD. whether( )25.Can you tell us _ you grow cotton in your country?A.thatB.whetherC. whichD. whose( )26.I dont understand _ you said.A. whenB. thatC.whereD. what( )27.Do you know _ made him angry last

15、time?thatA.whenC. whereD. whatB.( )28.Can you tell me _ the meeting will begin?A. whatB. whetherC. whenD. where( )29._ surprised me most was _ he didnt go to school yesterday.A.What,howB.What,thatC.That,thatD. Whom, that( )30.I wondered _ they had been to America.A. ifB. whatC. whoD. that( )31.You w

16、ill feel hungry _ you dont have breakfast.A. whatB. whyC. ifD. how( )32.Do you know _ Jack left so early?A. whatB. whyC. untilD. though( )33.You must do _ I told you.A.afterB.beforeC.whereD. as( )34.I am sure _ you said is true.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. who( )35.It has not been decided _ they will le

17、ave.whichA.whyD. whatB. whenC.( )36.Go back _ you come from.A.untilB.whereC.whenD. that( )37.Do you know _ she will go to the cinema with us?A.ifB.whereC.whoD. which( )38.The children said _ they _ themselves very much.A. if, enjoyB. why,enjoyedC. where,enjoyD.that, enjoyed( )39.I dont think _ I _ o

18、ut the problem.A. if, can workB. how, will work C. that, can workD. when,will work( )40.She is afraid _ he _ cold at night.A.that, willcatchB.that,catchesC.whether,willcatchD. is, catches( )41.We are sure _ he _ to speak English well.A.that,learnedB.that,has learnedC.if,learnedD. if, has learned( )

19、42. The boy asked _ I _ any noise from outside.A.when,heardB.why,hadlearnedC.whether,hadheardD. what, heard( )43.Who can tell us _ . about over there?A.what theytalkB. what do they talkC.what are theytalkingD.what they are talking( )44.We couldnt find out _ , so we asked a policeman.A.whose bikeitwa

20、sB.whose bike was itC.whose it was bikeD.whose was it bike( ) 45. Do you know _ take to get to the hospital?A. which way must weB. which must we wayC. which way we mustD. which wemust way( ) 46. Tom asked _ to school late.A.whodidoftencomeB.whooftencameC.whyhadsheleftD. why she had left( ) 47. I don

21、t remember _ the boy by himself.A. why did she leaveB.why she leftC.why had she leftD.why she had left( ) 48. Have you forgotten _ when he died?A.how old he wasB. how old was heC.what did he sayD.what he did say( ) 49. Nobody knows _ to visit our school.A. when will he comeB. when does he comeC. whe

22、n he will comeD. when hedoes come( ) 50. Please tell us _ to the Science Museum.A. how can we reachB. how we can reachC. how can we getD.how we can get( ) 51. Dont you believe _ to the moon by spaceship?A.thatman didflyB.how didtheman flyC.ifmanflyD. whether man fly( ) 52. The teacher told us _ .A.i

23、s the earth roundB. the earthwas roundC.the earthis roundD.was the earth round( ) 53. Its foggy today. I cant find out _ its a man _ a girl.A. if, andB. that, andC. either,orD. whether, or( ) 54. Could you tell me if he _ to Beijing?A.hasgoneB.hadgonewentD. go( ) 55. Mrs. White asked me _ I would go

24、 shopping with her.A.whatB.whichwhetherD. that( ) 56. I dont know _ the shoes _ cheap enough.A.if,areB.where,wasC.C.C.that,wasD. if, was( ) 57. Li Lei didnt tell the teacher why _ yesterday?A.hedidntcomeB.didhenotcomecomeD. he dont come( ) 58. He said that they _ Zhangjiajie for a holiday.A. have be

25、en toB. had gone toC. have gone togone to( ) 59. Lacy told me she _ me with my English this afternoon.A.willhelpB.tohelphelpD. is helpingC.didntheD. hasC. wouldA.how manyB.whatwhichD. whether( ) 61. Who knows _ dictionary it is?A.whosB.whoseC.C.whomD. who( ) 62. Could you tell me if it _ a lot in su

26、mmer in your hometown?A.rainedB.rainrainsD. is raining( ) 63. I cant remember _ I sent the book to.A.thatB.whichC.C.whereD. whom( ) 64. None of us knows which floor _ on.A.issheB.she livingC.sheisD. did she live( ) 65. We didnt know _ to visit our school.A. when did he comeB. when would he comeC. wh

27、en he was comingcame( ) 66. Do you know when _ take off.?A.we willB.we areD. when heC.shahweD. will we( ) 67. I want to know _ will go with us.A. whowhatD. that( ) 68. Can you tell me _ the train leaves?AwhatB.whomB.whereC.C.whenD. how( ) 69. The students must do _ the teacher told them.A.asB.before

28、C.afterD. if( ) 70. - I dont know if he _ .- He will come if it _ .A.comes, wont rainB. willcome, doesntrainC. comes, doesntwill come, wont rain( ) 71. Do you know what time _ .A.thetrainleaveB.doesthetrainleaveC.willtheleaveD. the train leaves( ) 72. -Could you tell me _ with the bike?-Its broken d

29、own.A. whats the matterB. what the matterisC. whats the wrongwhat the wrong is( ) 73. She said _ it wouldnt matter much.A. thatB. ifC. whichD. what( ) 74. We wanted to know _ the answer was fight or not.A.ifB.thatD.trainD.C.whetherD. what( ) 75. John is behind others in maths, but it doesnt follow _

30、 he doesnt use hisbrains, he may notbe interested in itwhich( ) 76. She has made it clear _ she will have nothing to do with him.A.whatB.whichC.whetherD. that( ) 77. For centuries, people have wondered _ this continent is really like, sinceit is covered with solid thick ice and deep snow all the yea

31、r round.A.whatB.howC.whichD. whether() 78. Li Lei told Jim _ .A. how much yuan is the sweaterC. how much the sweater isB. how much is the sweaterD. how much the sweaterwas( ) 79. He really doesnt know _ the overhead bridge will be finished.A.how longB.how farC.howsoonD. how often( ) 80. The teacher

32、came up to see _ .A.what was the matterB. what the matter was C. what the matterisD.whats the matter( ) 81. Nobody knew _ .A.where he comesB.where he was fromC. where he is fromD. where doeshe come from( ) 82. Can you tell me _ . Mr. Green lives in Room 2318?A.thatB.whereC. untilD. if( ) 83. I told them that the sun _ in the east.A.risesB.roseC. has risen( ) 84. You must remember _ the trainA.th


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