What do you do正式说课稿.doc

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1、What do you do?一、学情分析:(Analysis on students)凡是从事职业学校英语教学的老师可能都会感觉到职业学校英语教学的难度。这个难度主要在于:学生英语基础普遍很差,单词读、写都存在很大的困难。同时,大部分学生在初中就已经对英语失去了兴趣。进入职高后,又存在着“职高生学英语没用”的思想。 针对这种情况,我主要从以下几个方面来突破:1、 课堂上大大降低理论讲解,给学生充足的时间反复练习基本句型,坚持“为用而学”的理念。2、 精心设计各种各样的简单易做的“任务” 让学生在课堂上忙起来。比如本节课就有以下活动:猜测游戏,图片展示,复述,听录音,填表格,成对练习,角色表演

2、等等。3、 更重视学生学习的过程,创造轻松、愉快的学习氛围,尽量让学生体会到学习英语的快乐。二、 教材分析:(Analysis on teaching contents)本节课是外研社出版的英语(基础模块)第一册第二单元What do you do?中listening and Speaking部分。它在整个单元中起着承上起下的作用,既是对上节课关于各类职业英语表达的一个复习巩固,又是为下面“能够用一般现在时描述工作和介绍自己”打好基础。1、教学内容:(Teaching contents)(1)复习各类职业的英文表达。(2)能够用一般现在时进行简单的自我介绍(3)学习面试中最基本、最简单的一些

3、用语。2、教学重点、难点(Key points of teaching)重点:(1)让学生继续掌握一些有关职业名称的词汇Bus driver cook nurse policeman tour guide nurse waiter等等。(2)掌握以下几种表达方式:May I know your name/Whats your name?Tell us something about yourselfWhat do you do? What does he/she do?I am a/an-,but I want to be a /an-.难点:如何设计丰富多彩、操作性强的课堂活动让学生人人都能

4、大胆的开口说英语。三、 教学目标:(Teaching targets)1、语言知识目标:学习各类职业的英语表达;掌握一般现在时的用法;2、语言技能目标:能够用一般现在时简单描述工作;在面试中进行简单的自我介绍;3、情感目标:帮助学生建立积极的工作态度,使他们对将来的职业生涯充满信心。四、 教学手段(Teaching aids) 多媒体(multimedia)、录音机(tape recorder)、二张表格(two forms)五、 教学步骤:(Teaching procedure)Step one: Playing a guessing game.(five minutes)The purpo

5、se of the step is to review some words of jobs and the key sentence patterns(what does he/she do? What do you do? He/She is a/an-;Im a/an -;They are-). To achieve the goal, I will start my lesson with a guessing game. The game goes like that: first, I will ask some students to read out the sentence

6、on the projector while the other students try to guess what job it describes. For example:A student reads out these words: “He cooks food in a restaurant, what does he do?”The other students may answer: “Hes a cook”.Once the students guess the answer correctly, I will show the picture to the student

7、s to help them understand better. Im sure the guessing game and the colorful pictures can greatly stimulate students interest in what they are learning. Step two: learning the dialogue ( twenty minutes) This step is the most important part of inputting language information and the students will lear

8、n the key sentence patters。A: Guide students to learn some new words. B: The students listen to the dialogue twice with their book closed, at the same time, theyre required to fill in a form about a boy, John Smith.Form1: The boys personal information Name John SmithAge What does he do? Where did he

9、 get special training? Do you think he will get the job? Then, I will guide the students to check their answers by listening to the dialogue for the third time , but this time ,they are allowed to open their books.C: In order to master the key sentence patterns better, I will instructs the students

10、to fill in another form on a cardForm2: A job interview ItemsWays of expressionsupplement greetingsAnn: Nice to meet youGlad to meet you ; Good morning/afternoonJohn: Nice to meet you tooGlad to meet you tooGood morning/afternoonInquire personal information(name, age, job)Ann: May I know your name,

11、please? Tell us something about yourself.What s your name?Would you like to say something about yourself?John: Im eighteen and Im a technician.Im -; and Im a/an-Inquire personal study or work experienceAnn: Have you any special training?Have you any work experience?John: Yes, from a vocational schoo

12、l.Yes, I have experience as a/an-In this step, the students have a lot of things to do: listen to the tape, read the dialogue, fill in two forms. So, I think most of them know clearly what they should do in the class.Step three: Practicing sentence patterns by chain drill(链条式操练) (eight minutes) This

13、 purpose of the activity is to train the students ability to use the language. The following key sentences will be practiced by chain drill。 Nice to meet you. May I know your name? Nice to meet you too. My name is - Tell us something about yourself. Im -years old, and Im a/an- Have you any work expe

14、rience? Yes, I have experience as a/an-What is chain drill? Chain drill is a kind of way of practicing oral English. Now, I will give an example to show how a chain drill goes on among students.First , I say to the first student in a row : “Nice to meet you. May I know your name? ” The student may a

15、nswer: “Nice to meet you too. My name is Wang yan. ”Then, She turns to the student behind her and asks: “Nice to meet you. May I know your name? ” The second student may answer: “Nice to meet you too. My name is Ligang. ”And then he continues asking the next student the same question. The practice g

16、oes on like this until the last student finishes. Then step by step, other sentence patterns will be practiced in the same way. From my personal experience, the students have great interest in the game, Because they dont need to stand up and they just talk with their classmates. they feel very relax

17、ed in the class. Step four: Role-play (ten minutes)A: This step is designed to train the students ability to use the language in true language environment. I will ask the students to make a dialogue of their own of an interview. Before that, I will set a situation for the students: In group of 4 or

18、5 students, one member plays the interviewee in a company, and the others play different interviewers who want to look for a suitable job in the company. In this step, parton page25 can be used as a necessary reference.B: group performance. After a few minutes preparation, I will ask one or two grou

19、ps to act out their dialogue. Step five: Summary and assignment (two minutes)I will make a brief summary on this class and set some assignment for the students. The assignment includes:A: Finish exercises of part B on exercise book, page20-21 B: Writing: make a dialogue of an interview六、 板书设计(Blackb

20、oard design) what do you do?Greetings personal information work experienceNice to meet you May I know your name,please? Have you any special training?/Glad to meet you Can you tell me your name? working experience?Good morning Tell us something about yourself? Yes, from a vocational schoolGood after

21、noon Would you like to say something about Yourself? Yes, I have experience as a/an- I am a/an- But I want/wish to be a/an -七、 教学反思(Teaching reflection)亮点:1、 链条式操练,能够让一个班级中四、五十个学生在有限的时间内人人都得到有效的口语练习。2、 丰富多彩的听、说、读、写活动贯穿整个课堂,适合英语基础差,但又十分好动的职高学生。3、 通过填写各种表格来学习主要的对话材料,使学习任务非常清晰、明确。可能出现的问题:链条式对话训练适合英语处于初级水平的职高学生,使他们可以有效地掌握一些机械的口语表达方式。但要达到训练者自动生成鲜活的英语口语,还需要更多的口语训练形式。


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