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1、初一资料 初一英语各种时态复习及练习题一、一般现在时1. 定义:表示通常性、规律性、习惯性的状态或者动作(有时间规律发生的事件)的一种时间状态,或 .表示主语具备的性格、能力和特征。2. 句型:主语 +动词原形 +其他注:当主语是第三人称单数时:肯定句不可数名词也算作单数处理。主语 +动词的第三人称单数+其他。特别提一点:3. 常 与 表 示 频 率 的 时 间 状 语 morning/night/evening/day/week/year连 用 。 如等。always,usually,often,sometimes,every4. 例句:( 1) My mother gives ten Yu

2、an to my sister every week. 我妈妈每星期给我妹妹十元钱。( 2) We usually go to school at 7:30. 我们通常 7:30 上学去。二、现在进行时1. 定义:表示动作发生的时间是“现在” ,动作目前的状态是“正在进行中” 。2. 句型:现在进行时的构成是 :主语 +be+v.ing现在分词形式注:在现在时中, be 要根据人称代词和名词的单复数不同,而分别使用am/is/are ,即:I am。 /he/she/it包括单数名词和不可数名词用is。 you/we/they包括复数名词用are。注意:be 动词在现在时里算作“助动词”,翻译

3、正在进行时的时候,be 不能解释为 “是”,否则不通顺。它只是和现在分词一起构成“进行时”。3. 常与表示现在的时间状语连用,如now, this week, at this moment等;或者告诉你一个准确的现在时间,或者用look, listen提醒听者注意正在发生的事。4. 例句:( 1) They are playing basketball now. 现在他们正在打篮球。( 2) Listen! She is singing a song.听,她正在唱歌。三一般将来时1. 定义:表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。2. 句型:( 1)will / sh

4、all + 动词原形:这种方法一般单纯地表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态。注: will 用于各种人称;shall 只用于第一人称。( 2) be going to 动词原形: be going to 相当于一个助动词 (其中 be 有人称和数的变化 ),与它后面的动词原形一起构成谓语。 用来表示近期将要发生的动作或存在的状态 ,以及计划、安排、打算要做的事。3. 常和表示将来的时间状语连用。如:tomorrow, next week, from now on;in the future4. 例句:等。( 1) I will / shall go to visit him next

5、week. 下周我将去拜访他。( 2) There is going to be a football match this afternoon. 今天下午将有一场足球赛。四一般过去时一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去主语所具备的能力和性格。过去习惯性、 经常性的动作、 行为;基本结构:主语+动词过去式+其他;否定形式:was/were+not;在行为动词前加didnt ,同时还原动词;一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语 +其他? Did+主语 +动词原形 +其他?例句: She came to help us in those days.她过去那些天来帮助我们The boy

6、opened his eyes for a moment , looked at the captain , and then died.那男孩把眼睛张开了一会儿,看看船长,然后就去世了。一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用,如:yesterday, last week, in 1993, at thattime, during the war, before, a few days ago, when等等。注意 1:有些句子,虽然没有表示过去确定时间的状语,但实际上是指过去发生的动作或存在的状态的话,也要用过去时,这一点,要特别注意!I didnt know you were in P

7、aris.我不知道你在巴黎。因为在说话时, 我已经知道你在巴黎了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are here.注意 2:动词的过去式见总结的大表,不要求背,常做练习去掌握它们。初一英语时态复习一、一般现在时:(1、现在的状态。2、经常或习惯性动作。3、主语所具备的性格和能力。4、真理。)1、标志: often(经常) ,usually(通常) ,sometimes(有时) ,always(总是) ,never(从不) ,on Sundays(在星期天) , every day/month/year (每一天 / 月 /

8、 年)2、结构:(1)主语 +连系动词 be(am/is/are)+ 名词 / 形容词 / 数词 / 介词短语 / 副词等做表语表状态 (包括 There be +n.)练习:1.I_(be) a student.My name_(be) Tom.2. Where _(be) my shoes? They_(be) here.3.Who _(be) the girl with long straight hair? I think she _(be) Kate.4. You and I _(not be) in Class Six.5._(be) there a supermarket on

9、the Fifth Avenue? Yes, there_(be).6. _ her parent tall? No, he_.( 2)主语(非第三人称单数) +行为动词原形 +其他 (用助动词 do 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问)(3)主语(第三人称单数)+行为动词的第三人称单数+其他(用助动词does 帮助构成否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)行为动词第三人称单数加-s 的形式:1.- s2. 辅音 +y: study -studies3.以 s,x,ch,sh 结尾 watch -watches teach-teaches4.特殊have-has do-does go-goes.1

10、)His parents _(watch) TV every night.肯定句1) My brother _(do) homeworkevery day.2)Hisparents_(notwatch)everynight. 否 定 句2)Mybrother_(notdo)homework every day.3)_his parents_(watch) TV every night? 一般疑 3)_ your brother _ homeworkevery day?Yes, they _. No, they _.Yes, he_.No, he _.4)When_hisparents_(wat

11、ch)TV?特 疑4)When_ yourbrother_(do)homework?They watch TV every night.He does homework every day.二 现在进行时:表示说话瞬间或现阶段正在进行的动作。1、标志 : now(现在) listen (看) look (听)2、结构 :主语 +助动词 be(am/is/are)+ 行为动词的现在分词(doing)现在分词的构成:1.-ing: eat -eating2.辅音字母 +e: take-taking3. sit, put, begin, run, swim, stop, get, shop, (双写

12、最后一个辅音字母,再加ing.)练习: 1. Jim _(take) photos in the park now.2. Jim_(not take) in the park now.3. _Jim_(take) photos in the park now? Yes, he _. No, he_.4. Where _Jim _ photos now? In the park.三、情态动词:1、任何主语 +can/may/must+ 动词原形2、主语 + cant/may not/ mustn t+动词原形3、Can/May/Must +主语 + 动词原形?4、疑问词 +can/may/mus

13、t+ 主语 +动词原形?四、非谓语动词(是固定搭配)1. like+ to do 不定式 /doing 动名词2.want to do sth.3. love to do4. would like to do sth.5. enjoy doing sth.6. thanks for doing7. stop doing sth8. let sb. do sth.练习:She wants _(have) a party.Does he like _(swim)?Thanks for _(enjoy) CCTV show.She never stops _(talk).五祈使句:Go straig

14、ht and turn left/ right.Go through Fifth Avenue.Take a taxi(Take a bus, Take a walk)六综合练习:1.Mr Green _(be) a worker. Now he _(work) in the field.2.Listen! Who_(sing)?3.What time _ your brother usually _(do) his homework?4.You can_(come) here by bus.5. Who _(have) a ruler? 6.Are they_(clean) the room

15、?7.-_ you_(eat) dinner? Yes, we are.8.Jack _(have) a soccer ball, but he _(not have) a basketball.9._Jim _(like)_(run)?10.They _(be) from Canada. They_(not speak) Chinese.11. He wants _(be) tall.1.我们正在吃晚餐。We _.2、我们每天6 点起床。We _ at six every day.3你们在聊天吗?是的。4、他们常常聊天吗?不是。_ they _? Yes, they _. _ they of

16、ten _ ? No, they _.5、他在做什么?他在做作业。What _he _? He_.6、他晚上常干什么?他常做作业。What _he usually _ in the evening? He usually_.答案:1.are having dinner2. get up3. Are , talking , are4. Do , talk, dont5. is doing, is doing homework6. does, do, does , homework七人称代词:我你他主格: Iyou宾格: meyou形容词性物主代词:我的她它我们你们hesheitweyouhimh

17、eritusyou你的他的她的它的他 / 她 / 它们theythem我们的你们的他 / 她 / 它们的myyour hisheritsouryourtheir练习:1._ (我 ) am a worker. _ (你 ) are a doctor._( 她 ) is a teacher.2.This is_(他的)shirt.3. This is _(我的 )pen.4._(他们的 ) trousers are there.5. I like this picture. Please give _( 它 ) to _( 我 ).6. People get _( 他们的 ) money fro

18、m _( 我 ).7._(他们 ) are new students. _( 他们的 ) names are Lucy and Lily.8. These are _(我们的 ) shoes. Can _(我们 ) wear _( 它们 ).9 Thank _ for _( 你的 ) help.10. _(他 ) loves _(她) , and _(她) loves _(他) ,too._(我 ) love _(你) , and _(你 ) love _(我), too.八, There be 句型句型转换1)There is a bank on the street.2) There ar

19、e some cars in front of the park.否定句: There _a bank on the street.否定句: There _ _cars in front of the bank.一般疑问句: _ _ a bank on the street?一般疑问句: _ _ _cars in front of the bank?就划线部分提问:_ on the street?就划线部分提问:_ _in front of the bank?There s a bank on the street.There are some cars in front of the ban

20、k.同上: _ _ _are there on the street?同上: _ _ _ are there in front of the bankThere s only one.There re some.2)将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句,并就划线部分提问。1. We are eating lunch.We eat lunch at noon.2He is swimming at a pool.He swims at the pool every day.3.Jim and Tony are playing basketball at school.Jim and Tony play

21、 basketball on Sundays.4.Sandra is running.Sandra likes running.英语时态一、 单选题(本题共25 小题 ,共计 100分 )1: Tom visit his uncle yesterday aftcrnoon?No, he. A. Did;didB. Did;didntC. Does;doesntD. Do;dont2: Sheat homelast vacation.A. diddt stayB. didnt stayedC. don t stayD. doesnt stay3: Last week Li Xin and Ito

22、 a movie.A. goB. goesC. goingD. went4: -Wheres yoursister?-Ithinksheatalknow.A. givesB. giveC. gaveD. is giving5: -Listen, whatsthenoise?-My brothertheprogrammeof the World Cup in the sitting -room.A. watchesB. is watchingC. has watchedD. will watch6: Yesterday the girlstothe park anda good time.A.

23、go;haveB. went;haveC. went;hadD. goes;has7: DontturnontheTV. Grandmanow.A.is sleepingB. will sleepingC. sleptD. sleeps8: WhatAnna and Mary doing?A. isB. areC. doD. does9: My friend, Lucyfrom Canada.A.beB. comeC. comesD. are10: Hea song in my birthday party yesterday.A. to singB. singedC. singsD. san

24、g11: Theyin the dormitory at the moment.A. dontsleepingB. arentsleepingC. isntsleepingD. arent sleep12: -When you the bike? -Last month.A. have;boughtB. had;boughtC. do;buyD. did;buy13: -ls shesomething? Is it fish?-Yes. Would you like?A. eat,eatsB. eatting;to eatC. to eat;eatingD. eating;to eat14:

25、Yesterday I didnt go out. Iat homeA.stayB. am stayC. staiedD. stayed15: Mollystay yesterday.A. has to; at homeB. had to;in homeC. have to; homeD. had to; at home16: Everyonea lot fo fun now.A.haveB. havingC. is havingD.are having.17: Bob is not talking. Heher.A. listen toB. is listeningC、 is listeni

26、ng toD. listened to18: The earthround.A. isB. amC. areD. be19: -English every morning? -Yes, but now IChinese.A. Are you reading; readB. Do you read; readC. Do you read; am readingD. Are you reading; am reading20: Anitoher homework carefully over the weekend.A doB. doesC. doingD. did21:This week I i

27、nterviewed ( 采访 ) studentsfashion. Some of their answersme.A. about;surpriseB. about; surprisedC. on; surpriseD.of;surprises22: -Where is the cake I made this morning?-Weit, Mom. Can you make another one for us?A. ateB. eatC. will eatD. were eating23: Heto the movies yesterday. He stayed at home.A.

28、goB. didnt wentC. didnt goD. wasnt go24: There was a strange sound outside. Mary went out andaround,but shenothing.A. looked; sawB. saw,sawC. watched;lookedD. looked;find25:are you?A. Who;waiting forB. What;waitingC. Who;waitforD . What;wait答案:1. B2. A3. D 4.D5. B6. C 7. A8. B9. C10. D11. B12. D 13. D 14. D15. D 16. C 17. C18. A19.C20. D21. B22. A23. C24. A25. A


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