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1、六年级上册 Unit1 How tall are you?第一课时A let s tryLets talk 导学案学习目标1、我能听、说、认读单词:dinosaur,hall,meter,than2、我能在语境中正确运用thats the tallest dinosaur in the hall. How tall is it? Maybeis 4 meters. Its taller than both of us together. How tall are you? I m metres.自主学习一、我会译。(查看单词表,)也会读。(听录音、问同学、学会读单词)1、dinosaur_ h

2、all_metre_than_both_ taller_ tallest_2、thats the tallest dinosaur in the hall._3、How tall is it?4、 Maybe is 4 meters._5、Its taller than both of us together.6、 How tall are you?_7、Im 1.65 metres.8、 Im the tallest._探究学习一、听音补全对话。Look, thats the _dinosaur in this hall.Yes,it is . How tall is it?Maybe is

3、 _metersIts taller _both of us together.二、阅读短文,回答问题1、How tall is Zhang Peng?_2、Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the dinosaur?_三、小组大胆创编对话介绍身边的人的身高、年龄、重量或事物的长度、尺寸。四、小组开火车问答、完成表格。How tall are you?Who is taller than you?How old are you?Who is older than you?Who is tallest in your group?五、翻译恐龙大厅米比高更高最高两个都_你多

4、高?_我是最高的。它多高?_或许四米高。它比我们两个都高。_我比你高。他比你大。_课时小结1、这节课的收获是: _2、我还有一些不懂的是:_目标测评一、选择1、He is taller _ you.A、 thanB、 thenC、 this2、Im three years _than her.A. tallerB. youngerC. smaller3._of my parents like playing chess.AAllB.BetweenC .Both4. My uncle is 1.87_tall.A. kgB. cmC. metres5._cat do you like, .the big one or the little one.A. What sB. WhatC. Which二、连词成句1.thanoldersisteryouryoure ( .)_2.tallaunthowisyour (?)_3.boy12cmshorterthatyouthanis (.)_4.longertallitsis(.)_


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