【鲁教版】七年级下册:Unit2 Section A练习题(含答案).docx

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1、【鲁教版】七年级下册:Unit2 Section A练习题(含答案)Unit 2 Im going to study computer science - Section A一、翻译(单词短语翻译)(共22小题;共22分)1. 厨师,烹调2. 大夫3. engineer4. violinist5. 驾驶员,司机6. 航行员7. pianist8. scientist9. 教院,年夜教,下等专迷信校10. 教导11. medicine(n.)12. university13. 伦敦14. 文章15. send16. 少年夜,成生,发展17. 盘算机步伐计划员18. 确疑;对于有掌控19. 确保;

2、查明20. send.to.21. take acting lessons22. study hard2、翻译(依据中文提醒实现句子)(共9小题;共9分)23. - 当您少年夜时,您念成为何?- 我念成为一位工程师。- do you when you grow up?- I want to be .24. - 他将奈何成为一位篮球活动员?- 他将每一天实习篮球。- he going to be a ?- He going to basketball every day.25. 我在瞧一本海明威写的书。I am reading a book Hemingway.26. 我要持续写小道。I am

3、going to on novels.27. 其实不是每一团体皆明白他们念成为何.Not everyone what want to be.28. 房间里有很多书,您分开以前要确保锁好门。There are many books in the room. the door you lock before you leave.29. 他们尽他们最年夜勉力往关心那些穷困的孩子。They help the poor children.30. 要过河,您必需对于桥的保险有掌控。To cross the river, you have to the safety of the bridge.31. 您能

4、够收收电子邮件给我,好吗?You can e-mail me, OK?3、单词拼写(单句尾字母挖空)(共7小题;共7分)32. A good e gives your child a head start in life.33. He is writing an a about how to learn English well.34. Mary practices playing the piano every day; she wants to be a p .35. There are many famous u in Beijing. So I want to study there

5、when I grow up.36. Take the m three times a day, and then youll get better.37. You can s me the news by email.38. Though he is nut good at studying, he is going to study in a c .4、单项取舍(共10小题;共10分)39. - Hi, Tony! What are you doing?- Im sending e-mail my grandfather.A. a; toB. a; withC. an; toD. an;

6、with40. Ming says he is going to be engineer, because he is interested in building.A. aB. anC. theD. /41. - What does your brother do?- He is a . He flies to the USA twice a month.A. driverB. pilotC. doctorD. teacher42. A car accident on this road a few days ago.A. was happeningB. is happenedC. was

7、happenedD. happened43. Im going to write articles and them to magazines and newspapers.A. sendB. takeC. bringD. give44. CoCo Lee was born in Hong Kong but in America.A. picked upB. gave upC. grew upD. dressed up45. - What do you want to be when you grow up?- Im that. But my father wants me to be a d

8、octor.A. sure aboutB. not sure aboutC. not decideD. ready to46. Dont forget when you finish your computer.A. turning it off; to useB. to turn it off; usingC. to turn off it; to useD. to turn it off; to use47. - are you going to do that?- Im going to exercise every day.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Where48.

9、 There arent many tickets left for the concert, so youd better that you get one today.A. make sure ofB. make a decisionC. make sureD. make plans5、得当情势挖空(单句得当情势)(共10小题;共10分)49. Tom (pick) apples on the farm this weekend.50. They (not have) a talk on education in our school tomorrow.51. your classmate

10、s (play) computer games next Saturday?52. Every day he (do) the same things.53. My twin sister is at home now. She (practice) the piano.54. - Did you go out yesterday?- Yes, I (go) to the movies with my cousins.55. - Are you free tomorrow?- No. I (see) grandma. She is ill in hospital.56. Alice likes

11、 music. She is good at (play) the piano.57. How often does Kelly take (act) lessons?58. My brother (not help) the old people tomorrow.6、选词挖空(漫笔选词挖空)(共5小题;共5分)Now many children have different dreams. Some are going to be famous actors. Some children wish to be 59. some day. Many young people like Han

12、 Han and Guo Jingming. they want to be famous writers like them. they want to write 60. or books for people to read. Thats good! Its good to write 61. for people to read! But they should know that they need to be good readers first before they are really good writers. They should read a lot of books

13、, instead of watching TV and spending a lot of time 62. games when they are free.There is more fun in reading; you should look for more books to read.Before you decide 63. a good writer, youd better say to yourself, I must read more and more!7、补齐对于话(取舍)(共5小题;共10分)A: Hi, Jeff! Youre reading the book Tiny Times (小时期) again.B: Yes. Im going to be a writer when I grow up.


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