小学英语四年级上册Unit 2 (第一课时)Shool Activities.doc

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1、小学英语四年级上册Unit 2 School Activities (period 1)教学设计【教学内容】Book3 Unit 2 School Activities (period 1)Vocabulary &Target【教学目标】1、知识目标:(1)学生能听懂、会说、会读、会仿写六个表示动作的单词read-ing,sing-ing,play-ing,writ-ing,run-ning,sleep-ing.(2)学生能初步认知现在进行时态的概念,以及ing的发音和意义。(3) 学生能初步掌握句子What are you doing? Im What are they doing? The

2、yre 2、能力目标:通过学习,学生能借助图片或动作运用现在进行时态询问别人正在做什么,培养学生用英语进行日常交际、用英语解决问题的能力。3、情感目标:(1)关注学生在学习过程中积极思考的情感体验。(2)学生养成积极自主地体验、实践、参与、合作的学习方式。(3)引导学生用丰富多彩的课余活动建立自己健康愉快的生活方式。【重点难点分析】1、 学习重点:1) 本课六个单词的ing形式及其发音。2) 句型What are you doing? Im.What are they doing? Theyre .2、学习难点:(1)write, run这两个动词现在分词的构成形式及读音。(2)现在进行时态的

3、理解,运用。【教学准备】多媒体课件、句型卡片等。【教学过程】Step 1 Warm-up1. Greeting.T:Class begins! Good morning, boys and girls.S:Good morning, Miss Chen.T:How are you?S:Im fine, thanks. And you?T:Im very well.2. Free talk and review. 1)师生之间的口语练习T:Boys and girls, I can sing. Listen!“lalalalala”Can you sing?S1:Yes, I can./No,

4、I cant.T:Can you read?S:Yes, I can./No, I cant2)Game (Look, say and do)Step2:Lead inT:Were happy at school. We can do many things at school. Today Well talk about “School Activities”.(打开书本P14,学生齐读课题“Unit 2 School Activities”)Step 3:Presentation1、播放一段同学们课间活动的视频。T:Lets watch a video. Lets see what eve

5、ryone is doing at the break time?2、出示课件photo1:A girl is reading a book.T:Look! Whos she?S:Shes Lisa.(学生们兴奋地指着Lisa)T:Look! Shes reading.Lisa can read. She is reading.(通过展示学生活动照片,引出新单词reading)T:Lets Listen.(1)播放单词录音“reading,reading”,学生认真听音。(2)read-reading老师范读,学生跟读。(强调ing的发音,注意帮学生纠音。)(3)单词拼读操练。(4)老师板书范

6、写reading,学生在本子上仿写。T:Reading,reading, Im reading.S:Reading,reading, Im reading.T:What are you doing?S:Im reading.( 教师边说边以肢体语言帮助学生理解,引出问答句“What are you doing ?Im”)(5)黑板贴上新句型“What are you doing? I m”(6)句型操练:开火车问答。3、出示photo2:A boy is singing.T:Listen. Who is singing?S1:Hes Simon.T:Hi, Simon. What are yo

7、u doing?S2: Im singing.(播放一学生歌声,引出单词singing。)通过听说读写四个环节,完成新单词singing的教学。4、出示photo3:Two girls are playing.T:I like sports. I can play basketball. Can you play basketball?S1: Yes, I can.T:Lets play. Im playing. What are you doing? (引出动词playplaying,并与学生进行问答。)S1:Im playing.S2:Im playing.T:Hes playing. S

8、hes playing. What are they doing?S:Theyre playing.(引导学生回答“Theyre ”)(1)黑板贴上问答句“What are they doing? Theyre ”(2)句型操练:pair work/group work5、出示photo4:A girl is writing.T:I think Linda is very busy.Shes not playing.Shes not singing. She can write.Shes writing. (引出writewriting,并与学生进行问答。)通过听说读写四个环节,完成新单词wr

9、iting的教学。(注意强调write现在分词的构成形式和发音)6、出示photo5:Two boys are running.T:Look!Who are they?S:They are xx and xx.T:Two naughty boys.Theyre running in the balcony.Its dangerous.Dont run,please!(通过图片引出runrunning,并与学生进行问答。)(注意强调run现在分词的构成形式和发音。)通过听说读写四个环节,完成新单词running的教学。7、创设情境,教学单词sleeping。T:We did many sport

10、s today.Im tired.I want to sleep.(引出sleepsleeping ,并与学生互动进行问答。)通过听说读写四个环节,完成新单词sleeping的教学。Step 4 Consolidation1、 听录音,学生跟读P15Vocabulary&Target.2、 小组内朗读新单词及句型。3、 老师抽查两个小组。4、 Lets chant!Doing, doing. What are you doing?I am writing.I am reading.I am sleeping at home.Doing, doing. What are they doing?T

11、hey are playing.They are singing.They are running outdoor.Hey!5、 Lets play a game.ppt展示本课单词图片,老师提问What are you doing?/What are they doing?,学生竞猜图片,并根据问题以“Im、Theyre”来回答。Step5 SummaryT: What did we learn today?教师引导学生小结本节课的知识要点。Step6 Practice1. Lets do some exercises.2. Check the answers.Step7 Extension

12、1.Make a survey.(表格略)创设情景,台山电视台的记者来到学校对同学们进行“课间活动”的采访,学生4人小组,一个学生扮演记者,手拿采访表格,其他扮演正在活动的学生。以下是reporter和student的示范对话:A:Good morning, boy.B:Good morning.A:What are you doing?B:Im writing.A: Thank you. Goodbye!B: Bye!2. 记者汇报记者根据采访到的信息,在全班面前进行汇报,教师统计全班各类活动的人数。 Xx pupils are playing. Xx pupils are running.Step8 Homework1、 认真抄写今天学习的六个动词各四次。2、 听录音,熟读P15词句。3、 跟父母分享这堂英语课你的收获。【板书设计】Unit 2 School Activities(Period 1)reading write What are you doing?singing writing Im.playing run What are they doing?sleeping running They are .4


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