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1、主从复合句练习题一、宾语从句.单项选择()1. He asked which film they _ about.A. will talkB. are going to talkC. was going to talkD. were talking()2. Do you know _ bike this is?A. thatB. whoC. whyD. whose()3. Polly said no news _ good news.A. wasB. wereC. isD. are()4. We didn t know _ she was ready or not.A. whenB. that

2、C. whetherD. what()5. What did your PE teacher say about your high jump at the sports meeting? He said that I _ better.A. can doB. amC. will doD. could do()6. I want to know when _ have a field trip.Well have it when all the work _.A. you are; will finishB. you will; finishesC. you will; is finished

3、D. you; finish()7. Could you tell me when _?At 10:25, in ten minutes.A. the bus will leaveB. will the bus leaveC. the bus has leftD. had the bus left()8. Do you know _ he ll arrive here at 9:00 this morning? I m afraid he ll be late.A. thatB. howC. whyD. whether()9. Could you tell me _?She is a stud

4、ent in Eton School.A. where Kate is studyingB. how Kate was studyingC. why Kate was studyingD. when Kate studied()10. Do you know _ going to stay in London?No, I don t. Maybe a few days.A. when he isB. how long he isC. when is heD. how long is heShe doesn t know how _ _ _ _ _. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。11. I

5、don t think the watch will _ (mend) well in 2 days.12. She said that the sun _ (be) brighter than the moon.13. I will take back what I _ (say).14. I wanted to know if he _ (can) mend the car.15. She said that she _ (go) fishing last Sunday.16. She told me that they _ (talk) about a new book at this

6、time yesterday.17. I m sure everything _ (go) well.118. I hope that I _ (visit) Beijing soon.19. I hear that Tom _ (be) here for a week.20. Tom told his boss that he _ (finish) the work well if he _ (give) another chance.二、定语从句. 单项选择()1. The boy _ helped me yesterday is playing soccer with his frien

7、ds.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. whose()2. The music _ the U2 band played was very popular.A. whichB. whoC. whomD. whose()3. The girl _ skirt is red is Tom s sister.A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. that()4. This is the best way _ can help us earn lots of money.A. whichB. whoC. thatD. when()5. Anyone _ breaks the r

8、ules must be punished.A. whomB. whoseC. whichD. who()6. We talked the things and persons _ we were interested in.A. thatB. whichC. whoD. when()7. There is a girl _ is waiting for you.A. whoseB. whichC. whomD. who()8. I ll never forget the day _ I first come here.A. whenB. whereC. whyD. who()9. This

9、is the room _ he lived last year.A. whenB. whereC. whyD. which()10. That s the reason _ he was late for school.A. whenB. whereC. whyD. which.根据汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1. 这就是那个帮助过我的人。This is the man _ _ me.2. 你在寻找的医生在房间里。The doctor _ you are looking for _ in the room.3. 你认识那个名叫李萍的女士吗?Do you know the lady _ n

10、ame _ Li Ping?4. 我收到的那封信是我父亲写来的。The letter _ I received _ from my father.5. 你还有什么要说的吗?Is there anything _ you _ to say?6. 你还记得我们几天前拜访过的那个人吗?Do you still remember the man _ _ _ a few days ago?7. 那个在事故中断了左臂的工人被送进了医院。The worker _ left arm _ _ in the accident was sent to hospital.8. 这就是我出生的地方。This is _

11、_ _ I was born.9. 这是我看过的最好的小说。This is _ _ _ _ I have read.210. 这是你第二次给我们讲这个故事了。This is your second time _ _ _ us the story.三、状语从句. 单项选择()1. He spoke so quickly _ no one could follow him.A. whichB. afterC. as D. that()2. We cannot be sure what you want _ you tell us.A. ifB. sinceC. as soon as D. unle

12、ss()3. When will he call you up? _ he comes back.A. As soon as B. SinceC. Because D. Unless()4. He will not go to the cinema _ he s ill.A. thoughB. unlessC. whyD. because()5. His father is _ busy _ he seldom goes back home.A. too; toB. so; thatC. enough; to D. such; that()6. He was reading _ his sis

13、ter was writing.A. afterB. whileC. becauseD. as soon as()7. _ you have to stay at home, you d better go over your lessons.A. ThoughB. AfterC. BeforeD. Since()8. Alicewill come to my party _ she s free.A. afterB. whyC. ifD. though()9. Wait a moment, please. He ll be back in ten minutes. All right. I

14、ll _ here _ he comes back.A. leave; untilB. reach; tillC. stay; tillD. wait for; until()10. The question is _ that nobody can answer it.A. very hardB. too difficultC. strange enough D. so strange. 根据汉语完成下列英语句子,每空一词。11. 他很小的时候就会骑自行车了。He was able to ride a bike _ he _ very young.12. 直到我叫他的名字,他才看见我。He

15、_ _ me _ I called his name.13. 既然你需要这本书,你就拿走吧。_ _ _ the book, you may take it.14. 天气太热了,以至于我想去游泳。It was _ _ _ I want to go swimming.15. 除非下雨,我会跟你一起去那儿。I ll go there with you _ _ _.16. 如果你有困难,找我帮忙。_ you are _ trouble, ask me for help.17. 我看电视的时候,我弟弟正在外面打篮球。My brother was playing basketball outside _

16、I _ _ TV.18. 我一得到消息就会马上过来。I ll come here right away _ _ _ I get the news.319. 他没有听见敲门,因为他正在听收音机。He didn t hear the knocktthea door _ he _ _ _ the radio.20. 如果你不知道这个词的意思,最好查查字典。_ you don t know the meaning of the word, you d better _ _ _in the dictionary.Key:一、宾语从句 . 1-5 DDCCD6-10 CADAB . 11. be mend

17、ed12. is13. said14. could15. went16. were talking17. goes18. will visit19. has been20. would finish; was given二、定语从句 .1-5 BACCD6-10 ADABC . 1. who / that helped 2. whom; is3. whose; is4. that / which; was5. that; want6. who / whom / that we visited7. whose; was broken8. the place where9. the best novel that10. that you told三、状语从句 . 1-5 DDADB6-10 BDCCD . 11. when; was12. didn t see; until13. Since you need14. so hot that15. unless it rains16. If; in17. while; was watching18. as soon as19. because; was listening to20. If; look it up4


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