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1、公众号: 678 高中初中资料库短文改错:以下文章有十处错误。How does the disease present?Well,fromwhatisknownsofar, therecanbethenumberofsymptomsrangefrommildtosevere.Therecanbefeverandrespiratorysymptomssuchas coughandshortofbreath.In moresevere case, there s been pneumonia(肺炎 ), kidney failure(肾衰竭 ),and death. The mortality r

2、ate(死亡率 ) was not known yet.How can we tell if someone is infected or not?Theinfectioncanbediagnosed(诊断 )byatestcalling PCR orPolymeraseChainReaction(聚合酶链反应 ).This testidentifiesthevirusbasingon itsgeneticfingerprint(指纹 ).Thereiscurrentnospecific medicationforthevirusandtreatmentissupportivecare.The

3、re snocurrentlyvaccine( 疫苗 ) toprotectthevirus.Treatmentand vaccines are in development.阅读理解:ReadingIn December 2019, there was a cluster of pneumonia(肺炎 ) cases inChina.Investigationsfoundthatitwascausedbyapreviouslyunknown virus-now named the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. In this text,we ll take a quick

4、 look at what s currently known about the virus.1公众号: 678 高中初中资料库Keep in mind(记住 ) that this is a new virus and what s known aboutthe virus now might change in the future.Coronaviruses(冠状病毒 ) are a large group of viruses. They consist ofa core of genetic material(遗传物质) surrounded by an envelope with

5、proteinspikes(蛋白棘突 ). This gives it theappearanceof acrown.Crown in Latin is called“ corona ” and thats how these viruses gettheir name.There are different types of coronaviruses that cause respiratory(呼吸的 ) and sometimes gastrointestinal(胃肠的 ) symptoms. Respiratorydisease can range from the common

6、cold to pneumonia(肺炎 ). Andin most people, the symptoms tend to be mild. However, there aresometypesofcoronavirusesthatcan causeseveredisease.Theseinclude the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS即严重急性呼吸综合征,俗称“非典”) coronavirus first identified in China in 2003andtheMiddleEastRespiratorySyndrome(ME

7、RS 中东呼吸综合征 )coronavirusthat wasfirstidentifiedin SaudiArabia(沙特阿拉伯 ) in2012.The 2019 Novel Coronavirus was first identified in China. It initiallyoccurredin a groupofpeoplewithassociatedwitha seafoodandliveWuhan.The diseasehas sincespreadpneumonia(肺炎 ) who d beenanimalmarketinthecityoffromthosewhowe

8、resicktoothers, including family members and health care staff(员工;全体职2公众号: 678 高中初中资料库员 ). There are many cases at present and the disease has spread within China and also to a number of other countries.So, where did the virus come from?It s knownthatcoronaviruses(冠状病毒 ) circulateina rangeofanimals.

9、 Sometimes these viruses can make the jump from animalsto humans. This is called a spillover and could be due to a range offactors suchas mutations(变异 ) in thevirus orincreasedcontactbetween humans and animals. For example, MERS-CoV is known tobe transmitted from camels and SARS-CoV, from civet cats

10、(果子狸 ).The animalreservoir of the2019NovelCoronavirus is notknownyet.Questions :1.Why was the novel virus named“ coronavirus” ?2.Was 2019-nCoV transmitted from bats(蝙蝠 )?3.How many types of coronaviruses are introduced in the passage?语篇填空:How do we prevent transmission of the virus?Thisnewviruscurre

11、ntlyhas a1(limit)geographicspread.2,therearea numberof standardhygiene(卫生 ) practices3havebeen recommended to protect against infection and further spread.Theseincludecoveringyourmouthandnosewhencoughingor3公众号: 678高中初中资料库sneezing with a medical mask, tissue or flexed elbow; avoiding closecontactwith

12、thosewhoareunwell;theappropriateuseof4(mask)andpersonalprotectiveequipment,5(especial) in a healthcare setting; washing handsregularlywithsoapand water, oralcohol-basedhand rub.Actionsthat can be taken to prevent infection from_6_animal sourceinclude:avoidingunnecessaryunprotectedcontactwithanimals;

13、washinghandsaftercontactwithanimalsor animalproducts; andensuringthatanimalproductsare cookedthoroughlybeforethey 7(consume).8 is important to stay home if you have a fever, cough, and difficultyearly and share your previous travel history provider. re feeling unwell. But if you 9 (breath) , seek medical care10 your healthcare写作:倡议书从小事做起共战疫情假定你是学生会主席李华,当前新冠状病毒肆虐,请你围绕“从小事做起共战疫情”这一主题,给全校学生写一封英文倡议书。要点如下:1. 倡议的原因和目的2. 倡议的具体内容4公众号: 678 高中初中资料库3. 发出倡议注意:1. 词数 150 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。微信公众号: 678 高中初中资料库5


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