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1、Unit 1 Body language,Understanding of Reading,Skim the story and list the body languages between Debbie and Simon,Pair work,Debbies,Simons,greets cheerfully, holds her head up, makes eye contact with customers, always smile,rests his head on his hand, doesnt look up, never smile,The customers go to

2、her.,Doesnt make a good impression on people.,the result,the result,Deeper understanding of the new words,Find the meanings,Skim the story to guess the meaning of some words from their contexts. Then use them to complete the conversation.,C1,How do you know she was disappointed at the news? She _. 2

3、. What does your sister do? She works at the reception desk in a hotel. She takes great care of her _. 3. Was it difficult to make him agree to your suggestion? No. He agreed _.,sighed,appearance,without hesitation,4. Did you read the newspaper this morning? No. I only _ the headlines. 5. How do peo

4、ple who cannot speak under one another? They use _ to communicate. 6. Would rather go out or stay at home? Id _ to stay at home.,gestures,prefer,glanced at,C 2 Find words in the story that have meanings similar to the following.,wearing nice clothes come or go into a place 3. holding a higher positi

5、on 4. a person who is paid to work for other people 5. What is the matter? 6. a suitable time when it is possible to do something 7. make people think highly of you 8. help somebody remember something,be well-dressed,enter,employee,Whats up?,chance,make a good impression on people,remind,senior,D Re

6、ad and think,Complete the questions below according to their answers,Who _ to Debbie? A well-dressed lady. 2. How _ her? Cheerfully. 3. Why _ _to Simon? Because he doesnt make a good impression on them. 4. What _do? To improve his body language.,walked over,did Debbie greet to,did the customers alwa

7、ys prefer Debbie,did Simon decide to,Look and think,Read again and do,Questions,Answer the questions according to the photo and the story.,What is the main topic of the story? Where are Debbie and Simon? Who gives Simon advice? In the photo, which person looks more friendly, the boy or the girl? 5.

8、How does Debbie make the customers feel good?,Body Language,In the office of a travel agency.,Mr. Young, a senior employee.,The girl, Debbie.,She is holding her head up. She makes eye contact with the customers and smiles.,6. Why does Simons body language keep the customers away from him? 7. What di

9、d Simon do to improve his appearance? 8. Did Simon Really make a customer prefer to him this time?,Because he often rests his head on his hand. He doesnt look up. He never smiles.,He improved his body language by sitting up and smiling at people.,No. It was not a customer. It was his sister.,Read th

10、e story & complete the speech bubble.,I spoke to Mr. Young today. Hes one of the 1)_ employees at the travel agency. I told him that our customers always prefer to talk to 2) _. He told me the problem might be the way I 3) _. He explained to me about 4) _ language. He said that my body language was

11、not giving customers a good 5)_. So now Im trying to 6) _ my body language.,senior,Debbie,communicated,body,impression,improve,Thank you for listening!,九年级英语bodylanguagereading1,19,; DNF公益服 chl564vgw 莫艳艳看着那两个终是走近的身影,满意的咧嘴而笑,才发现自己似乎从来不曾这般笑过! 笑着笑着居然流下泪来,莫艳艳不由在心底骂了句脏话,伸手便将那些多余的眼泪弹去,她大概是被自己给感动了,也对,她原本就不

12、是一个好女人,难得会做出这样一件善事来,果然连自己都被感动了! 想了想,还是去喝酒吧,花天酒地、肆意人生才更符合她莫艳艳的人生,思及此,不由邪魅的弯起了唇角! 曾经的你许了未来一个远方,未来还你一个年少的梦我私心里总以为生活原该如此! 莫艳艳和孤独晓寂是一对姐妹花,嗯,老实说,也算不上,毕竟这两个性格迥异的女子,在各方面的差异总是出神入化的大! 这两个活宝之所以会走到一起,完全是缘分使然。孤独晓寂从小学习优异,是老师眼中的宠儿、父母的骄傲、年级楷模生、左邻右舍的榜样,一路高歌凯奏、不出意外的考进了国家一流大学。莫艳艳跟孤独晓寂是小学同学,也是邻里,中学的时候莫艳艳的父母不惜花重金将莫艳艳送往了孤独晓寂所在的中学,尽管这一举措遭到了莫艳艳极大地反对和愤怒的回应,奈何当年莫艳艳人微势薄、只能屈服于父母的强权之下。莫艳艳可不是那种好好学生,她在中学时代便懂得引领潮流,只做时尚的宠儿! 莫艳艳每每调侃“哎,我说孤独晓寂啊,你爸妈从小是不是打算让你四大皆空啊?”她说这样的话总是咯咯大笑,如银铃一般洒落满室,莫艳艳人美、身材好,笑声也好听,所以她从小就如公主般受到万众瞩目。 孤独晓寂也跟她一般属于万众瞩目的对象,不过她的那种热度、不应该说是冷度,她从小到大虽然都是学校的风云人物,不过却是那种让人敬而远之的知名度,因为实在高不可攀!,


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