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1、PEP5 Unit5 There is a big bedTeachingMaterial:Teachingcontents:Teaching aims and learning objectives:EmotionaleducationgoalFocus of the lesson:Predicted area of difficulty:B Let s learn白鹤中心小学陈玲玲PEP5 Unit5 There is a big bedPart B Let s learn1.New vocabulary:in front ofbesidebetweenbehindabove2.Sente

2、nce structures:There is/are .Where is the? It s .Enable the students to:1. Get to know the meaning of“in front of , beside,between, behind, above ” and pronounce them correctly;2. Use the new words in speaking and writing;3. Use the main sentence structures to ask and answer.1. Can describe the loca

3、tion of the objects.2. Can put away things in the adaptable place.1. Use phonics to pronounce a word correctly.2. Understand the position with the new words.1.Pronounce“ infrontofbetweenabove ”correctly;2. Use the new words in different sentences;3. Ask and answer with the new words.Teaching aids:Mu

4、ltimedia 、 word cardsBlackUnit5 There is a big bedboard-writingPart B Let s learnThere is/are .Where is the_?It s_.beside behind abovein front of betweenTeaching procedure:分层目标实施(内容)1.Warm upStep Freetalk2.Let sandchantleadin.3.ShowapictureofStepthetwoPresedogsntatioplayi如何实施(策略与方法)1. T: Class begin

5、s.S: Stand up.T: Good morning boys and girls. How are you?SS: Fine, thank you.T: Sit down, please.T: First, let s chant.Look at the cat. It is fat. Look at the pig. It is big. Look at the dog. It is on the log. Look at the duck. It is in the truck. Look at the bear. It is on the pear. Oops!2. T: Loo

6、k, where is the dog?Ss: It s on the log.T: Oh, there is a ball. I have a balltoo. Where is it?Ss: It s (review in/on/under)T: Look! Where is the ball?(Screen:The dogrunsbehindtheball )Ss: It s in front of the dog.T: Listen carefully. in front of.当堂评价1 、与学生问好,融洽 学 习 氛围。2 、学生能 够chant3. 学 生 能够 根 据 图片信息

7、,准确 地 描 述球 的 位 置nStepConsolidationngaballandshowthenewwords and try to pron ounc e them corre ctly.4. Word exerc ises5. Usethe words to make sentenc es.(practiceinfront ofin differentinfrontways: 1. Listen. Try to read. 2.of ,这个词Pronounceinfront of o/?/infronttalk已经of 3. Spell and writeitonthe学过,学生b

8、lackboard. 4.Read ineachgroup.基本掌握。5. Make sentences: Xxx is in front of xxx. The _ is in front of _. )3. T: Look, where is the ball now?4. 学 生 通S1: It s beside the dog.过小游戏,T: Great.Listencarefully.Beside巩固beside.beside和(practice it the same way as in frontbehind。of)4. T: Where is the ball now?S1:

9、It s behind the dog.T: Cool. Listen: behind behind(practice behind in the same way)Playa game: IfIshow this(right)hand, you say beside. If I show this(left) hand, you say behind. If I show5. 落 实 最these(two hands), you say haha. Are后 一 个 生you clear?Let s do together.词(afterThe teacherdemonstration,be

10、tween ,ask onestudentcome to perform,之后,看图he/she do, and the others say)读 单 词 和5. T: Look at the ball. Where is it now?句子。S1: It s above the dog.T: Good. Above above.6. 通过贴(practice above in the same way)图游戏,找6. T: Where is the ball now?茬 呈 现 学S1: It s between the two dogs.生 对 五 个T: ee/i:/The beeis

11、between the方 位 的 理beef and cheese.解。StepProduction6.affectiveeducation7.homework( practice between in the sameway )7. 学 生 根7.Practice sentences and words.据 Zhanga.Where s the ball?Peng 的房It s_.间 的 图 片Play a game:能 描 述 和Choose the correct pictureaccording造对话。to the words. Then put itabove thewords. T

12、hen chant together.11. 整 理b. Where s _?ZhangI m_.Peng 的Describe your position. I m .房 间 拓c. T: What is in the box?展 并 导(two pencils, a ruler, an eraser )出 情 感Ss practice things on their desk with教育their partner.d. Describe Zhang peng s bedroom and make sentences.e.Tidy up Zhang Pengs room.(What a cl

13、ean room.)f. 情感教育: Customs makes all things easy. Clean your room everyday!T: Class over. There s today s homework.Step 本课新授五个方位词,如何让学生正确朗读和理解方位词义是重点,最后学生能把方位词放在句型中,描述物品的位置关系,达Teachingreflection到学以致用,流利的输出句型和应用知识点是难点。因此我创设的情境简单主线明确。首先用 chant 既复习旧知,又导出 the black dog 。紧接着问 Where s my ball? 再次复习了 in/on

14、/under. 然后看屏幕呈现的 ball 和 dog 的关系,呈现五个新单词。在新单词的操练环节中,我时间分配的不够好, between 是比较难读的词,要是能花比别的词更多点时间操练,学生能掌握的更好了。五个词我从听,跟读,再语音教学,然后分组操练,直到个别学生都能朗读正确为止,学生基本完成了新词的输入。呈现好五个方位词,接下是语言输出环节。第一,设计了学生在教室里的 位置关系,然后说说自己的前后左右是哪位同学。这个环节本身是比较好的, 但安排的环节太早了。 第二个环节是课本 dog和 ball 位置关系的系统复习,然后一个让学生上台把图片贴在正确单词的上方的活动。这个游戏相对于说说位置的环节简单多了,所以出现一个操练难易层次混乱的尴尬局面。学生贴完图,第三个环节我用了一个 chant 巩固操练句型和方位词。这个 chant 示范的不够到位,操练的过于快。第四个环节,呈现一个盒子,学生用句型There is/are 说出盒子的文具,然后示范造句。学生能 pair work. 问答文具的位置。第五个环节,描述 Zhang Peng 的房间。两只狗原来在他房间玩球,弄乱了房间的东西。最后一个环节,帮他整理房间并导出情感教育。总之,这节课,给学生的很多操练环节,给学生输出他们知识的时间都不够到位,他们能够表现的更好!


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