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1、PRACTICE 5Vocabulary (5 marks)Choose the most suitable answer and write its number in the brackets provided. (5*1=5 marks)( ) 1. Yacob looked at the aggressor without battling a/an _.A. earB. lipsC.eyelidD. nostril( ) 2. The _ of elephants are stacking heavy logs.A. bevyB. herdC.flockD. shoal( ) 3.D

2、espite her many successes, Tenzin remains _.A. humbleB. beautifulC.proudD. silly( ) 4.We were struck by the _ of his character.A. shameB. beautyC.modelD. attraction( ) 5.People on the street are staring at that ladys _.A. neatB. sutiableC.cleanD. strangeGrammar(35 marks)Underline the correct word in

3、 each of the brackets. (14*1=14 marks)6. Pulau Rendang has developed ( in, into, on ) a tourist attraction.7. The twins ( is, are, have ) going to visit their grandmother later.8. Of all the children, only three ( wear, wears, wearing ) spectacles.9. A salad ( is, are, am ) a mixture of fresh fruits

4、 and vegetables.10. Are there ( any, much, a ) cookies in the jar?11. Fruits and nuts ( is, are, am ) good for our body.12. The coconut tree is useful to ( us, our, ours ).13. My friends ( like, likes, liking ) my stickers.14. The bottle of mineral water ( is, are, am ) almost empty.15. Mingmei retu

5、rned the book to me as it was ( I, me, mine ).16. There isnt ( enough, few, some ) flour to bake cookies.17. Weiling does not ( like, likes, liking ) to eat meat.18. Brush your teeth ( before, during, after ) sleeping.19. We ( give, gave, giving ) David the gift yesterday.20. Wax ( is, are, am ) use

6、d to make candles.Rearrange the words to form correct sentences and end each sentence with a full-stop. (10*2 = 10marks)21. makebeingImyparentsbyhappygoodboya_22. sense oflostcamperstheirandthe forestinThedirectionare lost_23. nevershouldwiththey areasmatchesChildrenplaydangerous_24. in front ofdoes

7、friendslikeMysisternottohersing_25. brotherjoggingMypreferstoswimming_26. smokegiven outA lot ofisavolcanowhenerupts_27. theclimbedthethiefwindowthroughbedroominto the_28. awea dayourselvesofhardworkrestgaveafter_29. all the timecousinswithmyeachotherquarrel_30.beatuifulrainbowlooksthelikeathe skybr

8、idgeacross_Vocabulary Cloze (10 marks)Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the box.organisedcleanlinessharmfulimportanceprizeexcitedclassroomwinningpersonalpleasedLast week, we attended a health talk on hygienic habits. Mr Yeo, our headmaster, spoke about the (31) _ of keeping our body and

9、 (32)_ belongings clean. He said that (33) _ is the key tohealthyliving.He warned us of (34) _ germs tahtcause disease.A contest was (35) _ to select the cleanest (36) _. MrYeo was (37) _ with the efforts that we had put in for the pastone week. Wewere all(38) _ about the resultsof the competitionas

10、 a (39) _ would be awarded to the (40) _ class.Comprehension MCQ (14 marks)Read the passage carefully. Then choose the correct answer and write its number (A,B,C or D) in the brackets.It was raining cats anddogs. Jane was waitingat the shelter for therain to stop. She did not have an umbrella with h

11、er. Jane was worried as she was late for work.Do you want to cross over to the other side? a lady asked. Turning around, Jane came face to face with a middle-age lady who was carrying a big bag in one hand and an umbrella in the other.Yes, please. Which way are you going? Jane asked.To the right, th

12、e lady answered. Jane declined the offer as she was going towards a different direction. She would be left without a shelter if they crossed over to the other side. You can have my umbrella, thelady said, Ill get my husband to pick me up.Jane accepted the ladys kindness. She was very amazed and touc

13、hed by such kindness a person can show to a stranger.( ) 41. It was _.A. drizzlingB. a sunny dayC.windyD. raining heavily( ) 42. Jane was going _.A. homeB. to schoolC. toworkD. to play( ) 43. A middle-age lady is _.A. a teenagerB. an old ladyyouthD. a lady in her forties( ) 44. Jane _.A. did not tak

14、e the ladys umbrellaB. threw the umbrella awayC. shared the umbrella with the ladyD. took the ladys umbrella( ) 45. The word declined means _.A. said noB. said yeshappyD. felt disappointedC. aC. felt( ) 46. The ladys husband was going to _.A. pick her up in a carB. bring an umbrella to herC. give he

15、r money for the taxi fareD. leave her alone at the bus-stop( ) 47. Jane was _ what the lady had done for her.A. angry withB. disappointed withC. surprised and touched byD. sorry forComprehension OE (16 marks)Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.We had our computer lesson y

16、esterday. The teacher taught us how touse the software Powerpoint to create multimedia presentation slides.A multimediaslideconsistsof text,graphics,animation,video and sound.Texts are simply words. Graphics are drawings or pictures. After we hadcreated the text and put in the graphics, we were taug

17、ht how to animateor to move themaround. All of uswere happy tobe able to create our ownslide shows. It was certainly better to have a multimedia presentation slide than a plain text slide which consisted only of words.A multimedia presentation slide is more interesting and gives more information.48.

18、 What lesson did the children have?_49. Which softwaredid they use to create multimediapresentationslides?_50. What are texts?_51. What does a multimedia presentation contain?_52. What are graphics?_53. Give a word in the passage which means to move something around on a screen._54. How did the chil

19、dren feel about creating their own slide shows?_55. Whyis it better to have a multimedia presentation slide than a plain textslide?_Guided Writing(20 marks)Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words andphrases in the box.A Puppyinjuredexaminedpitifuldeserted roadveterinarianpar

20、ked the carrecovered_ANSWERSPrimary 2 EnglishPractice 51. C2. B3. A4. B5. D6. into7. are8. wear9. is10. any11. are12. us13. like14. is15. mine16. enough17. like18. before19. gave20. is21. I make my parents happy by being a good boy.22. The campers losttheirsense of directionand are lostin the forest

21、.23. Children should never play with matches as they are dangerous.24. My sister does not like to sing in front of her friends.25. My brother prefers jogging to swimming.26. A lot of smoke is given out when a volcano erupts.27. The thief climbed into the bedroom through the window.28. We gave oursel

22、ves a rest after a day of hard work.29. My cousins quarrel with each other all the time.30. The rainbow looks like a beautiful bridge across the sky.31. importance36. classroom32. personal37. pleased33. cleanliness38. excited34. harmful39. prize35. organised40. winning41. D42. C43. D44. D45. A46. A4

23、7. C48. They had a computer lesson.49. They used the software Powerpoint to create a multimedia presentation slide.50. They are words.51. It contains texts, graphics, animation, video and sound.52. They are drawings or pictures.53. The word is animate.54. They felt happy.55. A multimedia presentation slide is more interesting and gives more information.


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