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1、-精选文档 -一、冠词1. 不定冠词 a/ana.第一次提到某人/ 物;泛指;表示时间、价格、速度相当于every ;固定词组 (afew/little/bit, have a swim, have a cold, have a good time, in a hurry, for a while, keep a diary)b. a 辅音开头的单词, an 元音开头的单词c.某些被具体化的物质名词或抽象名词表示“一次、一场、一顿、一件”a strongwind, a great success, a great surprised.a + 序数词( first 除外)表示“又一,再一”a s

2、econd one2.定冠词 thea.双方都知道的人或事b.特指或上文已提到过的人/ 物c.独一无二The earth moves around the sun.d.序数词、特定比较的比较级、最高级e.姓氏表示的一家人、夫妻俩the Greensf.单数名词或形容词前表一类人/ 物 the orange(橘子 ), the rich, the poorg.专有名词:江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、沙漠the Great Wall, the United Statesh. 表示方位 the north of Chinai. 西洋乐器 the pianoj. 固定词组 at the age of, at

3、 the beginning of, at the moment, at the same time, all the time, by the way, in the daytime, in the end, in the middle of, in the morning/afternoon/evening, in the open air, on the other side of3. 零冠词a. 不可数名词和复数名词表泛指b.专有名词如人名、地名、国家名、街名、路名、山名China, New York, NanjingRoad, Hainan Islandc.有物主代词、名词所有格 t

4、hat, this, every, my, ours, teachers , father sd.日期、星期、月份、季节 June 1 st , on Monday, in May, in summer但是特指某年某个月份或某年的某个季节要加the 如: in the spring of 1987e. 三餐、球类及学科 have breakfast, play basketball, in Englishf.公共假日、节日Near Year s Day, Women s Dayg.与 by 连用的交通工具by bus, by car但是 take a bus, in a boat, on th

5、e bike除外h. 固定词组 at noon/night/dawn, at school/work/home, day and night, face to face, in danger, in bed, in time, on duty, side by side, step by stepi.a number of = a lot of; the number of“的数量”且谓语动词用单数二、代词可编辑-精选文档 -1.人称代词主格(宾格):单数I me, you you, she her, he him, it it; 复数 we us, you you,they them2. 物

6、主代词形容词性(名词性):单数 my mine, your yours, his his, her hers, its its, our ours, your yours, their theris3. 反身代词 oneself4. 指示代词a.this, these近指; that, those远指b.打电话 this 介绍自己, that 询问对方c.it 指上文提到的同一事物;one 泛指上文提到的同类而不同物;that比较级中代替前面提到的可数名词单数或不可数名词d. it 常用句型: It is +adj (for/of sb.) to do sth. seems that ;It

7、s one s turn to do think it necessary to do sth.;It s time to do/for/that ;It ;It s +adj +that 从句; Do you5. 不定代词a. either 两者中任何一个, neither 两者中都不, none 三者及以上都不, each 两者及以上每一个, every 三者及以上每一个b.other 另外的, the other两者中另一个 (one the other ),others泛指别的人或物 (some others), the others 特指其余所有的人或物, another三者及以上的

8、另一个c.everyone = everybody只能指人不可以与 of 连用; every one 即可指人也可指物,可以与 of 连用三、数词1. 序数词 eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth, thirty-fist, fortieth, fiftietha.two fifths五分之二b.every ten days每 10 天 = every ninth day每隔 9 天四、介词1. 时间的介词 at, in, on, after, before, until, during, by, since, from, for2. 地点的介词 in( 属于某一

9、地区之内 ), on( 毗邻关系 ), to( 属于某一地区之外 ), over( 在正上方 ), above, at, below( 在下方 ), under( 在正下方 )3. 其他的介词 between, among( 三者及以上之间 ), across( 从表面穿过 ), through( 从中间穿过 ), over( 空间上越过 ), past( 经过 ), towards( 只说明运动方向没有”到达”的意思 ), behind, with, but(除之外 but 后接动词原形 ), except( 常和 all, every, any, no连用 ), besides( 除之外还

10、有,常和other, another, any, other, a few连用 )4.be made of由制成 (看到原材料 ), be made from由制成 (看不出原材料), bemade in(在某地制造 ), be made by(被制成 ), be made into(被制成 ), be madeup of( 由组成 )5. 动词 + 介词短语 look after, look like, look at, arrive at, get to, listen to, talk with( 和谈话 ), agree to, agree with, point at, hear f

11、rom可编辑-精选文档 -6.动词 + 副词短语中宾语为代词时,代词it/them要放中间: put on, take off, turn on,turn off, turn down(调小 / 拒绝 ), turn up, put away(收拾 ), put out(熄灭 ), put up(搭建), write down, look up(查找 ), try on(试穿 )五、动词的 8 种时态动词的5 种形式:动词原形、三单式、现在分词ing 、过去式、过去分词(不规则动词表)1. 一般现在时(动词原形 / 三单)a. 经常性的动作或状态的时间状语: often, always, us

12、ually, sometimes, once a week, three times a week, every day, every year, on Sundays, on Monday afternoonsb. 客观事实或普遍真理: The earth is round. / Light travels faster than sound.c.主将从现: if, as soon as, until, when引导的时间、条件状语从句2. 一般过去时(过去式)a. 过去的时间状语: last night, yesterday, some years ago, in 1990, in the

13、 past,the other day, at that time,just nowb. 过去常常 used to do sth. When I was in the countryside, I used to swim in the river.3.一般将来时( will / be going to +动词原形)a.将来的时间状语: tomorrow, next week, next Sunday, in a few days,in+ 一段时间b.客观性的将来与主观愿望和判断无关,只能用shall/will 不能用 be going to(计划打算做) The sun will rise

14、at 6:00 tomorrow morning.4.现在进行时( am/is/are +(not) +现在分词 ing )a.时间状语: now, these days或含有 look, listen, can you see, cant you see等暗示语b.现在进行时表将来的动词:go, come, leave, start, beginc.不能用现在进行时的动词:see, hear, like, love, hate, want, would like, have(表归属 ), know, think, forget5.现在完成时( have/has +动词原形)时间状语: alr

15、eady, yet(否定 ), for+ 时间段 , since+ 时间点 / 从句 , by now, so far, tillnow, up to now, ever, never, recently, just, before, still, in the last/past fewyears6.过去进行时( was/were +现在分词)a. 时间状语: then, at that time, this time yesterday, at 8:00 yesterday, at ten yesterdayb. When 或 while 引导的时间状语从句:主句动作先于从句动作发生且进行

16、时间较长,主句过去进行时,从句一般过去时;从句动作先于主句动作发生且进行时间较长,从句过去进行时,主句一般过去时。c. While 引导的时间状语从句:主句动作和从句动作不分先后或同时发生,同时使用过去进行时d. 非延续性动词 buy, borrow, open, close, begin, start, come, go, finish, die, catch a cold, put on, get up, wake up, fall asleep, lose, join, leave, arrive, reach 通常用一般过去时而不用过去进行时可编辑-精选文档 -e.非延续性go, co

17、me, leave, arrive, start的过去进行时表示过去按计划即将发生的动作7. 过去完成时( had + 动词原形)a. 必须有一个或者暗含一个发生在过去的动作作为参照b. 时间状语: by last week, by the end of last year, just8.过去将来时( would 或 was/were going to +动词原形)时间状语:the next day9.词组区别 have been to(去而已回) have gone to (去而未回) have been in/at(待了多久)六、动词的语态( be +过去分词)1.感官动词 see, he

18、ar, watch, feel, notice, touch, sound, smell, taste和使役动词 let,make, have 省略的 to 要还原2. 主动结构表被动意义a.open, lock, write, read, sell, clean, wash, cut, burn, drive主动语态表被动b.look, sound, taste, smell主动形式表被动c.be worth doing sth.值得做某事表被动d. 这三个动词 want/need/ require + doing = want/need/require + to be done3. 不能用

19、被动语态的情况a. 主动句的宾语是 each other 或反身代词b.主动句的宾语是不定式或doing如只能用主动语态My mother enjoys watchingTV.七、情态动词1.只作情态动词 must, can, could, may, might;可作情态动词和实义动词need, dare ;可作情态动词和助动词will, would, shall, should;具有情态动词特征have to,ought to2.must 提问,肯定回答Yes, you must.否定回答 No, you needn t 或 don t haveto ; need 提问,肯定回答 Yes,

20、you must 否定回答 No, you needn t.3.can 只用于一般现在时和一般过去时用could,其他时态必须 be able to;must 表示主观而 have/has to强调客观“必须、不得不”;may be 用在句中而 maybe 为副词常用在句首表示“大概,也许”相当于perhaps; can t 表示“不可能”而 may not“可能不是”。八、非谓语动词1.不定式( (not) + to +动词原形)疑问词 how, what, which, where, when + to do2. 动名词(动词 ing )a. 动词 finish, enjoy, mind,

21、 miss, be worth, practice, feel like, look forward to, be/get used to, pay attention to, according to, spend some time/money(in), make a contribution to, have trouble/problems/difficulty (in) +动名词doingb.某些动词后接不定式和动名词的区别stop, go on + to do停止 / 继续做另外一件事;+ doing停止 / 继续做原来的事可编辑-精选文档 -forget, remember, r

22、egret + to do(未做); + doing(已做)try to do 设法 , try doing 尝试; mean to do 打算想要 , mean doing 意味着; can t help (to) do 不能帮助做 , can t help doing 情不自禁做3. 分词(动词 ing 表示主动进行、过去式表示被动完成)a.感官动词 see, hear, watch, feel, notice, touch, sound, smell, taste + do表示动作全过程,+ doing表示动作正在进行b.have/let/make sb. do sth让某人做某事。(动

23、作已经完成)have/keep sb./sth. doing sth.让某人 / 物一直做某事。(动作持续进行)have sth. done = ask sb. to do sth.或者某人遭受损失,如hve his walletstolen九、简单句1. 一般疑问句( yes, no 用什么词问用什么词答)a.Must提问肯定回答Yes, you must否定回答No, you needn t / dont haveto.b.Can 提问回答用I m afraid not. Certainly not等代替 Yes 或 No 表示语气委婉c. 否定的一般疑问表示惊讶、赞叹、怀疑 Aren t

24、 you a student? (你难道不是学生吗? ) Yes, I am. ( 不,我是 ) / No,I m not. (是的,我不是)2.特殊疑问句(回答不能用Yes 或 No )疑问词: what, who, which, whose, whom, when, where, how, why, how long,how far, how many, how much, how often, what time, how old, why dontyou, why not3.选择疑问句(回答不能用Yes 或 No ) A or B?4. 反意疑问句(前否后肯,前肯后否)a.句中含有 n

25、ever, few, little, nothing, nobody, no, hardly, none, seldom;谓语动词含有否定前缀dislike ,都属于前否后肯b.Had better用 had We d better stop talking,hadn t we? I am用aren t I I am right, aren t I?let s 用 shall we Let s goshopping, shall we?Let us用 will/won t you Let us have a look,will/won t you?c.Need 是情态动词用need We ne

26、edn t set out at once, need we? need是行为动词用 do/does/did We need to buy a new washing machine,don t we?Must是情态动词用 needn t They must come on time,needn t they?d.肯定的祈使句Pass me the salt,will/won t you ? 否定的祈使句Don t play footfall in the street,will you?e.反意疑问句回答根据具体语境来确定Yes 还是 No You don t like eating bee

27、f, do you?(你不喜欢吃牛肉,是吗?) No, I don t. (是的,我不喜欢)5. 陈述句( all, both, each, every, bothand +not 表示部分否定)可编辑-精选文档 -6.祈使句(强调语气+Do ,表示委婉 +Please ,否定 Don t 和 Let s not )7. 感叹句a.What +a/an +adj +n(可数单数 ) +it is!What +adj +n(可数复数 ) +they are!What +adj +n(不可数 ) +it is!b.How +adj/adv +主 + 谓!How +adj +a/an +n(可数单数

28、 ) +it is!How +主 + 谓!十、连词、并列句、复合句1.并列连词 and, both and , as well as, not only but also , neither nor , but, yet, while, either or (就近原则 ),or, so, for2. 时间状语从句 when( 当时 ), while( 与同时 ), as( 一边一边 ), before, after, until, till, since( 自以来 ), as soon as( 一就 )3. 条件状语从句 if( 如果 ), unless4. 原因状语从句 because( 不

29、可以和 so 连用 ), since( 既然 ), as( 表原因单不需要 because 加以强调 She didn t hear us come in as she was asleep.)5.目的状语从句so that, in order that,从句主语和主句主语以致时可用so as to, inorder to6. 结果状语从句 so that , such that a. so +adj/adv +thatso +adj +a/an +n(单 ) +thatsuch +a/an +adj +n(单 ) +thatsuch +adj +n(复 ) +thatsuch +adj +n

30、(不可数 ) +thatb.名词前面有many, much, little, few用 so 而不用 suchc. so that 否定形式为 too to 或者 not enough to7. 让步状语从句 though, although(两者可互换,但 although 语气较重大多放句首,although 可与 yet 连用但不能与 but 连用 ), even though, even if, wh-ever = no matter +wh- 词8. 地点状语从句 where, wherever9. 宾语从句 that, what, which, who, whose, whom, when, where, why, how, if/whether( 是否 )10. 定语从句要有先行词 that( 人 / 物 ), who( 人 ), whom( 人 ), which( 物 ), whose( 人/ 物 ), when( 时间 ), where( 地点 ), why( 只有 reason 作为先行词 )可编辑


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