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1、Unit 1Can you play the guitar?第一课时Section A (1a-1c )学习目标1重点单词:2重点短语:guitar, sing , swim, dance, chess , draw, speak , joinplaychess , speak English ,playthe guitar, artclub, club,music club3重点句式:Can you swim ?Yes, I can./NoI want to join the art club.,I cant.学习重点1 play the guitar, play chess, speak

2、English2含情态动态can 的一般疑问句及简略回答学习难点1含有情态动词can 的一般疑问句及简略回答自主学习一、预习课本P1 新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。1吉他 _2.唱歌 _3游泳 _4.跳舞 _5画 _6.说 _7加入 _8.俱乐部 _二、认真预习1a, 1b, 1c,找出下列短语和句型。1. 下棋_2. 说英语_3. 美术俱乐部_4. 弹吉他_5 音乐俱乐部_6你会游泳吗?是的,我会。_7我想加入艺术俱乐部。_小结训练()1.I want _ the art club.A joinB to joinC joins D joining()2. _ you swim? No, I

3、 _(A Can; can B Can; dontC Do; cant D Can; cant)3. Do you like playing _ soccer? Yes, I do.I also like playing _A / ; aB a; a()4. _ she play ping-pong?pipa .C / ; the No, she _.A Can; can B Can; cant C Does;cant()5.I like sports.I want _ baseball now.A play B to play C plays()6. Does your brother li

4、ke to _? Yes.And he is in the school music club.()7. Can Betty play basketball? _.Its difficult for her.A Yes, she can B No, she cant C Yes, she does按要求完成下列句子。8你可以加入音乐俱乐部。( 翻译句子 )You _ _the music club.9玛丽不会讲中文。( 翻译句子 )Mary _ _Chinese.10我们学校有一个运动俱乐部。( 翻译句子 )There is a _ _in our school.知识点1 can 的用法1)

5、我会弹吉他。 _2) 他不会弹吉他。 _3) 你会唱歌吗?是的,我会。 _can 是_动词,它没有人称和数的变化,其后要跟_,变否定句是在 can的后面加 _缩写成 _。变一般疑问句是把_提到 _的前面。2 play 的用法1)弹吉他 _ 2)打篮球 _3)打篮球 _ 4)踢足球 _5)下象棋 _ 6)打网球 _弹奏乐器时加 _,和球类及棋类名词连用时_3 speak 的用法1)说英语 _speak作及物动词时,宾语是 _ 类名词。4 join的用法1) 加入俱乐部 _2) 加入到我们中来 _join加入的是 _和 _。第二课时Section A (2a-2d )club1. 重点单词: te

6、ll, story2重点短语: Englishclub,swimming club ,be good at ,tell, sounds good3重点句式:What club do you want to join?What sports can you play? You can join the English club. Sound good.stories,storytelling1.swimming club, story telling club2含情态动词can 的陈述句和特殊疑问句含情态动词can 的陈述句和特殊疑问句一、认真预习2a, 2b, 2c 和 2d 找出下列短语和句

7、型。1英语俱乐部_2游泳俱乐部_3 你想加入什么俱乐部?_4. 你会做什么运动?_5 你擅长讲故事。_6你能加入英语俱乐部。听起来很好。_小结训练。 (2 分钟 )1 Gina is in the _(swim) club.2 The _(story) in the book are boring, so I dont like them.3 Dale comes from London and he _(speak) English.4 John wants me _(play) soccer with him after class.5 Can I join the story _(tel

8、l) club? Yes, you can.()6. Can Alice _ Chinese? Yes, she can.A sayB speakC tell()7.My brother can play soccer, _ he cant play it very well.A and B so C but()8. _ do you want to join? I like English very much.So I want to join the English club.A What subject B What club C What color()9. What can your

9、 brother do? He can sing.He is good at _.A sing B sings Csinging()10. What is the _ about? Its about a happy family.A month B card C story()11.Tom can draw _.His pictures are very _.A good; well B well ; good C good; good()12. Lets join the chess club! _.A Thank you B You are welcome CSounds good情景交

10、际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。A: Jenny , lets join a club.B: 13._ What club do you want to join?A: 14._B: Can you play chess?A: 15._B: 16._A: No.But I like drawing very much.B: Oh, I want to join the music club.17._A: OK.Lets join now!A Can you draw well?B Ican singand dance.C Sounds good.D Yes, Ican. And I als

11、o want to join the art club .to join the chess club.E I want知识点1 swimming 的用法1) 游泳俱乐部 _动词原形不能作定语,要用_作定语。2 What about 的用法1) 他怎么样呢? _2) 游泳怎么样呢? _What about后面跟人称代词的_和_ 。3 sound 的用法1) 听起来不错。 _sound 是 _动词,后面要跟_。第三课时Section A (GrammarFocus-3c )1. 重点单词:2重点短语:write , show, or, talkspeak Chinese , talk to,af

12、ter school, do kung fu3重点句式:Please talk to Mr. Zhang after school.What can you do?We want students for the school show.1. 连词 but2情态动词和 or can的用法的用法含有情态动词can 的各种句型的构成一、预习课本P3 新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。1写 _3交谈 _2. 表演 _4. 或者 _二、认真预习3a, 3b, 3c,找出下列短语和句型。1打篮球 _2讲故事 _3放学后 _4. 你能做什么?_5. 放学后跟张老师交谈。_小结训练4 _ _ do you w

13、ant to join?I want_ _the _ _ (5 What _ _ do?I can_ _ (讲故事 ) 象棋俱乐部) 一、单项选择。1 Allens cousin can_ kung fu.A doB does2 _ you play the guitar?C to do Yes, I _.A Do; can B Can; do C Can; can3 Can you dance? _ But I can play chess.A Yes, I can B No,I dont C No,I cant4 Hello , Linda ! You can _ a student in

14、 our school.A am B is C be二、句型转换。5 They can play basketball.(改为一般疑问句)_ _play basketball?6 Can his grandparents sing?( 作否定回答)_, _ _ 7 Alan can draw and dance.(改为否定句 )Alan _draw _dance.8 Bill and Jill can tell_stories ( 对画线部分提问_ _Bill and Jill_?1 Lisa can tell stories, but she cant _2 Do you have brot

15、hers _(或者 ) sisters?)( 写 ) stories.3请给我看一下你的身份证。_ _your ID card,please.4老师想下课后和你谈一谈。The teacherwants _ _ _ _you afterclass.5 They want some students _ the art festival.A to B of C for6 Can you sing _ dance, Gina? I can dance, Miss Liu.A or B and C but知识点1 show 的用法1) 名词,意为“演出,节目”。学校演出 _2) 动词,意为“给看,展示

16、”。给某物给某人看_ 或 _.2 talk的用法1) 和 Jack 交谈 _talk是不及物动词,如果宾语是人,要加介词_或 _。2)谈论关于某事?can 的用法_can意为“能,会,可以” ,是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化,不能单独做_,只能和 _动词 原形 或 _动词原形 一起构成谓语。常见用法如下:表示某种能力,意为“能,会”。eg: _ 我会讲英语。表示请求或许可,意为“可以”。eg: _ 你可以和你的朋友们一起去。?句子的构成肯定句: _ can _其他否定句:主语_动词原形其他一般疑问句:_主语 _ 其他?肯定回答: _,主语 _否定回答: _,主语 _特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词一般疑

17、问句?第四课时Section B (1a-1f )1. 重点单词: drum, violin2重点短语:play the drums,play the piano, play the violin3重点句式:Can Bill play the guitar? Yes, he can , but he cant sing.情态动词can 的用法含有情态动词can 的各种句型的构成一、预习课本P4 新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。1 鼓_2. 小提琴_二、认真预习1a, 1b, 1c 和 1d,找出下列短语和句型。1拉小提琴 _2敲鼓 _3 Bill会弹吉他吗?是的,他会。但是他不会唱歌。_小结训

18、练一根据图片内容写出相对应的词组二、从方框中选择正确的应答语。()6.Can Amy speak English or speak Chinese?()7.Are you good at sports?()8.What club do you want to join?()9.Can you draw?()10.What can you do?()11.Does she play the violin?A. Ican do Chinese kung fu .B She can speak English .C Yes, she does.,t.D No I canE Iwant tojoin

19、the art club .F Yes, Iam.三、阅读理解。JenniferCindyI cant sing and I cant dance.But I can play the violin and the piano.I can dance but I cant sing.I can play the drums but I cant play the violin.TinaI cant dance but I can sing.I can play the violin and the piano.SimonI can sing and dance. I can play the

20、trumpet and the guitar.根据表格内容,选择正确的答案。()12._ can sing, play the violin and the piano.A JenniferB CindyCTina()13._can dance and play the drums.A Jennifer B Cindy C Simon()14._ can play the violin and the piano.A Jennifer and Cindy B Jennifer and Tina C Tina and Simon()15.Simon can do _things.A two B

21、four C five()16._ can sing and play some instruments(乐器 ) A Tina B Cindy C Simon and Tina知识点?tell stories讲故事eg: _ 露西会讲英语故事。【辨析】 tell,talk , speak 与 say tell意 为 “ _ ”, 后 常 跟 双 宾 语 ( 人 和 物 ) 。 常 用 短 语_ 意为“告诉某人某事” 。 _ _ _ _常做 tell的宾语。eg: _ 请告诉我们好消息。 talk意为“ _ ”,着重于两人或两人以上的相互交谈。常与介词to或with连用,此时表示“_ ”,与介

22、词about或of连用,此时表示“_ ”eg: _ 我可以和你谈一谈吗?_ 他们正在谈论体育明星。 speak 意为“ _ ”,强调说话的能力、方式和对象,不强调说话的内容。后常跟语言、语种作宾语。eg: _ 汤姆会讲汉语。 say 意为“说”,强调说话的内容。eg: _ 他说, “我们都是好朋友。”第五课时Section B (2a)-SelfCheck1重点单词:also,people,center,home, today,make, weekend, teach , musician2重点短语: make friends, on the weekend3重点句式: help (sb.)

23、with sth., be good with, need sb. to do sth.1. 重点短语和句型2情态动词 can 的用法重点短语和句型一、预习课本 P5 6 新单词并识记,完成下面的汉译英。1 也 _2. 人 们 _3 中 心 _4.家_5 今 天 _6.使 成 为 _7 周 末 _8.教_9音乐家 _二、认真预习 2a, 2b, 2c和 3a及 Self Check 内容,找出下列短语和句型。1在某方面帮助某人_2 和某人相处得好_3交朋友 _4 在周末 _5.说英语的学生 _6. 老年人之家 _7. 学生体育中心 _8. 我也会踢足球。_9. 你与老人相处的好吗?_小结训练一

24、、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1 I cant go to the party_ ( 今天 ) because Im too busy.2 Miss Lin _(教 ) English well.3 Welcome to my _(家 ) , friends!4 I like apples.My parents _(也 ) like them.5 A desk is in the _(中央 ) of the room.二、根据句意,选择方框中的单词完成句子,每空一词。6 I have a big family.There are nine _in it.7 Can you _the model

25、plane? Yes, I can.8 I want you to _me with my English.9 Can you _me your telephone number?10Look at the ad ( 广告 ) Itsays ,“Music teachers_forweekend class.”三、单项选择。()11.We students are always free _ July.A onB inC for()12.Peter _ play soccer.A can also B can too C also can()13.We need you _ to the ol

26、d people and play games with them.A talk B talks C to talk()14.I like the show very much, because its so _.A boring B interesting Cdifficult()15.Miss Red is good _ music and she can be good _ thechildren in the music class.A at ; with B with ;with C with;at四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子翻译。16周末我总是去看望我的外祖父母。I always visit my grandparents _17吉姆想和彼得交朋友。Jim wants _with Peter.18那位老师对学生们有办法。The teacher _students.19你能教我弹吉他吗?Can you teach me to_?20你能在地理方面帮助我吗?Can you _my geography?知识点1 also, too的用法1) 他也是一名教师He is _ a teacher.或 He is a teacher, _also,too都 是 “ _” 的 意 思 ,但 是also用


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