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1、Part3Listening听力The Jackson family lives in this apartment building.杰克逊家族住在这栋公寓楼里。Their apartment is on the fifth (5th) floor.他们的公寓位于第五层(第五层) 。Behind the building is a pond and some trees.大楼后面是一个池塘和一些树木。In front of the building is a street.在大楼前面是一条街。If you look on the map, its this street: the first

2、 (1st)如果你在地图上看,那就是这条街:第一Avenue.条(第一条)。First (1st) Avenue goes north south.第一(第一)大道向南北。-What is behind their apartment building?a pond.- 他们的公寓楼后面是什么?- 一个池塘。-In what direction does the street go? it goes north- 街道往哪个方向走?- 向北走。south.Their building is on the west side of the street.他们的建筑位于街道的西侧。Across t

3、he street is a small shopping center.街对面是一个小型购物中心。Itson the east side of the street.它位于街道的东侧。You can buy food there, such as meat and vegetables.你可以在那里买到食物,如肉类和蔬菜。You can also buy clothes and toys for kids.您还可以为孩子们购买衣服和玩具。There are many small shops in the shopping center.购物中心有许多小商店。-What are in the

4、shopping center?many small shops.- 在购物中心有什么?- 很多小商店。-What is on the west side ofthe street? Jacksons - 街道的西侧是什么?-Jacksons的公apartment. -Where can you buy food? -You can buy food寓。 - 你在哪里可以买到食物?- 您可at the shopping center.以在购物中心购买食物。On the east side of the street there is a subway entrance.在街道的东侧有一个地铁入

5、口。Itsabout 20 meters north of the shopping center.它位于购物中心以北约20 米处。Lisa and her sister take the subway to school.丽莎和她的妹妹坐地铁上学。Their parents also take the subway.他们的父母也乘坐地铁。They take the subway to work.他们坐地铁去上班。They don town a car.他们没有车。A car is too expensive.一辆车太贵了。They don thave enough money for a c

6、ar.他们的汽车没有足够的钱。-Where is the subway station from the shopping center?- 从购物中心到哪个地铁站?- 向北 20Its20 meters north. -How far is the subway station from米。- 距离购物中心的地铁站有多远?the shopping center? -20 meters.-20 米。-Why don tthey own a car? -They don thave enough- 他们为什么不买车?- 他们没有足够money.的钱。Vocabulary词汇A crosswalk

7、.人行横道。These people are walking in a crosswalk.这些人正在人行横道上行走。A corner.一个角落。He is standing on a corner.他站在一个角落里。A traffic light.交通灯。This is a red traffic light.这是一盏红色交通灯。People walk on a sidewalk.人们走在人行道上。A street.一条街。We drive cars on a street.我们在街上开车。Restrooms厕所These are public restrooms.这些是公共卫生间。-Whe

8、re can people go to the toilet?You can go to the- 人们可以去厕所吗?- 你可以去洗手toilet in a restroom. -Where do people drive cars?We间厕所。- 人们开车的地方?- 我们在drive cars on a street.街上开车。Cars must stop at a red traffic light.汽车必须停在红色交通灯处。Here are some kinds of food. Fruit这里有一些食物。水果Oranges and apples are both fruit. Vege

9、tables.橘子和苹果都是水果。蔬菜。Corn and carrots are vegetables. Meat玉米和胡萝卜是蔬菜。肉Chicken is an example of meat. Rice and potatoes鸡肉就是一个例子。米饭和土豆Riceis popularin Asiaand potatoesare popularin大米在亚洲很受欢迎,土豆在欧洲很受欢Europe. Desserts迎。甜品Ice cream and cakes are examples of desserts.冰淇淋和蛋糕是甜点的例子。-What san example of meat? -

10、Chicken is an example of- 什么是肉的例子?-Chicken是肉的一meat. -What are corn and carrots? -Corn and carrots are个例子。 - 什么是玉米和胡萝卜?- 红vegetables. -What are oranges and apples? -Oranges萝卜和胡萝卜是蔬菜。 - 什么是橘子和苹and apples are both fruit. Many desserts are very sweet.果? - 橙子和苹果都是水果。 很多甜点都很甜。Here are some things to wear.

11、这里有一些东西要穿。Pants.裤子。This is a pair of red pants.这是一条红色的裤子。A dress.一件衣服。Women and girls wear dresses.妇女和女孩穿衣服。A shirt. (normal)一件衬衫。 (正常)This is a purple shirt.这是一件紫色衬衫。A blouse. (usually for women)衬衫。 (通常为女性)This is a pink blouse.这是一件粉红色的衬衫。Shoes.鞋。These are men sshoes.这些是男鞋。Dialogue对话M: Do you want

12、to have lunch?M:你想吃午饭吗?W: Yes, I do, where do you want to meet?W :是的,我知道,你想在哪里见面?M: Let smeet in front of the subway.M:我们在地铁前面见面。W: Which entrance?W :哪个入口?M: Let smeet at the south entrance. It s on 1st Avenue.M:我们在南入口见面。 它在第一大道上。W: Where on 1st Avenue?W :第一大道哪里?M: It sabout 50 meters north of the s

13、hopping center.M:它位于购物中心以北约50 米处。-Wheredoesthe man want to meet?in frontof the- 这个男人想见什么?-在地铁前面。subway.-Whereis thesouth entrance? Itsabout 50meters- 南入口在哪里? -位于购物中心以北north of the shopping center.约 50 米处。W: OK, what time do you want to meet?W :好的,你想几点见面?M: Let smeet at 12:30, OK?M:我们 12 点 30 分见面,好吗?

14、W: How about 12:45?W :12:45 怎么样?M: OK, 12:45 is good.M:好的, 12:45 很好。-What time do they want to meet? -12:45.- 他们什么时候想见面?-12 :45 。W: What do you want to eat?M: I don tknow, what kind of food do you like?W: How about pizza?M: Sure, there sa good pizza restaurant in the shopping center.W: OK, let s go

15、there for lunch.M: Great, see you at 12:45.W: Bye-bye.-What kind of food does the woman like?pizza.Dan: Excuse me, which way is the subway from here?M: There are two subway stops near here, which line do you want?Dan: I want line 10.M: Go south on 1st Avenue, its about 200 meters fromhere. The subwa

16、y entranceis on the east side of thestreet.-Which line does Dan want?line 10.Dan: Which side are we on now?M: we are on the west side.Dan: So 200 meters south, then cross the street, right?M: Yes, that s right.Dan: Thanks a lot.M: You re welcome.-Which side of street are they on?the west side.-How d

17、oes he get to line 10 from there?Go 200 meterssouth, then cross the street.W :你想吃什么?M:我不知道,你喜欢什么样的食物?W :披萨怎么样?M:当然,购物中心有一家很好的比萨饼店。W :好的,我们去那里吃午饭吧。M:太好了, 12 点 45 分见。W :再见。- 这个女人喜欢什么样的食物? -比萨。丹:对不起,从哪里来的地铁?M:这附近有两个地铁站,你想要哪条线路?丹:我想要第10 行。M:从第一大道向南行驶, 距离这里约 200 米。地铁入口位于街道的东侧。- Dan 想要哪条线? - 10 。丹:我们现在在哪一方?M:我们在西边。丹:南 200 米,然后过马路吧?M:是的,没错。丹:非常感谢。M:不客气。- 他们在哪条街边? - 西边。- 他怎么从那里到达 10 号线? - 向南200 米,然后过马路。


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