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1、中考英语完形填空题解题技巧、 例题精讲、 及部分云南省中考英语试题 完形填空题 (含答案 )解题技巧 : 1.通读全文 ,了解大意; 2.瞻前顾后 ,逐步填空; 3.认真复查 ,适当调整。一、通读全文,了解文章大意以快速阅读的方式浏览全文,了解文章大意,抓住主题和关键句,为解题做好准备二、抓住首位句在阅读时要特别注意文章的第一句和最后一句,因为他们通常是文章的主题句,是全文的中心所在。三、联系上下文,进行逻辑推理由于文章是一个完整的统一体,词、句、段三者存在着内在逻辑关系,此时,需要在上下文中寻找有关的提示或暗示,对文章的情节进行逻辑推理,抓住表达关键语言信息的词语,理顺句与句之间的关系,以确

2、定合理的答案。四、根据语言知识与语法知识解题完形填空中有相当一部分题涉及句子结构、基本语法点、固定搭配以及习惯用法。因此,在解题时需要运用掌握的语言知识和语法知识解题。1。当遇到一个需要填的词时,首先要考虑这个词在句中的成分是什么,词性是什么。2。 如果需要填的是名词,就要考虑名词的单复数和所有格形式。3。 如果需要填的是形容词或副词,就要考虑用原级、比较级还是最高级。4。如果需要填的是动词,则要考虑这个词的时态、语态、人称代词、语气以及非谓语动词(不定试和动词 -形式)的一般式,被动式和完成式等。5。 如果需要填的是介词,则要注意固定搭配的用法。6。如果需要填的是冠词,则要注意是用不定冠词还

3、是定冠词。7。另外要注意一些固定句型是否完整。五、运用背景知识解题背景知识在解答填空题时往往具有重要的辅助作用 .有些空格无论从上下文还是从词汇、 语法着眼都无法找到解题信息,而运用背景知识也许很快能找到答案。另外,学生的生活、阅历、经验也能直接或间接地发挥作用。六、回顾全文,个别调整由于完形填空的材料各句之间在内容和逻辑关系上有着密切的关系,所以在回顾全文的过程中,立足整篇,瞻前顾后,合理调整,保证全文通顺、连贯、完整、合情合理。例题精讲AWhat isthe best way to study? This is a very important question.Some Chineses

4、tudents often1very hard2 long hours. This is a 3habit ( 习惯 ), but it is not abetter way to study . A good student must 4enough sleep, enough food and enoughrest. Every5you 6to take a walk or play basketball or ping-pong or sing a song.When you7to yourstudies, youll findyourself 8than before and you

5、ll leanmore.Perhaps we can9 that learning English is like taking Chinese medicine, we meanthatlike Chinese medicine,the effects(效果 ) of yourstudy 10 slowly but surely.Learn every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.1.A. playB. studyC. sleepD. think2.A. atB. inC. forD. with3.A. bestB

6、. betterC. goodD. bad4.A. haveB. doC. wantD. make5.A. monthB. weekC. hourD. day6.A. wantB. hopeC. needD. wish7.A. beginB. returnC. goD. are8.A. stronger B. weakerC. strongD. week9.A. sayB. guessC. talkD. know10. A. returnB. come C. giveD. get答案简析 文章讲述了认真学习的同时,必须要注意劳逸结合。这样才有好的学习效率。1. B。下文指出这是一个好的学习习惯

7、但不是一个好的学习方法,故选 study 。2. C。介词 for 常与一段时间连用 , 在句中作状语。3. C。与下半句形成转折关系,这里应选 good,说明努力学习是一种好的习惯。4. A。一个会学习的学生必须有足够的睡眠。 have 意为 “拥有 ”,为正确选项。5.D。下文 take a walk, play basketball 都是些日常活 动,故 day 为正确选项。6.C。take a walk, play basketball 这些活动很有必要在学习之余进行 ,故选 need。7. B。根据文意,休息之后 , 应重新返回到学习上 , 而不是才开始学习,故选 return 。8

8、. A。由句中的 than 可知应选比较级;根据文意,锻炼身体后 , 身体应更加强壮 , 故选 stronger 。9. A 。say 强调说的内容; guess表猜测; talk 指交谈; know 指知道。这里强调说的内容,故选 say。10. B。根据最后一句 “effects will come just like Chinese medicine ”以及文意可知 come为正确选项。BMr. Green was ill and went to the hospital. A doctor _1_ and said, “Well, Mr.Green, you are going to

9、_2_ some injections,and youll feel much better. A nursewill come _3_ give you the first one thisevening, and then youll _4_ get anotherone tomorrow evening. ”_5_ a young nurse came toMr. Green s bed and said tohim, “I am going to give you your _6_ injectionnow, Mr. Green. Where do youwant it? ”The o

10、ld man was _7_. He looked at the nurse for a _8_, then he said,“_9_ has ever letme choose that before. Areyou really goingtolet me choosenow?” “Yes, Mr. Green, ”the nurse answered. She was in a hurry.“Where do youwantit? ” “Well, then,”the oldman answered _10_ “I want itinyour left arm,please.”1.A.

11、looked for himB. looked him overC. looked after himD. looked him up2.A. getB. giveC. makeD. hold3.A. soB. butC. orD. and4.A. mustB. canC. had betterD. have to5.A. In the morningB. In the afternoonC. In the endD. In the evening6.A. firstB. oneC. twoD. second7.A. confident B. surprisedC. fullD. hungry

12、8.A. hourB. minutesC. yearD. moment9.A. SomebodyB. AnybodyC. NobodyD. people10.A. with a smileB. in timeC. in surpriseD. with tears in his eyes答案简析 这是一篇笑话,格林先生在医院看病时需要打点滴,当护士让他选择身体的一个部位时,他却借题发挥,选了护士的左臂。1. B。look for sb/sth 意为 “寻找 ”;look after sb. 意为 “照料 ”;look up sb.意为 “看望 ”;而 look over sb. 意为 “检查某人

13、 ”,最贴近文意,为正确选项。2. A。医生要对格林先生进行注射,格林先生是动作的接受者,故应选get。3.D。空白部分前面 I come 和后面的 give 形成承接关系,所以应用and 连接。4.D。 must 不可以用于将来时,根据文章意思,应选 have to。5.D。与上文 this evening 相对应, In the evening 应为正确选项。6. A。one 填入空白部分显得画蛇添足,根据上下文,这是第一次注射 ,应用 first 。7. B。老人对护士的提问应感到 surprised, 因为下文提到从来没人问过他这样的问题。8. D。对护士的提问 , 老人思考了一会儿

14、, 故应选 moment 。9. C。老人感到奇怪 , 是因为没有人问过这样的问题 , 故应选 nobody 。10. A 。老人想捉弄一下这个小护士。按常理 , 应是带着微笑取笑她 ,故应选 with asmile。中考失分点分析根据有关中考试卷分析的资料显示, 完形填空是考生失分较多的题型 .考生普遍认为作题没把握或者感到困难较大 ,无从下手 .分析起来 ,原因主要有两点 : 一是考生的语言知识掌握不牢 .如在答题时短文中有的单词不熟悉 ,不能准确理解 ,把自己的思路引偏;有的因词语不熟 ,遇到固定搭配就举棋不定 ;有的因语法把握不准 ,结果理解错位 .二是对完形填空的特点缺乏了解 ,缺乏

15、应对策略的研究和答题技巧的训练 .CToday was a very important day. France played _1_ Senegal( 塞内加尔 ) in the opening match of the World Cup. Soccer fans were very _2_ watching the match on TV. To our great surprise, France was _3_.Today football has become very _4_ in China after a _5_ wait.“China is in theWorld Cup

16、for the first time,_6_ we should support them! ”Said some people. In our school many students enjoy _7_ it. My _8_ and I often go to the football field after class.This afternoon there was a _9_ football match in our school. _10_team played against No.1 Middle School. _11_ they were all very big and

17、strong, it was a _12_ game between the two Teams with the result 0-0 last time. Today our school played much _13_.Inthe firsthalfof the match _14_ team kickeda goal, but in the second, LiMing from our school kicked a goal. We won 1-0, at last. Im so _15_. I cantget tosleep tonight.1.A. withB. agains

18、tC. toD. at2.A. good at B. pleased to C. interested in D. boring in3.A. beatenB. knockedC. fought D. hit4.A. welcomeB. popularC. usefulD. usual5.A. 44-dayB. 44-weekC. 44-monthD. 44-year6.A. orB. butC. soD. yet7.A. buyingB. playingC. drinkingD. looking8.A. studentsB. teachersC. classmatesD parents9.A

19、. happyB. wonderfulC. funnyD. famous10.A. TheirB. HerC. YourD. Our11.A. BecauseB. AndC. AsD. Though12.A. mistakeB. luckC. drawD. game13.A. betterB. wellC. vestD. worse14.A. neitherB. eitherC. bothD. none15.A. luckyB. pleasedC. unhappyD. worried答案简析 本人介绍了世界杯首场比赛的结果,表达了中国队进入世界杯引起的兴奋之情,讲述了足球在中国的发展情况。1.

20、 B。固定结构 play against sb. 意为 “与进行比赛 ”。2. C。be good at 意为 “擅长于 ”;be pleased to 后面应接动词原形; D 项说法和意思都不对; be interested in 意为 “对 感兴趣 ”,符合文意,为正确选项。3. A。beat sb. 意为 “击败某人 ”,符合文意,为正确选项。4. B。事实说明,足球在中国越来越流行,故选popular 。5. D。大家都知道,这次等待的时间应为 44 年,故选 D。6. C。两句的意思形成因果关系,所以应用 so 来引导结果 状语从句。7.B。play football 意为 “踢足球

21、 ”。8.C。按常理,放学后,和我一起踢足球的应是同学,故选classmates。9. B。通读下文,这是一场紧张但以我方胜利而告终的足球赛,比赛刺激精彩,应选 wonderful 。10. D。根据文章,比赛是在我们城队和另一支城队之间进行,故选our 。11. D。分析句子,前一句是后一句的让步状语从句,故应选Though 。12. C。根据上半场 0:0 的比分可知上半场以平局告终,故选draw 。13. A 。从文中可知,我对我队的表现非常满意,且much 常用来修饰比较级,故选择 better 。14. A。neither 表示两者都不, either 表示两者中的任意一个, bot

22、h 表示两者都, none表示三者或三者以上都不。上半场双方没有进球,故选neither 。15. B。我队获胜,我当然很高兴,故选 pleased。20XX年云南省中考英语试题第三节完形填空(共10 小题,每小题1 分,满分 10 分)从 A 、 B、 C、D 四个选项中选择能填人空白处的正确答案。A gentleman put an ad in a newspaper for a boy to work in his office. About 60persons came for the51. Finally, the gentleman chose one after the inte

23、rview.Id like to know, said a friend,why you 52that boy, who brought not a letter nota recommendation(推荐信) .Youre 53 . He did not bring a single letter. said the gentleman. But I think hehad a great many. He wiped(擦)his feet at the door and closed the door 54 him, showinghe was careful. He gave his

24、55to that old man, showing he was kind and friendly. Heturned off his mobile phone 56 he came in, and answered my questions quickly, showingthat he was57and a real gentleman.He waited for his 58 instead of pushing and crowding. As I talked to him, I 59 hisclean clothing,hairand finger-nails.Cant you

25、 see that these things are the bestrecommendations? I think they are 60than letters.51.A. interviewB. classC. meetingD. exam52.A. knowB. introduceC. preferD. dislike53.A. honestB. seriousC. wrongD. right54.A. in front ofB. behindC. beforeD. beside55.A. seatB. bagC. mobile phoneD. letter56.A. ifB. si

26、nceC. untilD. as soon as57.A. healthyB. politeC. happyD. helpful58.A. turnB. answerC. termD. result59.A. watchedB. thoughtC. noticedD. liked60. A. less important B. more importantC. less interesting D. more interesting 答案简析 【文章大意】一位绅士在报纸上刊登一则广告,想为他的办公室招收一名小伙子,在大约 60 名面试者中,这位绅士最终选择了一位没有带介绍信,也没有推荐信的一位

27、面试者。51. A 【解析】因为绅士刊登了广告,所以有大约 60 人来面试,名词 interview 意为 面试,故选 A。52. C【解析】在大约 60 个面试者中,绅士选择了一个没有带介绍信和推荐信的面试者,可见绅士比较喜欢这名面试者,动词 prefer 意为 更喜欢 ,故选 C。53. D【解析】根据后面的一句话,可知这句话是绅士对朋友所说的事情进行肯定回答,故选 D。54. B【解析】人在进入门里把门关上的时候,门应该在人的后面,介词 behind 意为 在 后面 ,故选 B。55. A【解析】给老人让座,才能显示出这位面试者的善良和友好,故选A 。56. D【解析】 as soon

28、as意为 一 就 ,更能突出面试者关手机的速度,故选D。57. B【解析】关手机,快速地回答绅士的问题, 表明这名面试者是有礼貌的, 故选 B。58. A 【解析】这名面试者在等着他的次序,不推不挤,名词turn 意为 次序 ,故选A 。59. C【解析】当绅士和这名面试者谈话的时候,绅士也注意到这位面试者干净的衣服、头发和手指甲,动词 watch 意为 观察 ,不恰当, B 项和 D 项不符合句意,故选C。60. B【解析】因为绅士觉得他所观察到的这些比信件更重要,应该用较级 more important, 故选 B。important 的比云南省课改试验区20XX年高中 ( 中专 ) 招生

29、考试英语试卷第三节 完形填空(共10 小题,每题 1 分,满分 10 分)An old friend telephoned from the airport to tell me that he had arrived. I was still in the officeat that time but I had got 5J ready for him to staywith me. I 52 him where my housewas. I also told him that I had left the key under the doormat ( 门垫 ). As I was g

30、oing 53 late, I asked him to go into the kitchen 54 get something to eat and drink.Two hours55my friend telephoned me from the house. At the moment,he said,hewas 56the music. He said he helped57tosomecold chicken fromthe fridge and hewas now drinking a glass of orange. I asked58he hadreached the hou

31、se without anydifficulty. He answered he had notbeen able tofind the 59under the doormat, but luckilythe living-room window by theapple tree was open and he climbed in. I was very60to hearall of this.There is no apple tree in front of my living-room, but there is one in frontof myneighbours.从 A、B、C、

32、 D 四个选项中选择能填入空白处的正确答案,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内。51.A. any thingB. everythingC. nothingD. thing52.A. toldB. askedC. spokeD. talked53.A. to the airportB. to the officeC. homeD. to work54. A. butB. orC. as D. and55. A. beforeB. afterC. later D. late56. A. listening toB. listeningC. hearing D. hearing of57. A.

33、himB. meC. himself D. myself58. A. howB. ifC. when D. what59. A. houseB. roomC. fridge D. key60. A. surprisedB. excitedC. happy D. lucky答案: 51- 55. BACDC56- 60. ACBDA20XX 年广东省汕头市初中毕业生学业考试 英 语三、完形填空 (本大题有 10 小题。每小题 2 分,共 20 分 )通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。将其字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。Do you often th

34、ink of your parents? You may say,“Of course,I46 Ibuy a present for my mother on Mother s Day and on Fatherive my s Day I gfather47,too”But what ahout the other daysof the year?I have a friend whose parents live in another cityOne day 1 went to seeherWe had a niceconversationThen she wanted to48So sh

35、edialed(拨号 ) the number,but then she putdown the phoneAfter about fifleen49,she dialed the number again,Mom“Hi ”Later I asked,“50 did you dial the number twice?”She,“smiledMyparents are old and51 They callt get closeto the telephone quicklyIalways do so when I call themI just want to give them52time

36、 toanswer the call”My friend is a good girl She is53 thinking about her parentsYoualso want to be a54child,right? Please always remember to 55yourparents in every situation,not just on some important days46AwillBdoCwontDdont47Aa cakeBa kissCsome moneyDa present48Amake a callBpay a visitChave a restDgo for a walk49AsecondsB minutesChoursDdays50AHowBWhatCWhyDWhen51AfastBslowChealthyDcareless52AlittleBquickCnoDenough53AalwaysBneverCseldomDsometimes54AbadBcleverCgoodDsick55 Athink ofBlook afterCring upD1isten to答案:三、完形填空 (本大题有 10 小题,每小题 2分,共 20 分)46 B47D 48A49A50 C51B52D 53A 54C 55A


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