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1、最新冀教版四年级英语下册单元测试题及答案全套Unit1 单元测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选出听到的单词或短语。() 1. A. nameB. gameC. come() 2.A. besideB. behindC. between() 3.A. thisB. thatC. these() 4.A. onB. underC. in front of() 5.A. girlB. feelC. call二、听录音,选择合适的答语。() 1. A. My name is Kim.() 2.A. Nice to meet you, too.() 3.A. It is a chair.() 4.A. It

2、is under the desk.() 5.A. There are ten books.三、听录音,给图片排序。B. Her name is Kim.B. Thanks. B. Yes, it is.B. They are under the desk. B. I have ten books.1.2.3._4.5._四、听录音,补全句子。1. _ pencil is green.1 / 312. Jenny puts her pen _ her pencil box.3. Whose _ is this?4. There are twelve _ on the desk.5. He is

3、 a new _.笔试部分一、选出每组单词中画线部分发音不同的一项。() 1. A. lookB. cookC. go() 2.A. meetB. readC. bread() 3.A. whereB. whoseC. what() 4.A. happyB. backC. class() 5.A. sixtyB. fiftyC. ninety二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I am a new pupil. _ (I) name is Wang Hong.2. How many _ (blackboard) are there?3. Lucy is _ (read) a book in t

4、he classroom now.4. This is _ (she) pencil box.5. Let s _ (put) ten books on the chair.三、单项选择。() 1. This is _ map (地图 ).A. Amy sB. AmyC. Amy is() 2.The little boy hides _ the door.A. inB. onC. behind() 3._ are pencils.A. ThisB. TheseC. It() 4.There are _ rulers in my schoolbag.A. fourtyB. foutyC. fo

5、rty() 5.Steven is behind Danny. Danny is _ Steven.A. besideB. onC. in front of四、好朋友,手拉手。(1) How are you?A. It s on the desk.2 / 31(2)Nice to meet you.B. One hundred.(3)Is this your pencil?C. Fine, thank you.(4)Where s your book?D. Nice to meet you, too.(5)How many crayons are there?E. Yes, it is.五、情

6、景交际。() 1.当你和熟人见面时,应该说:A. How are you?B. What s your name?C. Thanks.() 2.你想问这是谁的铅笔,应该说:A. What pencil is this?B. Whose pencil is this?C. Where pencil is this?() 3.你想问汤姆的铅笔在哪里,应该说:A. Where is Tom?B. Where is Tom s pen?C. Where is Tom s pencil?() 4.你想问桌子上有多少支钢笔,应该说:A. How many pens are there on the des

7、k?B. How much pens are there on the desk?C. How many pens is there on the desk?() 5.你向父母介绍你的朋友们时,应该说:A. Dad and Mum, this is my friend.B. Dad and Mum, these are my friends.C. Dad and Mum, these are my friend.() 6. 你想问对方 “这是你的书包吗 ?”,应该说:A. Is this your schoolbag?B. Is that your schoolbag?C. Is this m

8、y schoolbag?() 7.你想表达它不是金的彩色蜡笔,应该说:A. It is Kim s crayon.B. It isn t Kim s ruler.C. It isn t Kim s crayon.() 8.你想说詹妮身体很好时,应该说:A. I am fine.B. Jenny is very well.3 / 31C. Jenny are fine.() 9. 你想表达这是直尺,应该说:A. This is a ruler.B. This is ruler.C. This is one rulers.() 10. 当别人对你说 “ Nice to meet you时.,你”应

9、该说:A. How old are you?B. How are you?C. Nice to meet you, too.六、我是小法官,根据图片判断对( )错( ),并将错误的地方进行改正。() (1) Look, there is a girl beside the desk.() (2) What is behind the desk? It s a schoolbag.() (3)A book is on the desk.() (4)A cat is under the desk.() (5) Where s the pen? It s behind the desk.七、完形填空

10、。This is Little Zeke.(1)is a boy. This is Emma.(2)is a girl. Emmais Little Zeke s friend. Little Zeke hides(3)Emma s desk at school. He often(常常 ) talks to Emma. Emma has many friends. Tom, Nan and Jane are(4)_friends. Now, where is Little Zeke? Oh, look! He s (5)Emma s desk.() (1)A. HeB. heC. it()

11、(2)A. ItB. sheC. She() (3)A. inB. ofC. to() (4)A. herB. sheC. it4 / 31() (5) A. onB. fromC. to八、阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Jim and Lily are my best friends. We live in New York (纽约 ). This is ourclassroom. There is a map on the wall 墙(). There are thirty-four students in it. Thereare twenty boys. Jim s desk is be

12、side Lily s. My desk is in front of Lily s. WEnglish. We like to play football.() (1) How many maps are there on the wall?A. 2.B. 1.C. 3() (2)How many students are there in this class?A. 35.B. 34.C. 20.() (3)How many girls are there in this class?A. 20.B. 34.C. 14.() (4)Whose desk is beside Lily s?A

13、. Mine.B. Jim s.C. I don t know.() (5)Which subject (科目 ) do they like?A. English.B. Math (数学 ).C. Chinese.5 / 31参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. come2. behind3. that4. in front of5. girl二、1. What s your name?2. Nice to meet you.3. Is this a chair?4. Where are the crayons?5. How many books are there?三、1. This is a

14、yellow pencil.2. There are some crayons on the book.3. This is Danny s schoolbag.4. He is writing on the blackboard.5. It is under the desk.四、1. His pencil is green.2. Jenny puts her pen beside her pencil box.3. Whose schoolbag is this?4. There are twelve rulers on the desk.5. He is a new pupil.听力答案

15、 、15 CBBCA二、15AABBA6 / 31三、43521四、1. His2. beside3. schoolbag4. rulers5. pupil笔试部分一、15 CCBCC二、1. My2. blackboards3. reading4. her5. put三、15 ACBCC四、(1)(5) CDEAB五、15 ABCAB610 ACBAC六、(1) ; girl boy(2) ; schoolbag chair(3)(4)(5) ; behind in七、(1)(5) ACAAA八、(1) (5) BBCBAUnit2单元测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选择正确的图片。() 1. A

16、.B.7 / 31() 2. A.B.() 3. A.B.() 4. A.B.() 5. A.B.二、听录音,根据听到的内容选择正确的单词。() 1. A. monthB. twelfthC. nice() 2. A. JuneB. JulyC. January() 3. A. firstB. secondC. third() 4. A. sunnyB. windyC. rainy() 5. A. weatherB. workerC. teacher三、听录音,选择合适的答语。() 1. A. It s sunny.B. It s Sunday.() 2.A. It s warm and ra

17、iny.B. It s cold and snowy.() 3.A. It s June the first.B. It s October the first.() 4.A. My birthday is December.B. It s International Workers Day.() 5.A. January is the first month.B. November is the eleventh month.四、听录音,按照听到的顺序给句子排序。() I like to play in the snow.8 / 31() These are the twelve month

18、s of the year.() Today is my birthday. It s Januaryfifth. the() The boy in red shorts is the second.() Do you see the sun?笔试部分一、朗读句子,从中找出含有与例词画线部分相同读音的单词。1.I am the third.fur: _2.Today is Thursday.work: _3.The boy in a red T-shirt is Danny.dirty: _4.Let s say the months of the year.sun: _5.It s hot

19、and sunny in July.October: _二、选出每组中不同类的单词。() 1. A. eighthB. fourC. third() 2. A. hotB. whatC. who() 3. A. whiteB. greenC. nice() 4. A. dayB. WednesdayC. year() 5. A. oftenB. roundC. beautiful三、单项选择。() 1. Please _ the blackboard.A. look inB. look atC. look like() 2.This is a _ day.A. windB. cloudyC.

20、rain() 3.November is the _ month _ the year.A. tenth; inB. twelfth; withC. eleventh; of() 4.The boy _ a blue T-shirt was the _ in the race.A. in; firstB. to; oneC. for; firstly() 5.The Spring Festival is _ January _ February.A. in; ofB. of; orC. in; or四、选词填空。1. In August in China, the weather is _ (

21、sunny, snowy).9 / 312. In China, National Day is _ (October, September) the first.3. Kim likes to play in the _ (rain, rainy).4. _ (Whose, What) birthday is in May? Lily s birthday is in May.5. _ (What day, When) is it? It s Monday.五、情景会话。() 1. _? It s cold and snowy.A. Which is the weatherB. How is

22、 the weatherC. How are you() 2. _? March.A. What is the first month of the yearB. What is the second month of the yearC. What is the third month of the year() 3. _? My birthday is August the ninth.A. When is your birthdayB. Whose birthday is in SeptemberC. What s your favourite month() 4. When is Te

23、achers Day? _. A. June the firstB. September the tenth C. December the tenth() 5. What is it? _.A. It is snowB. The sun is hotC. It s rainy10 / 31六、根据图片,判断句子与图片是( )否() 一致。() 1.It s July the first. It s Children s Day.() 2.It s cold today. It s snowy.() 3.It s the Spring Festival. It s in January or

24、February.() 4.Today is Sunday, February the tenth. Let s go to thepark.() 5.Today is National Day. It s October the first.七、连词成句。1. in,is,Whose,December,birthday(?)_2. is,month,fourth,the,April(.)_3. first,is,the,New,Year s, Day,January(.)_4. see,the,the,and,Do,cloud,rain,you(?)11 / 31_5. rain,you,W

25、hat,I,like,about(.) (?)_八、用所给单词补全短文。snowsnowyelevententhweatherMy name is Kate. I m a pupil from Canada. I m (1) _ years old. Mybirthday is November the (2) _, I like (3) _days. I like to playin the (4) _. How is the (5) _ in your country?参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. The weather is cold and snowy.2. The sun is

26、hot.3.I like Children s Day.4.My birthday is January the fifth.4.Today is Thursday.二、1. October is nice.2. July is the seventh month.12 / 313. I am the second.4. It s windy today.5. My mother is a teacher.三、1. What day is it?2. How s the weather in April?3. When is National Day?4. When is your birth

27、day?5. Which is the eleventh month?四、1. Today is my birthday. ItJanuarysthe fifth.2. I like to play in the snow.3. Do you see the sun?4. These are the twelve months of the year.5. The boy in red shorts isthe second.听力答案一、15BBBAA二、15CBBBC三、15BABAB四、24153笔试部分一、1. third 2. Thursday 3.T-shirt4. months5.

28、 hot二、15 BACBA13 / 31三、15 BBCAC四、1. sunny2. October3. rain4. Whose5. What day五、15 BCABA六、1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 七、1. Whose birthday is in December?2. April is the fourth month.3. New Year s Day is January the first.4. Do you see the cloud and the rain?5. I like rain. What about you?八、(1) eleven(2) tenth(3)

29、snowy(4) snow(5) weatherUnit3单元测试卷听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。() 1. A. streetB. road() 2. A. workB. because() 3. A. easyB. donut() 4. A. standB. feet() 5.A. bestB. computer二、听录音,判断与所听内容是()否()相符。() 1.Peter s birthday is on November the fifth.() 2.Peter lives on Third Street.() 3.Li Ming goes to school on foo

30、t.C. house C. get C. tallC. familyC. basketball14 / 31() 4.Li Ming s house is near the restaurant.() 5.Betty s father is 1.7 metres tall.三、听录音,给下列图片排序。(1)(2)()()(3)(4)()()(5)()四、听录音,选择合适的答语。() 1. A. He is ten years old.() 2.A. She is 1.2 metres tall.() 3.A. Your address is 123 Ninth Avenue.() 4.A. I

31、 am tall.() 5.A. I walk to school.五、听录音,补全句子。1. _ do you go to school?2. I _ in China.3. The house is _ big.4. My left _ is small.5. I will have a _ party tonight.B. She is ten years old.B. He is 1.2 metres tall.B. I live in an apartment.B. Yes, I am tall.B. She goes to school by bus.15 / 31笔试部分一、选出

32、画线部分发音不同的一项。() 1. A. houseB. cowC. know() 2.A. windowB. howC. mouse() 3.A. farB. classC. bus() 4.A. grassB. MarchC. warm() 5.A. youB. cloudyC. brown二、用括号中所给的反义词填空。1. The apartment is _ (short).2. Tom is ninety-nine. He is _ (young).3. This apple is _ (small).4. My house is _ (near) from the school.5

33、. I don t like_ (that) dress.三、单项选择。() 1. Li Ming is only one _ tall.A. metresB. metreC. metress() 2. -Whats your _?-135 Ninth Street.A. nameB. motherC. address() 3. I live near the school. So I _ to school.A. goB. driveC. walk() 4.I go to school _ bike.A. byB. onC. ride() 5.I live _ school, so my d

34、ad drives me to school.A. besideB. nearC. far from() 6.Li Ping lives on _.A. ninth streetB. park roadC. Sixth Street() 7.-_ do you go to Beijing?-By bus.A. WhatB. WhereC. How16 / 31() 8.Danny _ to go to school by bike.A. likesB. likeC. liking() 9.-Do you walk to school?-_A. Yes. I go to school on foot. B. Yes. I ride my bike.C. Yes. My dad drives me.() 10. I m1.5 metres tall. You are 1.7 metres tall.mI_ you.A. taller thanB.


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