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1、Lesson80The Crystal PalacePalace1. 宫殿The Summer Palace 颐和园Buckingham Palace 白金汉宫2.(尤指欧洲大陆)华丽的大厦The nobles of Florence built splendid palaces. 佛罗伦萨的贵族们建了华丽的宫殿His home is a palace compared to our little house. 和我们的小房子比起来他的家就是宫殿 Stately home 庄院(常有历史价值,艺术珍藏供人参观)Palace revolution 宫廷政变Extraordinaryadj.1.

2、奇特的2. 非常的,非凡的3. 临时的The committee meets regularly on Fridays, but there will be an extraordinary meeting next Wednesday.委员会在每星期五碰头,但是下周三会有一次临时会议Extraordinarilyadv.Extra+ordinaryOrdinaryadj. 平常的,普通的,通常的normal,usualAn ordinary day 平常的一天Ordinary people like you and me你我之类的老百姓Extraadj.额外的,附加的extra pay fo

3、r extra work多劳多得Extra + adj. 描述事物性质或特征在程度上大大超过原词所描述的Extra-thinextra-largeextra-specialextra-brightExhibition1.展览on exhibition 在展出,在展览Some of the children s paintings are now on exhibition at the school孩子们.的一些画在学校展出2.展览会An international trade exhibition国际贸易展出Make an exhibition of oneself当众出丑,出洋相Get u

4、p off the floor and stop making such an exhibition of yourself.从地上爬起来,别再当众出丑了Exhibit/ig zibit/1.n.(尤指博物馆里的)展品Don t touch the exhibits.A priceless exhibit一件极其贵重的陈列品2.v.展览(某类型物品)To exhibit paintings 展览绘画作品to exhibit flowers展出花卉to exhibit new cars展出新车Iron1. 铁Strike while the iron趁热打shot铁.The Iron Curta

5、in(喻)铁幕 -语出丘吉尔之口(从西方观点来看,前苏联及东欧共产党与西方之间在信息,贸易等方面的屏障)Iron and Blood 铁血政策(喻指残暴的政治手段)2. 熨斗3. 坚忍不拔的毅力An iron will 坚强的意志Have (several) irons in the fire 同时进行数种不同的事情A man of iron 铁汉a woman of iron 铁女人Rule someone with a rod of iron以铁腕统治The iron hand in the velvet glove/the iron fist in the velvet glove外柔内

6、刚Variousadj.1. 各式各样的Of all the various ways of cooking an egg, I like boiling best.鸡蛋的种种做法里,我最喜欢煮鸡蛋 For various reasons 由于种种原因Your reasons for not wanting to meet Mr. Smith may be many and various, but you must still meet him. 你不想见 smith 的理由五花八门,但你还是得见他2. 许多Various people among those present thought

7、 they d heard the aircraft.在场的人中许多人认为他们听到飞机的声音了Variouslyadv.Varietyn.1. 变化,多样性She didn t like the work, because it lacked variety他.不喜欢这个工作,因为缺乏多样性2. 种种Everyone arrived late at the party for a variety of reasons.每一个在聚会上迟到的人都有种种原因Variety meat ( 美,委婉 )(指牲畜的心,头,脑等部分)杂肉 Variety show 综艺节目 variety store 杂货

8、铺(美)Machineryn. u 机器(械)(集合称)A great deal of machinery许多机器Machinen. c 机器A sewing machineA machine tool机床,工作母机Tool: an instrument for doing work , such as a hammer or spadeMachine: man-made instrument or apparatus which uses power用来干活的工具人造的使用动力的机器Display1) N. 陈列,展示A display of skill技术表演A display of fr

9、uit陈列的水果A display of military might军事力量的展示2)n. (to show)陈列,展示,表露To display fruit in a shop在店里摆水果To display one s true feelings流露出真实的感情Display one s wealth炫耀财富To display goods for sale陈列商品Display one s ignorance显示出无知Steamn. u1) 煮沸时所冒出的蒸汽,水汽A steam engine 蒸汽机Steam-boat汽艇;汽船Steam-shipSteamed-bread 馒头St

10、eamer蒸锅Steam iron 蒸汽熨斗2)(水冷却时所产生的)露,水汽Eg. Steam formed on the inside of the kitchen windows 凝结在厨房窗户上的水汽短语:Let off steam 消除心中的闷气Work off steamEg. I was so angry , I worked off steam by taking a long walk 我很气愤,我走了好久的路来消除心中的闷气。Full steam ahead 全速前进Get up steam 开始发动,开火启动Under one s steamUnder its own st

11、eam凭自己的力量或努力Profitn.Eg. He sold his house at a profit ; he made a profit of 1000 on the sale. 他卖了房子赚了钱,在这笔生意上他赚了 1 千英镑Eg. There s very little profit in selling land at present现.在卖地利润很薄。2)(正式)利益Eg. They are only interested in a quick profit他们急功近利Profitlessadj. 无利益可言Eg. It would be profitless to do su

12、ch a foolish thing干这种愚蠢的事情是毫无利益可言的Profitable adj.有用的,有利益的Eg. She spent a profitable day cleaning the house thoroughtly她善用这一天,彻底地清扫了房子A clear profit净利A gross profit毛利College1) 大学内的学院Universityn. (综合性的 )大学2)(美国)大学Collegiateadj. 学院的,大学生的TextPerhaps the most extraordinary building of the nineteenth cent

13、ury was the Crystal Palace, which was built in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.Which 引导非限定定语从句,对所修饰的词进一步说明非限定定语从句,在修饰物时用 which ,修饰人时用 who ,whom 或 whose,不用 that She had eight children, three of whom lived to grow up. 他有八个孩子,其中三个已经长大成人 One herdsman, who looks after 800 sheep at most, earns

14、about 690yuan a year.一个看了800 只羊的牧羊人,每年大概赚690 元。 Who号隔开,是个非限定定语从句,做补充说明非限定性定语从句也可以由where 或 when 引导引导定从修饰one herdsman,由逗In the old days, when I was a little boy, the city had no industry to speak of(. when 引导修饰 days)在旧社会,在我还小的时候,这个城市根本没有工业可言They will fly to Kunming, where they plan to stay for two or

15、three days, and go on to Guilin.他们将飞往昆明,在那儿呆两到三天,然后去桂林。The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the world, for it was made of iron and glass.Be different from 不同于Be made of 用 制造(指原材料没有发生化学上的变化)Be made from (制造出的成品跟原材料不同)Bread is made from wheat.Be made in +时间 / 地点It was one of th

16、e biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from many countries came to see it.Of all time 有史以来 =in history 空前的A great many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world.A great many 许多 =a good manyGoods 商品 =commodity( 可数 )=merchandise (不可数)Various parts of the world世界不同国

17、家all parts of the worldAll over the world遍布全世界世界各地There was also a great deal of machinery on display.There be 结构a great deal of + 不可数On display/on show有关介词on 的短语He has gone to Frankfurt on business. 他因公出差去法兰克福了。I didn t catch the bus. I came here on foot.I asked to see the officer on duty. 我要求见值班的官

18、员On business 因公出差On the whole(all in all), it has been a very successful year. 总的来说,这是成功的一年 Look at that smoke. That building must be on fire.I don t think it was an accident. He did it on purpose我.认为这不是意外,他肯定是故意的 On the average, I made six telephone calls a day. 我平均每天打 6 个电话You mustn t on any accou

19、nt sign the contract before you read it你.一定要读完合同再签字 Not on any account决不可以,切莫I know I had agreed to let you go to the cinema, but on second thoughts, you should stay at home and finish your homework.我知道我曾同意你去看电影,但是经过重新考虑,你应该呆在家里把作业写完Though in those days, travelling was not as easy as it is today, st

20、eam boats carried thousands of visitors across the Channel from Europe.Not as easy as it is today 不像今天那么容易,前面was,后面 is 注意Thousands of 成千上万的hundreds of成百上千的millions of数以百万计的On arriving in England, they were taken to the Crystal Palace by train.On+v-ing 一 就(前后主语必须保持一致)他们到英国,他们被送到On hearing the news, w

21、e burst into cheers. 一听到这个消息,我们欢呼起来Take to送去bring from从哪儿带来fetch 去取,双向动作There were six millionvisitors in all, and the profitsfromthe exhibitionwere used to buildmuseums and colleges.In all 总共,总计all in all 从各方面来考虑,从各方面来说all or nothing (指行动)需要竭尽全力at all 根本,丝毫not at all 根本不one s all自己所有的一切,生命Later, th

22、e Crystal Palace was moved to South London.Move from to 搬迁,迁徙They moved from Taian to Nanjing.We re going to move to a house in the suburbs.我们将搬去市郊的房子 Move 使(某人)感动,使动心His performance of the piano concerto moved us greatly.他钢琴协奏曲的演奏深深感动着我们It remained one of the most famous buildings in the world until it was burnt down in 1963.Remain 保持,仍旧是He remained silent. 他保持沉默Burn sth. Down (将某物)焚为平地,烧得精光The house burnt down in half an hour. 半小时内房子烧的精光


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