新概念英语第二册27课 详细单词解释,短语归纳(谷风讲课).ppt

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1、A wet night,雨夜,1,沐风教资,鱼儿想在空中游,鸟儿想在水中飞,什么时候我们才能快乐?,2,沐风教资,Daily English,Look before you leap. 三思而后行,3,沐风教资,field /fi:ld/ n田地、田野,在田野中,in the middle of the field,在广场中央,In the center of the square,in the middle在中间 In the center 在中心,4,沐风教资,tent /tent/ n帐篷,搭帐篷 在田野中央搭起帐篷,put up the tent in the middle of th

2、e field,帐篷里面满是水,The tents are full of water.,put up a tent 搭建 build a house 精心设计,5,沐风教资,campfire n营火,篝火,在篝火旁边,by the campfire,camp野营 camper 露营者 over 在垂直上方,6,沐风教资,sleeping bag 睡袋 school bag书包 hand bag手提包,睡袋温暖又舒适,The sleeping bag is warm and comfortable.,7,沐风教资,ing 做定语,1.正在的 2.用来的 sleeping bag sleepin

3、g dog listening material 用来听的材料 passing plane正在飞过的飞机 walking stick 用来走路的棍子=拐杖,8,沐风教资,睡觉?()zZ,go to bed go to sleep fall asleep 醉如梦乡(fall 秋天,掉下来) sleep well sleep deeply睡得很沉 sleep soundly不但很沉。还很香 fall fast asleep,9,沐风教资,leap /li:p/ (leapt/lept/, leapt) v跳跃 从地面向上跳起 jump 从一个点跳到另一个点,跳出睡袋,leap out of the

4、 sleeping bag,10,沐风教资,跳,skip 跳到另一行 leap (换了地点) jump up and down(原地不动的跳) look before you leap.,11,沐风教资,wind /waind/ (wound/waund/, wound)v蜿蜒,蜿蜒穿过田野 蜿蜒而行,wind across the field wind ones way,The road winds its way.,12,沐风教资,stream /stri:m/ n小溪,在田野上小溪已经形成,A stream has formed in the field.,13,沐风教资,creep /

5、kri:p/ (crept/krept/, crept) v爬行,爬进帐篷,creep into the tent,14,沐风教资,New words,tent /tent/ n帐篷 soundly /saundli/ adv香甜地 field /fi:ld/ n田地、田野 leap /li:p/ (leapt/lept/, leapt) v跳跃,跳起 smell /smel/ (smelled or smelt/smelt/) v闻起来 heavily /hevili/ adv大量地 drink heavily smke heavily,15,沐风教资,wonderful adj极好的 st

6、ream /stri:m/ n小溪 campfire n营火,篝火 form v形成 creep /kri:p/ (crept/krept/, crept) v爬行 wind /waind/ (wound/waund/, wound)v蜿蜒 sleeping bag 睡袋 comfortable adj舒适的,安逸的 right /rait/ adv正好,16,沐风教资,right, 正好,强调。 adv. adj.介词短语。不强调动词 just just like正如 just as 正当 just + pron. right + adv. just you 就是你了 right here.

7、 就在这儿 right here waiting for you ! 就在花园里面,我找到了我丢失的手表。 I found my lost watch right in the garden.,rain/ snow heavily smoke heavily,17,沐风教资,tent,field,form,creep,soundly,campfire,wonderful,heavily,Words,leap,comfortable,sleeping bag,smell,stream,wind,right,18,沐风教资,Words Practice,Enjoy your time!,oral

8、english practice,19,沐风教资,傍晚 清晨,late in the afternoon early in the morning,这件事刚做完,As soon as this was done,在篝火上烧饭,cook a meal over an open fire/ an open car 敞篷车,他们都饿了,They were all hungry,食物闻起来不错,The food smelled good,美餐一顿后,after a wonderful meal,讲故事,tell stories,20,沐风教资,快到傍晚的时候,late in the afternoon

9、,这件事刚做完,as soon as this was done,在篝火上烧饭,cook a meal over an open fire/ an open car 敞篷车,他们都饿了,They were all hungry,食物闻起来不错,The food smelled good,美餐一顿后,after a wonderful meal,讲故事,tell stories,21,沐风教资,讲笑话,tell jokes,一会后,after a moment /some time later,下雨了,It began to rain,感到疲惫,feel tired,熄灭火,put out th

10、e fire,温暖又舒适,warm and comfortable,睡得香甜,sleep soundly,22,沐风教资,讲笑话,tell jokes,一会后,after a moment /some time later,下雨了,It began to rain,感到疲惫,feel tired,熄灭火,put out the fire,温暖又舒适,warm and comfortable,睡得香甜,sleep soundly,23,沐风教资,醒来,wake up,匆忙到外面,hurried outside,雨下的很大,It was raining heavily,恰好从帐篷下面流过,flow

11、 right under the tent,午夜,in the middle of the night = midnight,24,沐风教资,醒来,wake up,匆忙到外面,hurried outside,雨下的很大,It was raining heavily,恰好从帐篷下面流过,flow right under the tent,午夜,in the middle of the night = midnight,25,沐风教资,语言差异,After a wonder meal(省略动词吃) In sweater with a bag 不用动词,可以用介词直接表达 在我吃了一顿饭以后?,26

12、,沐风教资,Late in the afternoon, the boys put up their tent in the middle of a field. As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They were all hungry and the food smelt good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the camp fire. But some time later it began to r

13、ain. The boys felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into their tent.,A wet night,27,沐风教资,Their sleeping-bags were warm and comfortable, so they all slept soundly. In the middle of the night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water! They all leapt out of their sleeping

14、-bags and hurried outside. It was raining heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!,28,沐风教资,late in the afternoon put up in the middle of,As soon as over an open fire,They-hungry smelled good,wonder

15、ful stories-songs by the campfire,29,沐风教资,But-later began to,felt tired put out crept into,sleeping bags warm-comfortable -soundly,In the middle of woke up began shouting,30,沐风教资,was full of leapt out of hurried,was raining heavily -they-stream-formed in the field,wound its way across right-,31,沐风教资

16、,一般过去时,主语+动词过去式+其他 I lost my umbrella a few days ago. 几天前我把伞丢了。 I bought this coat yesterday. 昨天我买了这件外衣。 I dreamt of you last night. 昨晚我梦见了你。 She paid the bill and left the shop. 她交了钱,离开了商店。,32,沐风教资,sea beach river stream island岛 castle waterfall瀑布 bank 岸 put on clothes hang the picture on the wall put off my trip to Japan 推行 I can not put up with him any more. 忍受 put down the book 放下 put out the fire 熄灭,扩充词汇,33,沐风教资,Exercise,1d 2c 3d 4d 5d 6b 7a 8d 9d 10c 11c 12c,34,沐风教资,


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