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1、Lesson 83,After the elections,1,沐风教资,Please tell me how do you think of the elections.,2,沐风教资,How many leaders do you know?,Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford,3,沐风教资,David William Donald Cameron,James Gordon Brown,4,沐风教资,George Herbert Walker Bush,George Walker Bush,5,沐风教资,Barack Hussein Obama,6,沐风教

2、资,A story bouta man who kept on calling at the house of the former Prime Minister,7,沐风教资,New words,electionlek()n former fm defeat dfit fanaticalfntkl opponent pnnt radical rdk()l progressive prgresv suspicious ssps,n. 选举 adj. 从前的 v. 打败 adj. 狂热的 n. 反对者,对手 adj. 激进的 adj. 进步的 adj. 怀疑的,8,沐风教资,election n

3、. (经由投票的) 选举; 当选 a general election 大选,普选 举行选举 hold an election 赢得选举,当选 win an election 最终的选举结果会在周五公布。 The final election results will be announced on Friday. Elect v. 选举 奥巴马被选为美国总统。 Obama was elected (to be) President of the United States.,9,沐风教资,former adj.前者的, 前任的, 以前的 former是前者,和后者 (latter ) 相比较

4、而言的 previous是以前的,是时间上的。 prior是指优先于。比起什么先做什么。 我喜欢前者的画而不喜欢后者 I prefer the former picture to the latter. 此工作不需要以前的经验。 No previous experience is necessary for this job. 宪法优先于其他一切法律 Constitution is prior to all other laws.,10,沐风教资,defeat (1) v. 打败 打敗敌人 defeat an enemy 我队以5比零击败对手。 Our team defeated our op

5、ponent by 5:0. (2) n 挫折、失敗 我們的棒球队再遭失敗 Our baseball team has suffered another defeat .,11,沐风教资,fanatical (1)adj. 狂热的 (2)n.(主义、宗教等) 狂信者 fan n.(口) 迷、热心爱好者 a baseball fan 棒球迷 a rock and roll fan 摇滚迷 be crazy about 非常喜爱 ., 醉心于 be mad about ,12,沐风教资,opponent n. 反对者,对手 他以三比一击败对手。 He beats his opponent by 3

6、:1. v. oppose (1)v. 反对、抵抗 我反对你去那里 I oppose your going there alone . 暴风雨阻止我们前进 The storm opposed our advance . (2) v.使对立、使对抗 oppose + sth + to/ against 对立、对抗 他对比了优点和缺来考虑这件事。 He considered the matter , opposing its advantage against / to its disadvantage . be opposed to sth 与某事物相对立, 反对某事物 她强烈反对他們的计划。

7、She is strongly opposed to their plan.,13,沐风教资,radical (1)根本的,彻底的 彻底改进 radical improvements (2)过激的、激进的、极端的 the radical party 激进党 radically adv. 根本地, 完全地, 过激地 radicalism n. 激进主义, 根本的改革主义,14,沐风教资,progressive (1) adj. 进步的 conservative a.保守的,;传统的.保守的人 思想进步的市長 a mayor with progressive ideas 新主席是相当前卫的。 Th

8、e new chairman is quite progressive . (2) 前进的、进行的 regressive a.退步的,退化的,15,沐风教资,progress (1) n. 前进、进行 (2) n. 进步、上进、发展 医学进展 the progress of medicine 你已经在说英语上取得了很大进展。 Youve made great progress in speaking English . (3) n.经过、过程、进展 这个病人进步极为显著。 The patient is making remarkable progress. (4) v. 前进、进行、上进、提高

9、 我們的工作現正稳步推进。 We are now progressing steadily with our work . 你在数学上进步很快 Youve progressed quickly in mathematics .,16,沐风教资,suspicious adj. 猜疑的,认为可疑的,对起疑心的,多疑的 海关官员都对面色紧张的旅客起疑心。 Customs officers are suspicious of nervous-looking travelers. 别那么多疑,一切都好。 Dont be so suspicious. Everythings all right. adj.

10、 可疑的,令人起疑的 这场车祸看起来很可疑。 The car crash looks suspicious.,17,沐风教资,suspiciously adv. 猜疑地, 可疑地 suspicion n. 猜疑 他的话引起了我的怀疑。 His remarks aroused my suspicion . 我怀疑,我的手机已被窃听。 I have a suspicion that my phone has been tapped .,18,沐风教资,Who was the former Prime Minister?,Mr. Wentworth Lane.,19,沐风教资,My friend,

11、Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lanes Radical Progressive Party.,Who has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. Lanes Radical Progressive Party?,20,沐风教资,Why did Patrick go to the house again and again?,Because he loved to hear the policeman say Mr. Lane was defeated.,21,沐风教资,In

12、 the recent elections, was the former Prime Minister defeated or not?,He was defeated in the recent elections.,22,沐风教资,What happened to the former Prime Minister, and where is he now?,He is now retiring from political life and has gone abroad.,23,沐风教资,Listening and imitation,Intensive reading,1. The

13、 former Prime Minister, Mr. Wentworth Lane, was defeated in the recent elections. Explain: a. the former Prime Minister the ex-Prime Minister 前首相 b. defeat sb 击败某人 beat sb 打贏某人 上个星期六阿森纳击败曼联。 Arsenal beat Manchester United last Saturday.,Text,26,沐风教资,2. He is now retiring from political life and has

14、gone abroad. retire 退休 我的父亲60岁将退休。 My father will retire at the age of 60. go abroad 出国 travel abroad 出国旅行 study abroad 留学,出国学习 live abroad 住在国外 be abroad 在国外 from abroad 从海外来 他刚刚从国外旅行回來。 He has just returned from abroad .,27,沐风教资,3. My friend, Patrick, has always been a fanatical opponent of Mr. La

15、nes Radical Progressive Party. Explain:Radical Progressive Party. 激进党 4. After the elections, Patrick went to the former Prime Ministers house. Explain: go to 去地方,28,沐风教资,5. When he asked if Mr. Lane lived there, the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex-Prime Minister had gone ab

16、road. Explain: duty (1) n. 责任、义务、本分 on duty在上班(的),在值班(的) off duty 下了班(的),不在值班(的) (2)税,关税 customs duty 关税 export duties 出口税 import duties 进口税,29,沐风教资,6. On the following day, Patrick went to the house again. The same policeman was just walking slowly past the entrance, when Patrick asked the same que

17、stion. Explain: walk past prep. 走过、经过 entrance (1) 入口、大门口 e.g.公园入口 entrance to the park the back entrance 后门 (2) 进入 e.g.进入大学 entrance into college entrance to college 入学测试 entrance examination,30,沐风教资,7. Though a little suspicious this time, the policeman gave him the same answer. Explain: though 引导

18、的是让步状语从句 如果1.从句的主语和主句的相同 2.谓语是系动词be, 那么主语+be可省略 完整的从句是: Though a little suspicious this time.,the policeman was,31,沐风教资,8. The day after, Patrick went to the house once more and asked exactly the same question.,第二天,the day after tomorrow,后天,the day before,(某天的)前一天,e.g.他再次提出这个问题。 He asked the questio

19、n once more,the day before yesterday,前天,再度,32,沐风教资,9. This time, the policeman lost his temper. lost ones temper 发脾气 temper (1) n. 脾气 別发脾气 Keep your temper ! (2) n. 心情、情绪 昨晚发生的事情后,我惊讶地发现,他今天早上的情绪很好。 After what happened last night , I was surprised to find that he was in such a good temper this morni

20、ng . 你应该向他道歉,他现在脾气很坏。 You should apologize to him . Hes in a very bad temper .,33,沐风教资,mood n. 心情、情绪 我在晚会上玩的很开心,心情很好。 I enjoyed myself at the party. I was in a very good mood . 别打扰他,他心情很不好。 Dont disturb him. Hes in a very bad mood . be in the mood for sth/ doing sth be in the mood to do 想做某事 我很想开车去乡

21、下兜兜风。 Im in the mood for a drive into the country . I would very much like to go for a drive into the country.,34,沐风教资,Choose and write,1. Im in the to go out for a really nice meal. 2. If you criticize her, she will lose her again. 3. Hes in one of his again, so I wouldnt disturb him.,mood,moods,te

22、mper,35,沐风教资,10. I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday, he shouted, Mr. Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad! 11.I know, answered Patrick, but I love to hear you say it!,36,沐风教资,1. Since his retirement, he to live abroad. A. has b

23、een B. has gone C. is gone,37,沐风教资,2. -I havent seen Jack lately. -No, he _abroad and has only just returned. A. has been B. has gone C. is gone,38,沐风教资,3.Theyve been trying to raise money to rapair our town hall, but so far no one_anything. A. will give B. have C. has given,39,沐风教资,4. I didnt doubt

24、 what he said. I didnt expect him_. A. to mistake B. to be mistaken C. to have mistaken,40,沐风教资,5. If the government had provided more money, the dam _by now. A. would have been finished B. would finish C. would have finished,41,沐风教资,Comprehension questions,Listen to the tape again,And retell the st

25、ory,1.former-Mr. Lane-defeated-elections 2.retiring-political life-abroad 3.friend-opponene-Mr.Lanes Party 4.After-Patrick went-house 5.asked-policeman-told-abroad 6.Following day-again-same policeman-same question-same answer 7.Day after again-same policeman-same question-same answer 8.I know-Patrick, but I-say it,45,沐风教资,


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