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1、Periods 2 Grammared formsGoals: 1. To get Ss to have knowledge of this grammar point: V-ed form;2. To enable Ss to use the V-ed form. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision1. Ask two Ss to retell the passage.2. Group Work. Now, let s do the competi tion. Try your best to find the ed forms from the text

2、book. The group which write the mostright ed forms of the verbs will win. Step 2 Grammar 1Purpose: Let Ss know how to use V-ed as an adjective.1.Individual Work.Do you know why they should useed form?(If they cannot answer. I will act out a sentence. I threw thepaper away. The paper was used before.

3、 Can you use a sentence todescribemy actions?The answer is “I threw the used paper away”.)Fromthat,we canindicatethated formscan beused asadjectives,orpasttense.(Pastparticipleofverbshastwomeanings: one is finished and the other is done by others.)2. Pair Work. Ask the students to finish Grammar 1 b

4、y themselves.3. Group Work. Where to put the ed form? Show more sentences on the screen in order to let Ss understand the rules well.(1) Polluted air and water are harmful to peoples health.(2) This is the book recommended by our teacher.(3) Trained students won the match.(4) This is the finished ho

5、mework.This is the homework finished by Li Kang.Conclusion:Generallyspeaking,a singleed form used as attribute,we should put it in front of the nouns. Otherwise we should put itbehind the nouns. That is to say, if it is followed by a phrase,it should be put behind the nouns.4. Group Work. Show some

6、more sentences and letSs compare the edform with theing form of verbs.(1) The woman disturbing the other workers is called Christina. The woman disturbed by the other workers is called Christina.(2) I hadn t met the man interviewing me before I came here.I hadnt met the man interviewed by the boss b

7、efore I came here. (Let the students tell the differences by translating thesentences.)Suggested answers:(1) 那个正在打扰别的工作人员的女人叫 Christina 。那个被别的工作人员打扰的女人叫 Christina 。(2) 在我来这之前,我从未见过面试我的这个男人。在我来这之前,我从未见过被老板面试的这个男人。5.Pair Work.Practice: Translate them into English.(1)升起了的太阳(2) 一本用过的书(3)一个被遗弃的小男孩(4) 一条参

8、考答案(5) 几个发达国家Suggested answers:(1)The risen sun (2) a used book(3) an abandoned boy(4)A suggested answer(5) several developed countriesStep 3 Grammar 21. The ed forms not only can be used as adjectives, but also canbe used in past tense. But when should we use past tense? (It should have the past ti

9、me, such as recently, during the day, one night,a long time ago, and so on.)2.Pair Work Ask the Ss to finish Activity 1 on page 26.3.Individual Work . Ask them to finish Activity 2 on P27.(Ask Ss to check the answers with their partners.)4. Multiple Choices All morning as she waited for the medical

10、report from the doctor, her nervousness _.A. has grownB. is growingC. grewD. had grown The telephone _ four times in the last hour and each time it _ for my roommate.A. has rung, wasB. has been ringing,isC. had rung, has beenD. rang, has been Did you notice Jack was not at work today? I _ with the m

11、anager. Or Id have noticed.A. talked B. had been talkingC. am talkingD.havebeentalking The man was knocked down by a car which _ at 150 kilometres an hour.A. ran B. had been runningC. was running D. had run I m sorry, I shouldnt have been so angry with you. You _ angry but thats OK.A. have beenB. ar

12、eC. had beenD. were Prices of daily goods _ on the Internet can be lower thanstore prices.A. are boughtB. boughtC. been bought D. buying Mr. Smith,_ of the _ speech, startedto readA. tired, boringB. tiring, boredC. tired, boredtiring, boringa novel.D. Most of the people _ to the party were famous sc

13、ientists.A. invitedB. to inviteC. being invitedD. inviting The murderer was brought in, with his hands _ behind his back.A. being tiedB. having tied C. to be tiedD. tied An _ crowd is awaiting the arrival of the film star.A. excited B. exciting C. excite D. excitedly By the way, when did you get your bedroom _? Last week.A. to paintB. paintedC. paintingD. to be paintedSuggested answers: - CABCD- BAADAB Step 4 HomeworkFinish off the grammar exercises on page 79-80.


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