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1、英语必修 3 人教版新课标 Unit2教案( 02作业及解析)*作业:A level单项填空1 I, as a green worker, should _ the experienced about the matters that I amnot familiar with.A consultB DiscussC talk D recommend答案: A解析: consult意为“咨询;请教” , consult sb. about sth.“向某人请教/ 咨询某事” ,符合题意。2 On accountof the developmentof the economy, the envi

2、ronmentand we must _ the emission of the carbon dioxide.A cut in B cut offC cut up D cut downis seriouslypolluted答案:D解析:3 Incut down cultivating“减少;削减” ,相当于reduce 。our students,we should_ the teachingwiththe recreation.A attach B RelateCcombine D join答案: C解析:combine.with.意为“把和相结合”,此处指寓教于乐。attach, re

3、late和 join 都多与 to 搭配。4 Can I pay the bill by check?Sorry,sir.But itisthe management ruleof our hotelthatpayment _ be madein cash.A shall B NeedC will D can答案: A解析: shall用于第二、三人称陈述句中,表示说话人对对方的许诺、命令、威胁或警告。5 Usually there is a speed _ of 30 km/h in towns or villages.A level B StandardClimit D degree答案:

4、 C解析: a speed limit“时速限制”符合题意。level“水平;标准” ;standard“标准”;degree“度数;学位” 。6 Hi, David! How was your trip to Beijing?Wonderful! I had never had _ holiday in my life.A a most exciting B a more excitingC the most excited D the more excited答案: B解析:形容词或副词的比较级与否定词连用可表示最高级概念,排除A、C两项;excited“激动的”,常用于修饰人,excit

5、ing“令人激动的” ,常用于修饰物,故B 项正确。7 They met some trouble solving that problem. Thingsdidnt _ as smoothly asthey had expected.A work B GetC run D go答案: D解析: go用做不及物动词,意为“进行,进展”。 work“奏效”,产生预期的效果( 作用 ) ,不能被 smoothly 修饰; get “得到;收到” ; run “发生”,通常用于进行时态。8 You must get excited about going to France to study oil

6、 painting._, but Im afraid I cant do well because my French is too poor.A I dont know yet B Certainly not C Well, I ought to have DAll right答案: C解析: ought to相当于 should ,其后省略了got excited。9 Ifyou just spendtime _advantages and disadvantages, you may get nothingin the end.A matching B BalancingC observ

7、ing D examining答案: B解析: balance advantages and disadvantages意为“权衡利弊” 。10 Why dont we hold a party to celebrate the achievements gained by our Olympicplayers?_A Because we havent got enough preparations.B Good idea!C Its all because of the terrible weather.D Not all would like to attend it.答案: B解析:Wh

8、ydontyou/we do sth.?表示给某人建议,所以选项B 表示同意别人的说话或提议。*B Level1. How s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? It _ be, but it is now heavily polluted.A. willB. wouldC. shouldD. must2. Guess what! I have got A for my term paper. Great! You _ read widely and put a lot of work into it.A. MustB. sho

9、uldC. must haveD. should have3. The teacher _have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldnt have wasted timeon him, I suppose.A. shouldB. canC. wouldD. must4. Incrowded placeslikeairportsand railwaystations,you_takecareof your luggage.A. canB. mayC. mustD. will5. My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Wher

10、eI have put it?A.canB.mustC.shouldD.would6. The biggest problem for most plants, which _ just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them.A. shan tB. can tC. needn tD. mustn t7. She looks very happy. She_ have passed the exam. I guess so. It s not difficult after all.A. Sho

11、uldB. couldC. mustD. might8. Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. Youit in the wrong place.A.must putB.should have putC.might putD.might have put9. As a result of the serious flood, two-thirds of the buildings in the area.A.need rcpairingB.needs to repairC.needs repairingD.nee

12、dtorepair10. I toldyour friendhow to get to the hotel,but perhapsIhavedrivenher ther.A.couldB.mustC.nightD.shouldKeys :1-5CCDCA6-10BCDADC Level完形填空 ( 共 20 小题 ;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分 )Shopping habits in the United States have changed greatly in the last quarter of the20th century.36 in the 1900s most Americ

13、an towns and cities had a Main Street. Main Street wasalways in the heart of a town. This street was37on both sides with many various38 . Here, shoppers walked into stores to look at all sorts of goods: clothing, furniture, hardware, groceries. 39 , some shops offered 40 . These shopsincluded drugst

14、ores, restaurants, shoe-repair stores, and barber or hairdressing shops.41 in the 1950s, a change began to take place. Too many cars had crowded into Main Street while too few parking places were 42 to shoppers. Because the streets werecrowded, merchants began to look with43at the open spaces outsid

15、e the city limits.Open space was what their car-driving 44 needed.And open space was what merchants got45the first shopping centres were built.Shopping centres, or rather malls, 46as a collection of small new stores47 crowdedcity centres. 48by hundreds of free parking space, customers were drawn awa

16、y from49areas to out-lying malls. And the growing50of shopping centres led51 to thebuilding of bigger and better stocked stores.52thelate1970s,manyshoppingmallshad almost 53 intosmallcities themselves.In addition to providing the 54 of one stop shopping,malls were transformed intolandscaped(园林化的 ) p

17、arks, 55benches,fountains, and outdoor entertainment.36.A. FinallyB. EarlyC. LateD. Lately37.A. builtB. designed C. intended D. lined38.A. factoriesB. treesC. businessesD. hospitals39.A. In additionB. ThereforeC. On the contraryD. As well40.A. accommodationB. InformationC. technologyD. services41.A.

18、 AndB. Thus C. SoD. But42.A. specialB. availableC. closedD. reliable43.A. surpriseB. delightC. interest D. horror44.A. customersB. bossesC. workersD. staff45.A. whenB. whileC. sinceD. because46.A. changedB. StartedC. providedD. organized47.A. withinB. NearC. next toD. away from48.A. SuggestedB. Atta

19、ckedC. AttractedD. Confused49.A. publicB. PrivateC. outdoorD. downtown50.A. popularityB. BeautyC. distinctionD. expense51.A. out of turnB. in turnC. out of orderD. in order52.A. By B. DuringC. InD. Towards53.A. increasedB. ShrunkC. developedD. decreased54.A. regulationB. RelationC. convenienceD. con

20、fidence55.A. aroundB. besidesC. withD. WithoutKeys:36.选 B。 late末期 ; lately最近 ,由下文时间可推断此处应指20 世纪“早期( early)”。37. 选 D。本句的意思是“街道的两旁排列着很多各种各样的商店”。 build 的意思是“建造 , 修建” ; design的意思是“设计”; intend意思是“打算”; line是“沿排列”的意思,常见的句型为“ be lined with”。38. 选 C。根据下一句话中的 stores 一词 , 可知此空意为“各种各样的商店或商家”, 因此选择 C 项。39.选 A。本句

21、的意思是 “除了各种各样的商店销售各种各样的商品之外, 有些商店还提供服务” ,on the contrary意为“相反 ,反之” , therefore意思为“因此 ,所以” , in addition可单独使用 ,意为“除此之外” , as well常用在句末。40.选 D。 accommodation 意为“(酒店、火车、船等提供的)住宿膳食服务”。 information是“信息 , 情报” , technology是“技术” , service是“服务” , 根据上题意思 , service一词放在这里最合适。41. 选 D。本句的意思是“在五十年代 , 情况却发生了变化” , 有转

22、折的意思。 and 表示进一步的递进 , thus是“因此”, so意为“所以”, but是“但是”,表转折,最合题意。42.选 B。 be available to sb.为固定搭配,意为“对某人来说可用的,可得到的”,本句意为“顾客可用的停车场地”,故选 B 项 ,其他项均不符合题意。43. 选 C。“因为城里的商业街过于拥挤 , 因此商人们都饶有兴趣地将目光瞄向了城外” , 由此可知 C项正确 , A 项意为“惊讶” , B 项意为“高兴” , D 项意为“恐怖 , 害怕” , 均不符合题意。44.选 A。对于商家而言,城外的广阔空间就是他们的顾客们可以用来停车的地方,或者正是顾客们需要

23、的。由此可得A 项正确。45. 选 A。这里是 一个时间状语从句。因此用 when( 在时候) 。while 指“在期间 ; 而”; since 表示“自从” , 主句一般用完成时 ; 前后不存在因果关系 , 因此不选 D 项。46. 选 B。本句的意思是“大型购物中心或商业街是从一些远离拥挤的城市中心的新开张的小店铺开始的”,只有started as有此意。47.选 D。本句意为 “远离拥挤的市中心”, within指“在之内”, away from表示距离,“远离” , next to指“靠近”, near是“附近”之意。48.选 C。本句意为“由于被成百上千的免费停车泊位所吸引,顾客们”

24、, attack意为“袭击 ,攻击” , suggest意为“建议、表明”, confuse意为“使困惑、迷惑、不解”,只有attract有此意。49. 选 D。本句意为“顾客们驾车从市区到城市以外的商业中心”, 只有 downtown“市中心、市区”符合此意, A 项意为“公共的、大众的”, B 项意为“私人的、私有的”, C 项意为“户外的” 。50. 选A。本句意为“这些购物中心的日趋流行与普及反过来催生了规模更大,设备更好的商店的建成”。 distinction声望; beauty美 ,美丽 ; popularity流行 ,普及 ; expense开支 ,花销。故选A。51.选 B。根

25、据上题解释, in turn应为“依次”的意思,引申为“反过来” 。 out of turn意为“超越职权,冒昧无礼”, out of order意为“不按顺序、次序颠倒”, in order意为“整齐、有条理”。52.选 A。在这四个选项中,只有by所组成的时间状语与完成时连用,意为“到为止”,其他三个选项均被排除。53.选 C。“到20 世纪70 年代后期,很多大型购物中心已经几乎发展成为小型城市了”,由此可得A 项正确。shrink意为“缩小,收缩”, increase意为“增加”, decrease意为“减少” 。54.选 C。这里convenience与providing组成短语“提供方便,便利” ,符合上下文义, A项意为“规则;管理”, B项意为“关系”, D项意为“信心” 。55. 选 C。介词 with 在这里的意思是“带有” , 本句意为“商业街逐渐演变成了带有长椅、喷泉及户外娱乐的风景优美的园林式公园” , A 项意为“周围 , 附近” , B 项意为“此外” , D 项意为“缺乏、没有” 。


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