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1、学科课题教学要求教学重难点English课型4年级9 年级Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.1. Talk about consequences 2. Be able to use“ If you do, you will belate. ”3. Master If you go to the party, you ll have a great time.1 Listening practice 2 Writing practice1 教五步教学法3.Write two or three sentences to finish the story.法3P 教学法4

2、 Listen and complete the sentences.分组活动法教学过程及教师活动Step 1 Revision1 Invite a student to read the thank-you message Linda wrote to Anna to the class.2 Get different pairs of students to read the conversations in Activities 3b and 4.Step 2 PresentationI. Part 1This activity provides writing practice usi

3、ng the target language.Read the instructions to the class. Readthe words in the box and have students repeat several times. Invite different students to explain the meaning of eachword in their own words.Check the answers on the blackboard.II.2aThisactivitygivesstudentspracticeunderstanding and writ

4、ing the target language in spoken conversation.Read the instructions to the class. Point to the three pictures in Activity 1.Play the recording the first time.Play the recording again.Check the answers.Encourage students to write two or threesentences to finish the story.Answers will vary. Write a s

5、ample versionon the blackboard. Ask students to use itas a model.III.2bThisactivitygivesstudentspractice listening and writing the targetlanguage.Explain themeaning ofthe wordcreaturetothestudents.Playtherecording once or twice, using the Pause学生活动Read the messageand theconversations.Repeat the word

6、s in the boxLook at the pictures and write a sentence about each picture.Only listen.Listen and number the pictures.Writetwo or threesentencestofinish the story.设计意图对上节课所学知识进行复习。训练学生的写作能力。听写结合,对听力的要求更高一层。把所学知识口语化,时学生的记忆更加深刻,使用更buttonas necessary.Showthe answers on thescreen by a projector so that st

7、udents can check the spelling and other details oftheir answers.Step3 Consolidation and extension2c This activity provides oral practiceusing the target language.Point out the sample conversation in thebox. Invite a pair of students to read itto the class.Get studentstowork inpairs.As thepairswork t

8、ogether, walk around the classroomlisteninginonvariouspairsand offeringhelp as needed.Askseveralpairstosaytheirconversations to the class.Step4 Summary作业Do xin kecheng on page 50-51.布置教学反思加便捷。Start by readingthe conversationin the box withtheir partner.Then role playconversationsusing informationin Activity 2b.


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