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1、Lesson 33: How Can You Go?Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: anywhere, type, ship, rapid, on foot, of courseOral words and expressions: transportationTeaching Aims:1. Learn the information about the transportation.2. Know the transportation history and what the future transportation wil

2、l be like. Teaching Important Points:1. How many types of transportation are there in the world?2. Talk about all kinds of transportation.Step1. Lead in the class. Let the students discuss the following questions:How do you come to school every day? Why?S1: I come to school on foot because my home i

3、s near the school.S2: I come to school by bike because I ride my bike well.S3: I come to school by bus because my home is far away from school.Step2. Let thestudentsask questionsaboutthe transportation.Such as:what do you takeif you go on a trip to Beijing? Why? Can you describe your favourite trip

4、to the class?Step3. Listento the tape and do withExercise2 in the activitybook withthe books closed.Step4. Read the text and check the answers. Then read the text again and repeat afterit. After a while, ask some students to read the text loudly in roles.Step5. Make sentenceswith the phrases: what a

5、bout, on foot,take a car,would like, morerapidStep6. PracticeDiscuss the following question:What is the advantages and disadvantages of the transportations? Such as: cars, trains, and buses. If you go on a trip, where would you like to go? How will you go there?Let the students work in groups of thr

6、ee of four. After a while, present their answers to the class.Step7. Come to“ LET S DO IT. ”Ask the studentsto talkin the class.Then theycan givetheirpresentationin dialoguesor in composition. Encourage them to report one by one.Step8. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading

7、in the student book.Summary:When the studentsmake theirpresentationtothe class.Remember to remind them tospeakin turn. We should let all the students have the chances to speak. If someone can t goon, the others may help him.Lesson 34: Trains Go on Rails!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions

8、: invent, wheel, engineer, railway, passenger, speed, even, get on/offOral words and expressions:rail,invention,steam, engine,locomotive,explode,distance,iron, per, magnetic, jet, jet engine, get on/off, (at) a top speed ofTeaching Aims:1. Know about the train history.2. What will the future train b

9、e like? Teaching Important Points:The invention of the steam engine, the first steam locomotive, railways and the first passenger.Teaching Difficult Points:Who invented the inventions and when did they invent them.Teaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of le

10、sson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Come to“ THINK ABOUT IT. ”Let the students talk in groups about the question: How do you usually travel to some other places?After discussing for a while, the students make a report to the class.Step2. Let the students read the text then answer how is the te

11、xt arranged.Step3. Listen to the tape. After repeating the text for several times, ask them to retell the story in their own words.Step4.Let the students talk more about the trains. They may talk about their experienceon trains. They also may talk about the structure of the trains, the use of the tr

12、ainsand the future of them.Step5.Make a table.Make a surveyabouttheadvantagesand thedisadvantagesof the trains,the cars, the bus, the bicycles and the planes.transporationadvantagedisadvantagestraincarbusbicycleplaneStep6. Come to“ LET S DO IT ” .Step7. Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Go

13、on the next reading in the student book.Summary:The students know little about the train history. The teacher should arrange much information about it. Show them more pictures and let them know more. Encourage them toimagine the future transportation. Stimulate them to work hard and make their mind

14、to make contribution to the worldLesson 35: Future TransportationTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: certainly, invention, present, round, wing, dangerous, factory, humorous, as long asOral words and expressions: presentation, Henry, Ford, North America, Teaching Aims:1. Learn the histor

15、y of the cars.2. Describe one type of transportation in the future. Teaching Important Points:1. Learn about the Danny wheels.2. Imagine what types of transportation will be like from one hundred years now. Teaching Difficult Points:Let the students think and be creative.Teaching preparation: pictur

16、esTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Let the students talk about something about the planes and the cars. What do they know about the planes and the cars? If they know, let them say their details.Step2. Ask the students to talk about the

17、 picture in the text. What do they think about this?Step3. Let s listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. How did people get to another city before people invented plane?2. When did Henry Ford open a car factory?3. What s Danny s invention?4.Would someone like to ride in the Danny s

18、wheel? Why?Step4.Read the textand check the answers.Then letthe studentsread itloudlyin class.After a while, ask the students read the text in roles.Step5. Let the students act he dialogue out. They can take a circle for Danny s wheel.Step6. Ask some students to make sentences with the following phr

19、ases:At that time, need to, present, you d better not.At that time, I was a little girl.You need to wear warm clothes in cold winter.Present your invention to the class.You d better say it again.Step7. Come to“ PROJECT” .1.Ask the studentsto make a survey:ask your grandparentsaboutthe old transporta

20、tion.When theyare in a hurry,what did theydo? Did theythinkof the modern transportationtoday? What do they think of the life today?Remember to make a report to the class.2. Talk in groups of three or four. What do you hope the future transportation will be like? Can you invent some useful invention?

21、 Report to the class.3. Make a detail about your future transporation.1. Finish off the activity book.2. Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Encourage studentsto make a surveyabout the old transportation.How did our grandparentsgo to a big city in the old days? How long did it take? W

22、hile, we think hard to inventnew transportation.What s itsadvantagesand disadvantages?We can make a detailaboutit.Lesson 36: Let s Take a DriveTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: drive, countryside, rideOral words and expressions: drove, driven, highway, rode, ridden, park, afarTeaching

23、Aims:1. Feel the charming of the music.2. Know what the people in the foreign countries do in their spare time. Teaching Important Points:1.Sing the foreign songs together.2.Use the modal verbs.Teaching Difficult Points:Grasp some words and patterns: be late for, get out of, you d better notTeaching

24、 Preparation: picturesStep1. Listen to the tape first. Feel the charming of the music.Step2. Ask the students to read the lyric line by line. Divide them into several groups to practice the song.Step3. Explain the Chinese meaning of the song. Your translation must be like poem in order to take them

25、to a beautiful situation.Step4. Listen to the tape for several times and repeat with it.Step5. Work in groups. Talk about the questions:1. What do you usually do in your spare time? How do you usually go there? Why?2. Talk about your recent journey to the class. What gave your most expression? Step6

26、. Practice1.the use of modal verb“ can” .Can you drive me to school today?Can he go to my home?2.the use of modal verb“ may” .May I speak in Chinese?May I leave school now?3.You d better not.-May we eat take a photo here? You d better not. Look at“ NO PHOTOS” sign.-May I smoke? You d better not. Loo

27、k at“ NO SMOKING” sign.Step7. Homework1.Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Today we learn a song. After a piece of music, we feel a mother s love. Mrs. Dinosaurs voice is very interesting, which becomes the modal of some students. We deal with thetwo mo

28、dal verbs“ can and may ” again. Now we know it s used to ask for permission.Lesson 37: Flying DonutsTeaching Content:Oral words and expressions: fuel, imaginationTeaching Aims:1.Stimulate students learning interests.2. Cultivate students listening by catching the useful information in the listeningp

29、rocess.Teaching Important Points:1. Encourage students to increase creative ability.2.Why is the invention called“ flying donutsTeaching Difficult Points:What s the theory of an invention?Teaching Preparation: pictures” .Let some students explain it in English, while the others guess what it is. You

30、 must say the transportation. For example,A transporter is very long. It can hold many people in it. It can also take goods. What is it?Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What is Danny s invention made of?2.Why is it called“ Flying Donuts” ?3. Will Danny s invention real

31、ly work?Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then listen to the tape again and read after it for several times.Step4. Ask the students to read the text in roles. Then act the dialogue in front of theclass.Step5.Make sentences withthe followinglanguagepoints:on theway toschool,turnon,at the fr

32、ont ofStep6. Let s come to“ PROJECT” .Divide the class into small groups of three of four students. Each group chooses a typeof transportation for the students. Instruct students to begin collecting informationabout that type of transportation. They will prepare a comic strip or timetable ofimportan

33、t dates in its development.Groupspresenttheirworktotheclass.Dependingon classsizeandthelengthofpresentations, you may wish to divide up the class. Groups would then present their projects to one portion of the class.If the project cannot be finished in one class, it can be continued in the next less

34、on.Step7.Homework1. Finish off the activity book.2. Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Let the students create more useful inventions. When one group thinks of a good idea, the others can add their useful information to it. Instruct them to speak in timeline.Lesson 38: Let s Invent H

35、overboard!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: smooth, second, space, soundOral words and expressions: Sam, hoverboard, skateboard, float, transportation, show,spaceship, all the time, go throughTeaching Aims:1. Review words and phrases for transportation that the students learned before.

36、2. Encourage the students to find and restate information in personal and imaginative ways.1. How do you demonstrate your invention?2. Learn about the use of Modal Verbs. Teaching Difficult Points:the use of Modal Verbs Teaching Preparation: picturesTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, picturesType

37、 of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Come to“ THINK ABOUT IT” .Let the students answer the questions and discuss them in pairs.Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What type of transportation would Sam like to see in the future/2. What would a hoverboard be like

38、?3. What types of transportation are in this text?Step3. Read the text and check the answers. Then play the tape for several times. Letthe students repeat after it for several times.Step4.Ask the studentsto have a readingcontent.Dividethe classinto severalgroups.Each group chooses one person every t

39、ime. The one reads best can get a star. Let s havea compete to see which group will have the most stars.Step5. Divide the class into several groups. Ask them to talk the future transportationthattheywould liketo see.Use the words and the expressionsthatwe learnin thisunit.1. Finish off the activity

40、book.2. Go on the next reading in the student book.Let s have a discussion about Sam think of it? What s the studentsSummary:s invention. Will it come true one day? What do you invention?Thisisa good chance todevelopstudentsbrain. Don t miss it.Lesson 39: Clean Cars?Teaching Content:Mastery words an

41、d expressions: sound, dirty, electricOral words and expressions: pedal, electricity, presentto Teaching Aims:1. Learn about the words and expressions about the transportation.2. Know about the development of the transportation.1. Grasp the modal verbs2. Talk about the possibility and impossibility.

42、Teaching Difficult Points:Modal VerbsTeaching Preparation: drawingsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, drawingsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Lead in the class.The teacher sums the main idea of this unit:“ In this unit, we learn about the trains,bicycles,carsand the othertrans

43、portation.What we want tosee in the future?Yesterdaywe leave this as our project. Can you show it to the class now.”Then letthe studentsshow theirdrawingsto the class.Ask thestudentstoexplaintheirinvention in English to the class.Step2. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. What did the teacher ask us to think about?2.What is Jenny s invention?Step3. Read the text silently and check the answers. Let the students discuss the main idea of the passage in details.Step4. Listen to the tape again. Then let the students tell the main idea in their own w


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