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1、。英语音标 12 课第十课Lesson10Part 37 Part38ts dz发音要领发音方法:发这两个音节跟发平舌音的s 和 z 的口型一样,舌端紧抵上齿龈,气流从舌的两侧逸出。但是要注意,dz 这个音在发音中需要中间稍微停顿。ts 发音时, 舌端先贴住齿龈,堵住气流, 然后略为下降, 气流随之泻出口腔,声带不振动。dz发音与ts 相同,只是声带振动。发音规则 tststesdzdsdes词尾学生 students stju:d ?nts山羊 goats ?uts词尾标准 standards st ? nd ?dz沙滩 sands s ? ndzPractice跟读下面的句子,注意划线部分

2、的读音.Have each student while they are looking at theteacher in the eye read each sentence individually aloud-可编辑修改 -。1) The doctor in the hospital treats me very well.2) He has been working on these projects for many nights.3) What sthe matter? The students are laughing.4)My boss often gets to the of

3、fice at nine oclock.5)Before Christmas I received many cards from my friends.6)He has two records, but they dontwork.趣味拼读: read for funMy dad sells coats and hats. maid? d selz k?uts ? nd h? tsHe said he might sell boots. hi:sed hi: maitsel bu:ts我爸爸在卖外套和帽子,他说他也可能会卖靴子。Part 39Part 40 dr tr 发音要领发 tr软腭抬

4、起 ,舌身作发 r 的姿势, 但舌尖抵上齿龈后部,以形成阻碍。 发音时,舌尖以发 r 的动作解除阻碍,使爆破音t 或 d 与 r 几乎同时发出。发dr软腭抬起 ,舌身作发 r 的姿势,但舌尖抵上齿龈后部,以形成阻碍。 发音时,舌尖以发 r 的动作解除阻碍,使爆破音t 或 d 与 r 几乎同时发出。发 d 这个音由爆破音d 和摩擦音 组成。跟读前面的组合音标读法一样。舌尖以发 的动作解除阻碍,是爆破音与同时发出。单词jelly 含这个音。-可编辑修改 -。发音规则 dr dr, g, ge, j, dg等 tr tr,词首词中词尾尝试 try trai奇怪的 strange streind ?/

5、树 tree tri:街 street stri:t词首词中词尾衣服 dress dres地址 address ?dres/梦想 dream dri:m儿童 children t ?ildr ?n词首词中词尾笑话 joke d ?uk危险 danger deind?年龄 age eid ?仅仅 just d ?st主要的 major meid?页 page peid ?Practice跟读下面的句子,注意划线部分的读音.Have each student while they are looking at theteacher in the eye read each sentence ind

6、ividually aloud1) Your dream will come true.2) A stranger is walking along the street.3) They discovered plenty of treasure under the tree.4) The driver is driving a red car.5) He is drawing outside.-可编辑修改 -。6) The language in this drama is very good.7) Jim Harris was a general.8) He just told a jok

7、e about the judge.Read for fun趣味拼读One more try, one more try. Dontgive up. youllreach the sky. dreamed of drinking much wine and driving into the river.-可编辑修改 -。访问页眉官网链接,通过网络渠道预约,即可获得免费英语体验课程。莆田雷丁英语内部秘密英语,技巧,策略请在 莆田雷丁英语培训学校 官网 申请报名-可编辑修改 -。THANKS !致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书, 学习课件等等打造全网一站式需求欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考-可编辑修改 -


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