新人教版九年级英语下册《nit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section A 3a—3c》教案_0.docx

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《新人教版九年级英语下册《nit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section A 3a—3c》教案_0.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版九年级英语下册《nit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.Section A 3a—3c》教案_0.docx(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、TopicUnit 12 Life is full of the unexpect.DateTeacherGradeNineTeachingAimsKnowledge goals:1. Key vocabulary:In line with,stare,disbelief,above,burn,burning,alive,till,airport,block,worker,westAbility goals:1. Students can read a passage by using some useful reading skills like:(1) guessing the meani

2、ng of new words(2) getting useful information using background knowledge2. Students can narrate past events with their own wordsMoral goals:Live in courage and face the life with smile.MainPoints1. Learn the new words and phrases.2. Understand the passage and get useful information.3. Learn to narra

3、te past events.DifficultPoint1. Undertand the passage and get useful information.2. How to narrate past events.TeachingMethods1. Interesting Teaching2. Communicative Language Teaching3. Task-based Teaching Method TeachingToolsMultimedia & blackboardTeachingProcedursContentsTeachers activityStudents

4、activtyDesigned intentionStep 1Lead-inPre-readingGreetingPlay a video about September 11 attackWatch aVideo.Give Ss some background information and arouse their interest in reading.Learn some new words.Step 2While-reading1. Ask Ss to read for the main idea.2. Paragraph1:Ask Ss to readCarefully and a

5、nswer thequestions.3. Paragraph2:Ask Ss to read carefully and put the sentences in order.4. Ask Ss to read the whole passage again and complete the chart.1. Ss read the whole passage quickly and get the main idea.2. Ss read the first paragraph carefully and get some details. 3. Ss read the second pa

6、ragraph carefully and put the sentences in order.4. Read the whole passage again and complete the chart.1. Let Ss get the main idea of the passage.2. Let Ss get some details in the first paragraph.3. Let Ss get some detail in the second paragraph.4. Let Ss do a summary about the passage and understa

7、nd the passage deeply.Step 3 Post-reading1. Ask Ss to finish 3b2. Ask Ss to finish 3c3. Ask Ss to do some exercises.4. Moral education1. Finish 3b in groups.2. Finish 3c in groups.3. Do exercises.4. Listen and learn.1. Let Ss practice making a sentence.2. Let Ss practice narrating past events.3. Hav

8、e a test about the important words and phrases.4. Guide Ss to live in courage and face the life with smile.Step 4Homework 1. Read the whole passage aloud several times.2. Remember the new words and phrases.3. Practice narrating a past event happened to yourself.BlackboardDesign Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected. SectionA (3a-3c) stare at alive in disbelief burnburning above block unexpected


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