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1、高考汇编之代词+名词 +冠词一 ( 2014 安徽卷) 24 You can ask anyone for help.here is willing to lend you a hand.A. OneB. No oneC. EveryoneD. SomeoneI have no camera to lend to you, but my brother has _. He bought _ only a few days ago.A. it; oneB. one; itC. it; itD. one; one二( 2014 安徽卷) 29 Why not buy a second-hand c

2、ar first if you dont have enough money for a new one? Thats a good.A. sayingB. questionC. suggestionD. account三( 2014 大纲卷) 28. I think Mrs. Stark could be _ between 50 and 60 years of age.A. anywhereB. anybodyC. anyhowD. anything【举一反三】Since people are fond of humor, it is as welcome in conversation

3、as _ else.A. anythingB. somethingC. anywhereD. somewhere四( 2014 福建卷) 21. In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in, knives and forks.A. anotherB. othersC. bothD. all【举一反三】You are a team star! Working with_ is really your cup of tea.A. bothB. eitherC. othersD. the other五( 2014 福建卷) 26.

4、Could you tell me the_of making such tasty cakes?A. featureB. plan Well, I just follow the directions in the cookbook.C. costD. trick六( 2014 湖北卷) 21. Her _ for writing was a desire for women to get the right to higher education.A. motivationB. qualificationC. talentD. technique【举一反三】 Due to the wide

5、spread _ of this medical technology ,more diseases can be discovered and treatedat an early stage.A presentationB applicationC qualificationD appreciation七( 2014 湖北卷)22. When Richard said,“You are much more agreeable and prettier now,” Joan s face turned redat the unexpected _.A. commandB. compariso

6、nC. complimentD. contribution【举一反三】 The doctor is skilled at treating heart trouble and never accepts any gift from his patients, so he has avery good_.A. expectationB. reputationC. contributionD. civilization八( 2014 江苏卷) 27. She was put under house arrest two years ago but remained a powerfulin las

7、t yearselection.A. symbolB. portraitC. identityD. statue【举一反三】The speech from the new government is a _ that major changes are on the way.A. warningB. symbolC. goalD. signal九( 2014 江苏卷) 34. Good families are much to all their members, butto none.A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing第 1 页 共

8、3 页【举一反三】Try to be independent, for your parents cant do _for you all your life.A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything十( 2014 江西卷) 32. -When shall I call , in the morning or afternoon?- _. I ll be in all day .A. AnyB. NoneC. NeitherD. EitherA. eitherB. allC. noneD. neither十一( 2014 山东卷) 4. Su

9、san made_ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.A. thatB. thisC. itD. her【举一反三】 We shouldnt take _ for granted that we still have a lot of time before the Entrance ExaminationA. thisB. thatC. itD. such十二( 2014 陕西卷)21. I d appreciate _ if you could let me know in advance whether

10、or not you will come.A. itB. youC. oneD. this十三( 2014 四川卷) 1. Shed lived in London and Manchester, but she liked _ and moved to Cambridge.A. bothB. neitherC. noneD. either 。【举一反三】 They produced four reports, _ of which contained any useful suggestions.A. eitherB. allC. noneD. neither十四( 2014 天津卷) 3.

11、Wind is now the worlds fastest growing _ of power.A. sourceB. senseC. resultD. root【举一反三】 Whats the _ of having a public open space where you cant eat,vendrinksimplyore hang outfor a while?A. senseB. matterC. caseD. opinion十五( 2014浙江卷 ) 3. An average of just 18.75cm of rain fell last year, making _

12、the driest year sinceCalifornia became a state in 1850.A. eachB. itC. thisD. one十六( 2014 浙江卷 ) 6. We most prefer to say yes to the _ of someone we know and like.A. attemptsB. requestsC. doubtsD. promises【举一反三】 I cant repair these until tomorrow, Im afraidA.no. problemB. no wonder That s OK, there s

13、_.C. no doubtD. no hurry十七( 2014 重庆卷 ) 1.A smile costs _ ,but gives much.A. anythingB. something C. nothingD. everything【举一反三】 Try to be independent, for your parents cant do _for you all your life.A. somethingB. nothingC. everythingD. anything十八( 2014 江西卷) 22. They chose Tom to be _captain of the t

14、eam because they knew he was _smart leader.A. a; theB.the; theC.the; aD. a; a第 2 页 共 3 页【举一反三】 It s good feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives thempleasure.A. 不填 , aB. a, 不填C. the, aD. a, the十九( 2014 陕西卷) 19. _ village where I was born has grown into _ town.A. The; aB. A; t

15、heC. The; theD. A; a【举一反三】 We have every reason to believe that_ 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be_ success.A. / a B. the / C. the aD. a a二十( 2014 天津卷) 8. Life the like _ ocean; Only _strong-willed can reach the other shore.A. an; theB. the; aC. the ;/ D. / ; a【举一反三】 I earn 10 dollarshour assuperma

16、rket cashier on Saturdays.二十一( 2014 浙江卷 ) 2. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days _ week, often longinto_night.A. a; theB. the;不填C. a; aD. 不填; the【举一反三】 My neighbor asked me to go for _ walk, but I dont think Ive got _ energy.A. a;不填B. the; theC. 不填; theD. a; the二十二( 2014 重庆卷) 6.I can t tell you _ way to the Wilsons because we dont have_ Wilson here inthe village.A.the ; aB.a; /C. a; theD.the ; /【举一反三】 If we sit near _ front of the bus, well have _ better view.A. 不填; theB. 不填; aC. the; aD. the ; the第 3 页 共 3 页


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