新人教版九年级英语下册《nit 6 When was it invented.Section B 3a—3b Self check》教案_4.docx

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1、Unit 6 When was it invented?Teaching aims1、通过对被动语态表达的发明和创造的事物来认识人类科技进步和培养学生的创新能力来表达情感,态度,价值观的课堂体现。2、通过对一般过去时被动语态的掌握进一步了解和掌握被动语态其他时态的表达。Teaching of new lesson1. Warm-up呈现: computer, radio, camera, light bulb, car, bicycle, TV, tea, and so on.Then ask students to discuss pictures and say something abo

2、ut what he / she would like best in class.2. Presentation.1)教学首先,写作前的brainstormFirst, read the instructions to the class and make students look at the sample first sentence of 3a.Then, explain that students can combine more than one point into one sentence.2)教学 写作3b, 4a.Finish 3b according to workin

3、g in pairs.At last, ask a few students to tell the class about the partners they have interviewed.Finish 4b说明:通过该活动用语言目标提供阅读和写作练习。3)教学Self Check 2让学生找出Self Check 2. 这些东西是何时发明的并根据如下句子进行俩俩对话。A: What is it ?B: Its an abacus. Umbrella / a binoculars, camera, bucycle.A: What is it used for ?B: Its used f

4、or A: Oh, thats cool! Who was it invented by?B: It was invented by A: What would you like best ?B: Id like best .3. Consolidation and Extension完成一个任务: Crazy InventionsAsk students to build their own crazy inventions using paper, cardboard and other materials they may have at home. Have them bring th

5、eir inventions to class and say something in class.Homework汉泽英1、计算机是何时发明的? 2、谁发明了计算机?3、计算机是用来做什么? 4、你认为什么是最有用的发明?5、它能够给人们更多时间工作和玩。4教学反思 本课的导入以贴近学生实际生活作为教学任务,在导入寻找物用语时,借助学习用品,创设一种真实的、贴近学生生活实际的教学情境,培养学生以英语语言,从而提高学生语言综合运用能力、自主学习和发散思维的能力。课堂组织形式以小组活动为主,增加每个学生课堂参与的机会和发挥个性特长的机会,在参与中培养学生的合作精神、团队精神以及相互学习、资源共享的意识。在活动中引导学生不断整合已经学过的知识,进一步提高语言的运用能力,即培养学生的记忆、观察、思维、想象能力和创新精。在整个的教学活动中,贯穿着竞赛的机制,学生通过报告、师生活动、生生活动、小组活动,表现出了很高的参与性,合作能力和用语言做事情能力都比较强。


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