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1、高考资料 高中英语词汇练习(答案篇)英语派生词归纳(参照普通高中英语课程标准词汇表)一、根据提示写出下列单词的派生词序词根nounadj.adv.noun( 指人 )opposite( 反 )号1ableabilityableunable2varyv.variousvariously3admirev.admirationadmirable4agreeagreementdisagree5likealikeunlike6amazeamazementamazing /amazed7amuseamusementamusing /amused8angryangerangrily9anxiousanxie



4、courageencouragediscourage33educateeducationeducator34electricelectricityelectrical35employemployment /employer /unemploymentemployee36certaincertainlyuncertain37exactexactly38fairfairnessunfair39fortunefortunatefortunatelyunfortunate40freefreedomfreely41friendfriendshipfriendly42governgovernmentgov



7、d /pleasant66politicspoliticalpolitician67practisepracticepractical68produceproductionproduct ( 物 )69properproperly70qualifyqualificationqualified71realrealityrealize /realize (v.)72receivereception73relaterelation74truetruth75sadsadness76safesafety77satisfactory /satisfysatisfactionsatisfied /satis


9、ativetrulysadlysafelyscientistservanttypistsilentlysimplysmokersocialistspeakerspeciallyspecialistunwillingsuccessfullysuddenlytastelessactor /actressstrongly二、写出下列单词的名词1. absent -absence2. accurate- accuracy3. achieve- achievement4. adjust -adjustment5. admit -admission6. affect -effect7. advertise

10、 -advertisement8. advise -advertisement9. agent -agency10. analyse- analysis11. apologize -apology12. announce- announcement13. appreciate -appreciation14. argue -argument15. arrange- arrangement16. arrive -arrival17. assess -assessment18. associate -association 19. assume- assumption20. bleed -bloo

11、d21. blind -blindness22. build -building23. celebrate -celebration24. behave -behavior25. child -childhood26. choose -choice27. collect -collection28. communicate- communication29. conclude -conclusion30. congratulate -congratulation31. connect -connection32. construct -construction33. contain -cont

12、ainer34. contribute -contribution35. convenient- convenience36. decide -decision37. decorate-decoration38. defend -defendence39. describe-description40. develop -description41. difficult -difficulty42. disabled-disability43. distant-distance44. enter -entrance45. equal -equality46. equip -equipment4

13、7. evident -evidence48. examine -examination49. exist -existence50. expect -expectation51. explain-explanation52. express -expression53. greet -greeting54. grow -growth55. fail -failure56. feel -feeling57. hungry -hunger58. imagine -imagination 59. ill- illness60. important -importance61. impress -i

14、mpression62. independent -independence63. inform -information64. instruct- instruction65. intelligent -intelligence66. introduce -introduction67. invite -invitation68. judge -judgement69. laugh -laughter70. lose -loss71. marry -marriage72. mean -meaning73. mix -mixture74. move -movement75. occupy -o

15、ccupation76. open -opening77. operate -operation78. permit -permission79. pollute -pollution80. press -pressure81. proud -pride82. prepare-preparation83. pronounce -pronunciation84. protect -protection85. punish-punishment86. record -recorder( 机器 )87. require-requirement88. responsible- responsibili

16、ty89. review-review90. reserve -reservation91. secure -security92. shave -shaver93. shop -shopping94. sick -sickness95. spell -spelling96. starve -starvation97. suggest- suggestion98. survive-survival99. tense -tension100. think -thought101. train -training102. treat -treatment103. violent- violence

17、lo4. warm -warmth105. weigh-weight106. wise -wisdom107. young-youth108. know-knowledge109. across- cross110. confident- confidence111. appoint-appointment112. slave -slavery113. birth -birthplace /birthday114. social-socialism115. weak -weakness116. sharp -sharpener117. dark -darkness118. long -leng

18、th三、写出下列单词的形容词1. centre -central2. challenge- challenging 3. change -changeable / changeful4. cheer -cheerful5. cloud -cloudy6. day -daily7. danger -dangerous8. delight -delighted9. disturb -disturbing10. dust -dusty11. east -eastern12. west -western13. south -southern14. north -northern15. energy-

19、energetic16. enjoy -enjoyable17. end -endless18. bear -unbearable19. agriculture-agricultural20. face -facial21. fantasy -fantastic22. fool -foolish23. forget -forgetful24. gold -golden25. health -healthy26. humor -humorous27. love -lovely28. mistake- mistaken29. nature -natural30. noise -noisy31. p

20、ain -painful32. peace -peaceful33. poison -poisonous34. power -powerful35. race -racial36. rain -rainy37. reason-reasonable38. religion -religious39. salt -salty40. self -selfish41. skill -skilled / skillful42. snow -snowy43. suit -suitable44. technique- technical45. tradition- traditional 46. troub

21、le -troublesome 47. thank -thankful48. universe- universal49. value -valuable50. wealth -wealthy51. week -weekly52. wind -windy53. wool -woolen54. world -worldwide55. benefit-beneficial56. sleep -sleepy / asleep四、写出下列单词的动词1. bath - bathe4. sharp - sharpen2. large - enlarge5. dark - darken3. weak - w

22、eaken6. long - lengthen五、写出下列单词的动作执行者(或和本动作有关的人)。1. architecture -architect 2. art -artist3. astronomy- astronomer4. business- businessman 5. clean -cleaner6. crime -criminal7. dance -dancer8. design -designer9. engine -engineer10. farm -farmer11. foreign-foreigner12. host -hostess13. hunt -hunter14

23、. lead -leader15. novel -novelist16. own -owner17. piano -pianist18. poem -poet19. police -policeman20. post -postman21. prison -prisoner22. rule -ruler23. sing -singer24. strange-stranger25. teach -teacher26. teenage- teenager27. travel -traveler28. village -villager29. visit -visitor30. win -winne

24、r31. work -worker32. library -librarian33. wait -waitress34. write -writer35. report -reporter六、写出下列单词的反义词1. advantage - disadvantage3. legal - illegal2. like (喜欢)4. fit - unfit- dislike七、常用国家或地区的派生词。序号地名adj.noun. ( 人 )capital1非洲AfricaAfrican2亚洲AsiaAsian3欧洲EuropeEuropean4美国AmericaAmericanWashington

25、D. C5澳大得亚AustraliaAustralianCanberra6英国BritainBritishLondon7英格兰EnglandEnglish / Englishman8加拿大CanadaCanadianOttawa9中国ChinaChineseBeijing10法国FranceFrench / FrenchmanParis11德国GermanyGermanBerlin12印度IndiaIndian13爱尔兰IrelandIrish14意大利ItalyItalian15日本JapanJapaneseTokyo16新西兰New ZealandNew Zealander17俄罗斯Rus

26、siaRussia八、根据派生词进行语法填空。(动词要密切注意时态、语态、人称和非谓语动词)1. Madame Curie will always be remembered as the discoverer (discover) of radium. She and her husband had done lots of scientific (science) research before discovery (discover) radium.2. Thomas Edison is considered one of the greatest inventors (invent)

27、in the history. He had over 1000 inventions (invent) all his life.3. Einstein is always believed to be one of the greatest scientists (science) in the20th (20) century. He make great contributions (contribute) to modern science and technology.4. I hear Liming can run 100 meters in 11 seconds. That s

28、 really unbelievable (believe).5. Donthesitate, John. You must make your own decision (decide) right now.6. Can you give me a description (describe) of lost bag, sir? I ll call you if I find it.7. My English teacher always encourages (courage) us to do more speaking. He asks us not to feel discourag

29、ed (courage) even if we sometimes make mistakes. He also says that we should pay special attention to our pronunciation (pronounce) when speaking (speak) English.8. The Great wall is one of the most famous tour attractions (attract) in China. It attracts (attract) a great number of foreigners (forei

30、gn).9. I haven treceived an invitation (invite) of Lipings wedding yet. Im afraid Iwon tgo to her wedding unless invited (invite).10. The concert was a great success (succeed). The singers were singing beautifully (beauty), and all the musicians (music) were doing successfully(succeed).11. The injur

31、ed passengers were sent to the hospital immediately. But unfortunately (fortune), some of them lost their lives on the way t the hospital.All the people think that the careless (care) driver had heavy responsibility (responsible) for the accident.12. Many fish have died from pollution (pollute) and

32、many birds have died frompolluted (pollute) air. a government official (office) says that we should take measures to prevent the environment (from)being polluted (pollute).13. We all take pride (proud) in the fact that China has entered the World Trade Organization (organize). That means we can buy

33、cheaper foreign products (produce) in the near future.14. The criminal (crime) is in prison. You can (permit) of the police.tsee him without the permission15. Personally (person) speaking, what the physician (physics) said at the conference was encouraging.16. What you did just now made no differenc

34、e (differ).17. Man is short of natural (nature) resources now. They really require protecting / to be protected (protect).18. Not only should we talk politely (polite) but also we should pay attention toour facial (face) expressions when communicating (communicate) with others.19 The famous writer (

35、write) is good at writing (write) detective stories. He has written (write) over 1000 detective stories since he began to write in 1995. The detective stories written (write) by him are popular all over the world.20. Oh, the roast chicken really tastes (taste) delicious! I have never eaten such tast

36、y (taste) dish.21. I think we should strengthen (strong) the communication between teachers and students.22. Martin Luther King is considered one of the greatest speakers (speak) in the20th century. The speech (speak) he made on civil rights will always be remembered by people all over the world.23.

37、 Mike got married (marry) last week. He decided to live with his parents after marriage (marry).24. We can find a lot of information (inform) by surfing the Internet.25. It is illegal (legal) to drive without a driving permit. Whoever drives without a driving permit must be punished (punish) severely.26. Look! The ma


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