新人教版九年级英语下册《nit 11 Sad movies made me cry.Section A4a—4b》教案_2.docx

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1、非谓语动词教案教学目标:1. 引导学生理解动词作主语、宾语、定语、状语及宾补的用法;2. 引导学生辨别to do与doing在作宾语时的不同;3. 引导学生辨别dog与doing 在作宾补时的不同。培养学生对知识的归纳整理能力与综合运用能力1. 培养学生英语学习的信心;2. 引导学生将所学英语运用到生活实际中。教学重点:1. It作形式主语或宾语代替不定式;2. 后接doing 作宾语的动词;3. to do 与doing 作宾语的不同;4. 后接省to的不定式作宾补的动词;教学难点:1. 区分哪些词接to do 哪些词接doing 作宾语;2. 区分to do 与doing 作宾语的不同。教

2、学步骤:Step 1 Warming upListen to the song “ A Little Love” and complete the words. Greatness as you smallest as me You show me what is deep as sea A little love, little kiss A little hug, little gift all of little somethingthese are our memories You make me _make me _ make me _ that love is true You a

3、lways stand by my side I dont want _goodbye You make me_ make me _make me _ the joy of love oh kissing you Thank you for all the love you always give to me oh I love you Yes I do,I always do Step 2 Revision复习谓语动词在不同时态中的构成一般现在时_一般过去时_一般将来时_现在进行时_过去进行时_现在完成时_ 过去完成时_被动语态_Step 3 Presentation 带领学生了解非谓语动词

4、的中考考点1. 考点一 动词作主语 u 单个动词作主语用doing, 当三单看。_ (smoke) _(be) bad for your health. u 动词短语作主语通常用不定式to do, 常常用形式主语it代替,而把真正的主语to do置于句末。it作形式主语的常用的句式有:1. 做某事对某人来说是怎样. _.2. 做某事花费某人多长的时间。_.3. 发现做某事是怎样的(形式宾语)_.中考链接:(2017)25Its necessary for you _the classroom clean, class.Akeep B. keeping Cto keep 2. 考点二 动词作宾语

5、u 绝大部分动词之后都是接to do 作宾语,如:想要 需要 希望 决定 开始 学会期待 设法 同意u 介词+doing构成介宾结构,如:擅长于 因而感谢怎么样 对感兴趣通过做某事u 常接doing 作宾语的动词有:喜欢 完成 考虑建议 练习 花费介意 坚持 (我喜欢一个女孩,她不介意,但她却建议我多花时间坚持完成练习,我会考虑的。)u to do与doing作宾语的不同to do通常指没有做的事,doing通常指正在做的事1. stop to do 停下来去做某事 stop doing 停止正在做的事2. forget/ remember to do 忘记/记得去做某事 forget/rem

6、ember doing 忘记/记得做过某事3. try to do 努力去做某 try doing 尝试做某事u 其它接doing 作宾语的特殊结构:期待做某事 习惯于做某事忙于做某事 某事值得一做做某事很高兴 做某事有困难中考链接: (2016)28Mr. Lee used to _ dinner in the restaurant, but now he is used to_every meal with his family at home.Ahave; eat Bhaving; eat Chave; eating(2013)28. You look too tired . Why n

7、ot a rest ?A. stop to have B. to stop having. C. stop having(2009)Its time for lunch now, lets it.A. stop to have B. stop having C. to stop to have D. stopping to have(2011)34. No one knew why the woman kept at the party. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing3. 考点三 动词作定语/状语1. 我有很多家庭作业 要做。I have a lot of

8、homework _.2. 我有一个小宝宝要照顾。I have a little baby _.3. 我去上海看望我的爷爷奶奶。I go to Shanghai _.4. 要到那,只要穿过一条街道就可以 。_ there, just cross a street.中考链接:(2014)25I want to go to Xiufeng ParkHow can I get there? _ there, just go along this street and turn left at the third crossing.ATo getBGettingCGet4. 考点四 动词作宾补u 大部

9、分动词接to do 作宾补,如要求某人做某事 告诉某人做某事想要某人做某事u 部分动词接do作宾补。“一感 二听三让四看半帮助”feel, listen to, hear, let, make, have, look at, see, watch, notice, help(“一感 二听四看”接do表示做过或经常做某事,接doing表示正在做某事)u have/ make sb. /sth. done 使得被怎样中考链接:(2012)23. Something is wrong with my computer. Ill have it _A. repaired B. to repair C. repairing5. 补充l 1. to do 的否定形式 not to do doing 的否定形式 not doingl 2. 疑问不定式 :疑问词+to do你能告诉我怎样去图书馆吗?Can you tell me _ the library?这是一些关于怎样学习英语的建议。Here is some advice on _ English.我不知道接下来该怎样做。I dont know _ next.Step 4 Homework


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