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1、2021年工业工程师个人英文简历模板工业工程师个人英文简历模板由为大家搜集,有兴趣的朋友不妨参考一下,希望对你们有帮助!工业工程师个人英文简历模板Sandy Lin 15/F,TOWER2 ,BRIGHT CHINA,BUILDING1,BEIJING.PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCExx-Present LEYNER CORPORATION,Lake Charles,LAIndustrial EngineerProvide floor support engineering in printed wire assembly (PWA) and subsystem assembl

2、y(SSA) areas.Purchase capital equipment.Interface with vendors. Justify expenditures.Design plant layout fixtures,and flow charts of material.Program automatic equipment.Write process sheets and rework procedures.Remend changes to product to allow ease of manufacture.Implement design changes.Initita

3、te methods and process improvements.Troubleshoot problems.Effect disposition or rejection of material.Provide assistance to all other departments.xx PRUDENCE D. MCHARRISON LABORATORY,Ruston,LAEngineering AssistantConducted variety of tests including Tensilepression,and creep tests on molded parts.Re

4、sponsible for production of plastic test specimens,and mounting polishing,andmicroscopic analysis.Designed tools and fixtures for xxtron machine.19xx/83 DUCHESS PONENTS,Baton Rouge,LAMolding Room Attendant,xxOperated and maintained machine producing epoxy preforms.Maintained records on inventory,los

5、s of material,and quality control.Machine shop attendant,19xxOperated lathes,milling and grinding machines;monitored welding and heat treatments.Read blueprints.EDUCATIONLOYOLA UNIVERSITY AT NEW ORLEANS,College of Engineering,New Orleans,LABachelor of Science Degree in Industrial Technology,xxMinor

6、concentration in puter science.PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS/CERTIFICATIONSMember,Society of Manufacturing Engineers,Leaner Management Club CertifiedManufacturing Technologist and Solderer.NOTICERelevant Work experience is emphasized while other positions are de-emphasized.Chronological format illustrat

7、es a clear career path.【拓展阅读】如何精简一份简历?Make sure everything you include in your resume is relevant to the position, down to your word choice.Because many employers use an applicant tracking system (ATS) to screen job application materials, try to use keywords from the application in your resume. This

8、 will increase your chances of making it past the first round of resume reviews.首先你得确保简历里的所有信息都是针对你的目标职位,精细到用词。因为许多雇主会使用申请人跟踪系统(ATS)来审阅求职者的材料,然后使用一些关键词来进行简历定位。通过这种方法就能大大提高你的简历被选中的机会,从而进入面试阶段。If you;re struggling to pare down your resume to one page, start by creating an inventory of your acplishment

9、s and work activities.如果你还纠结于想把简历缩减至一页纸,那就从编写一份个人的获奖经历以及工作经验清单开始吧。List your responsibilities and your achievements in great detail. Your inventory document might span as many as three or four pages. Try to include a diverse spectrum of skills that have led to successes in each role.详细描述你的职位责任以及个人所取得

10、的成就。你的目录也有可能延伸至三到四页。可以尝试以多种不同的技能类别把每个职位的成就分类。Analyze each job that you are considering and circle the statements that correspond most closely to the requirements for that particular position.分析每一个你正考虑的职位,然后圈出最贴近职位要求的经验描述。Piece together the most relevant statements into a shorter, targeted version of

11、 your resume.把所有最相关的内容汇集成一份更简短,更有针对性的简历。The first draft might be longer than one page.初稿也有可能多于一页纸。If so, try to eliminate statements that provide less significant evidence regarding how you would add value in the role, until you get down to one page. Try to be as specific as possible with the inform

12、ation you list, and be as concise as you can in your writing.如果出现这种情况,那就根据个人求职的实际情况把次重要的信息排除在外,直到删减至一页纸的篇幅。尽可能把信息列得越仔细、越简练越好。Use a bulleted list and keep your job descriptions concise.使用项目列表的样式保持职业描述简明扼要。Focus on your acplishments, not your daily responsibilities.重点关注个人成就,而不是日常职责。Cut out any extra y

13、ears.删减多余年份。Even if you are an experienced candidate, you should include no more than 10 or 15 years of experience on your resume.即使你是一名经验丰富的求职者,你所提供的工作经验也不能多于10-xx年。Trim the education section.精简教育背景描述。You don;t need to include high school education or continuing education classes unless it enhances

14、 your candidacy.若不能增加面试机会,你就不必把高中学历或继续教育的课程写到简历里面了。Skip the references.省却推荐信一步。It;s not necessary to say references available upon request on your resume. It;s understood that you will provide references, if required, as part of the job application process.没有必要在简历里附上推荐信一旦贵公司要求,本人马上提供这么一句话了。大家也理解在求职的

15、过程中,如有必要的话,你能够提供推荐信的。Provide Additional Information Online.在网上发布额外的求职信息。Of course, it;s always a good idea to have more information available for connections or hiring managers who want a bigger picture of your background and qualifications.当然,能够获得更多可获得的信息以建立联系,或者招聘经理想更深入地了解你的背景与个人资格的话,在网上发布更多额外的信息绝对是有利的。You can streamline your resume by providing additional information online. Including links to yourLinkedIn profile or personal website will allow you to leave that information off of your resume, saving you space.你可以把简历以外的信息序列化地呈现在网络上。包括你的LinkedIn主页的链接,或者任何可以浏览你的个人履历的个人网页,这能节省你的简历篇幅。 11 / 11


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