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1、2021年核技术研发人才英文简历模板导语:中文简历大家写得多了,但是英文简历大家会写吗?今天我们就英文简历应该如何拟写吧!核技术研发人才英文简历模板EDUCATIONJobs University of Science and Technology (985)Sep.2xx-Jun.2xxMaster in Nuclear Engineering And TechnologySchool-based professional for a scholarship ()Jobs University of Science and Technology (985)Sep.2xx-Jun.2xxBac

2、helor in Nuclear physicsGPA: 3、7, rank: 5/40Thesis: Loop heat pipe reactor coolant system break accident analysisPRIJECT/RESEARCH EXPERIENCEADS Key fund project-Neutronics integral experimentNov.2xx-May.2xxEvaluation of neutron data for lead based materials directly affects the accuracy of the CLEAR

3、 design parameters of pile, therefore by the lead bismuth neutronics integral experimental test of the accuracy of the cross section dataParticipated in lead bismuth prophase research and design of experiment, and the experimental sle procurement and processingLate processing experiment and data ana

4、lysis, wrote a thesis about experimental resultsMP and Origen2 thermal-electric coupled field calculationJul.2xx-Jan.2xxIn VC6、0 platform, the coupling calculation of the source program of MP and Origen2MP and Origen2 key array quality direct material position of seed flux key data such as direct ex

5、change, improved the efficiency of neutron flux and burnup coupling calculationQiaobu nuclear xxtrument manufacturing co., LTDFeb.2xx-Sep.2xxR&;D assistantLearned core neutron fluence rate measurement system HMI software, and dealt with C1 project software problem in Ukraine nuclear power plantHelpe

6、d the millions of kilowatt nuclear reactor core neutron rate measurement system of HMI interfaceSOCIAL PRACTICEQiaobu nuclear power stationJul.2xx-Sep.2xxVisit practiceFollowed the personnel on duty to visit the plant main system equipment, to understand the working principle of the classification m

7、odel; Learned equipment operation modePATENTSNuclear power risk acceptanceJjournal paperDonald Jobs Nuclear power risk acceptanceJ.China Nuclear Industry.2xx (05)SKILLSMaster the Matlab VC Fortran and other maxxtream development language and toolsCET-6 (576)HOBBIESCycling, mountain climbing温馨提示:招聘会5


9、,可以胜任的工作。应该先到招聘单位的展台前,看看招聘介绍材料,与招聘人员诚恳地交谈,问一些得体的问题,简单地介绍一下自己,适时地留下你的简历。注意自己的态度,态度有时决定你的成败。真诚、合作、善于沟通、重视对方等都可以反应出你的态度,进一步映照你的素质和能力注意事项三:不要一到招聘会现场就开始奔波于各个招聘展台前,留下一堆求职材料,然后转身就走。最好先到招聘单位的展台前,看看招聘介绍材料,与招聘人员诚恳地交谈,问一些得体的问题,简单地介绍一下自己。当招聘人员表露出一定的兴趣时,你可以适时地留下你的简历。这样有利于有限时间的充分而合理的运用。调整自己的心态,应聘上了,值得高兴,但是要针对自己岗位需要充实新的知识;如果失败,绝不是问题,更不用烦恼,没有人会被所有单位看中。注意事项四:现场招聘会面试中不要过分强调报酬,现场招聘会面试是用人单位和应聘者的初次接触,互相还在试探阶段,主动询问报酬的具体数额这种做法是错误的。其实,对于某一职位的市场价格,大家心里都有数,只要充分发挥,表现自身优势,你得到的报酬就很有可能超出平均值。注意事项五:面试中要表现出对该应聘单位和业务的了解和热爱,生活中常说到热爱是最好的老师,也是最好的自荐函。在面试中,你对业务的热爱和精通会感染面试官,会让他做出有利于你的选择。面试的时候需要给面试官一种重视这次面试的感觉,给面试官留下一个良好的印象。 7 / 7


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