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1、,red,yellow,green,purple,black,A,B,A,C,C,What color,询问颜色用what color,是姐妹,“但but”可知长相不一样,长得一样,“但but”是好朋友,1,沐风教育/,blue,look, 长得像,Thats right,come,has,hair,blue,eyes,is,green,the same,but,friends,A,C,B,E,D,tall,young,white,woman,different,C,B,B,C,C,向他人询问用Excuse me,道歉才用sorry,形容词修饰的顺序为:形状/大小+颜色+名词,give sth

2、. to sb. =give sb. sth. 给某人某物,What color,give,the box,2,沐风教育/,are young women,【 】复数,doesnt have,What,look like,C,D,A,E,B,shoes,cap,coat,dress,photo,B,复数形式,颜色无复数形式!,C, “看”,C,A,in+颜色,“穿什么颜色的衣服”,A,3,沐风教育/,want to buy,a pair of,Look at,What color are,look very happy,Happy new year新年快乐,Whats,from,know,lo

3、ok,has,color,are,Theyre,see/know,right,C,B,A,B,A,C,A,B,A,B,buy, give, want, like,purple, pink, gray, white,your, his, her, my,nose, ear, eye, arm,T-shirt, skirt, coat, shoe,the same+单数可数名词,in blue,cool,4,沐风教育/,look at,photo,has short brown,give,letter to,What color,shoes,Theyre,C,B,判断依据:倒数第六句,B,依据:第

4、四句,C,A,判断:倒数第二句,China,brown,cap,blue,T-shirt,5,沐风教育/,hite,ive,all,orry,oman,C,C,A,B,裤子必须以复数形式出现,前面不能加a,C,B, 此处表示橘黄色,A,B,give sth. to sb.=give sb. sth.,C,a pair of一双,一对后接名词复数,A,ears为复数,前面不可加a/an,6,沐风教育/,C G E A F D H B,B,C,A,C,B,C,B,C,A,A,B,C,A,C,A,7,沐风教育/,F,T,black,Li Jun has short black hair and tw

5、o big black eyes.,Yes, they are.,This is a girl. She has a round face, a small nose and a small mouth. Her hair is short and blond, and she has two big black eyes. Her arms and legs are short. She is in a red T-shirt and a yellow skirt. Her cap is pink and her shoes are blue. She is nice.,8,沐风教育/,ca

6、t,Whose,bike,bananas,their,C,mine为名词性物主代词。相当于my+名词。而my是形容词性物主代词,后面必须加名词,B,C,B,两空后面都没有名词,都需用名词性物主代词,A,this eraser yours,mine is,Whose shoes,their skirts,our teacher,9,沐风教育/,his,yours,her,your,mine,their,they,ours,your,mine,yours,hers,his,yours,theirs,yours,C,用one来代替前面出现的同类的单数人或物,C,以“辅音字母+y”结尾的可数名词,其复

7、数为变“y”为i,加es,C,B,C,10,沐风教育/,F,A,C,D,G,Whose shoes are these/those?,What does she look like?,Is this her coat?,What color is your mothers dress?,Are these your pants?,It isnt bag,Whose is,ruler hers,these your,Whose pants are they,A,C,B,B,C,clothes本身为复数,只有C选项的those可以与之搭配,I think jacket,a new classmat

8、e,11,沐风教育/,look the same,in different clothes,His mine,clothes these,Kates,D,A,C,E,B,is,classmate,has,one,mine,ind,ew,olice,s,im,A,B,C,12,沐风教育/,B,C,Help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某人,C,C,A,A,C,C,A,B,C,A,America,twenty,nose,pink,(020)871-4206,These bananas are theirs.,13,沐风教育/,The boy is in a black jacket.

9、,Theyre in different clothes.,This cap is Kangkangs.,Whose are these bags?,bike,jacket,bananas,cats,schoolbag,C,B,C,A,B,14,沐风教育/,A,A,谓语动词前使用人称代词主格形式,谓语动词或介词后则使用人称代词的宾格形式,C,C,第一空后有名词,应用形容词性无助代词;第二空后没有名词,应用名词性物主代词,B,different+复数名词; the same+单数名词。,D B A C,15,沐风教育/,C,B,B,B,B,C,C,B,B,A,C,A,B,C,B,brown, b

10、lue, yellow3种,He has a round face and small eyes.,Sandys hair is long.,They are twelve years old.,white pants,F,16,沐风教育/,This boy is from Beijing. He is ten years old. He has a round face, a small nose, a small mouth and bigeyes. His hair is short.He is in a white cap, a red T-shirt and brown pants.

11、 His shoes are black. Please help us find him. Our telephone number is (010)6374-8895.,17,沐风教育/,eacher,pell,hink,hort,oung,name,English,their,guess,long,A,B,C,one指代上文提到的同类单数名词,ones指代上文提到的同类复数名词,B,两空后面都没有名词,都需要勇名词性物主代词,A,C,C,B,B,18,沐风教育/,A,E,C,F,B,D,These are eggs.,What do they look like?,Who are the

12、y?,Whose letter is this?,She doesnt have black hair.,A, 找到,A,C,B,C,A,B,B,C,A,19,沐风教育/,B,C,A,C,B,B,A,A,C,C,20,沐风教育/,F,F,T,F,T,C,A,T,F,My English Teacher Hello! This is my English teacher. His name is Mr.Zhang. He is from China. He is 22 years old. He is tall and he has short black hair. He has two big eyes, a big nose and a small mouth. Mr.Zhang likes blue, black and white. So she is in a black and blue shoes. He is very nice! He is our friends. We like him very much.,我认为/想她22岁了。,21,沐风教育/,


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