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1、2021年法律英文简历模板法律英文简历模板EDUCATIONHARVARD LAW SCHOOLCambridge, MACandidate for J.D.May 2xxActivities:Harvard International Law Journal, Features EditorAmes Upper Level Moot Court petition, Team Captain &; Phase II Qualifiermittee on Sports and Entertainment Law, Member/ Sports Symposium mitteePENNSYLVAN

2、IA STATE UNIVERSITYSCHREYER HONORS COLLEGEB.S. with highest distinction in FinanceMay 2xxUniversity Park, PAB.A. with high distinction in International PoliticsMay 2xxUniversity Park, PAHonors:Minors in Spanish and HistoryPhi Beta KappaActivities:Smeal Undergraduate Case petition TeamGolden Key Inte

3、rnational Honour Society, Treasurer and THON ChairInternational Scholar Laureate Program, Summer 2xxThesis:Winner-Takes-All Prediction Markets v. Polls: A Case Study of the 2xx US PresidentialElectionUNIVERSITY OF S. MISSISSIPPIKINGS COLLEGE LONDONLondon, UKBritish Studies Program in JournalismSumme

4、r 2xxEXPERIENCEUNITED STATES ATTORNEYS OFFICEDISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTSClinical Intern, Major Crimes UnitSpring 2xxDrafted reply to Defenses motion to suppress evidence and to Defendants motion for habeas review; researched evidentiary rules for supervised release revocation hearings.Reviewed affidav

5、its for searchwarrants; participated in witness interviews; and viewed First Circuit oral arguments.UNITED STATES NAVY JAG CORPSNaples, ItalyIntern, Region Legal Service Office, Europe, Africa, and Southwest AsiaSummer 2xxResearched and wrote memoranda on topics including the military rape shield st

6、atute, the Daubertstandards applicability to actuarial risk assessment tools, and the circumstances that require rightswarnings under U.C.M.J. Article 31(b).Prepared a plete case summary, including charges; draftedquestions for witness interviews.Evaluated forensic victim interviews and evidence in

7、preparation forhearings. Studied the Manual for Courts-Martial; edited letters requesting investigations for the AssistantStaff Judge Advocate; and pleted a Military Protective Order for witnesses.LAW &; INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETYCambridge, MARoot Capital Project Team MemberSpring 2xxResearch

8、ed international arbitration bodies and agreements such as the New York Convention and the L;Organisation pour l;Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA) Convention.Wrotememoranda on arbitration practices in Namibia and Cameroon.PENN STATE INTL AFFAIRS &; DEBATE ASSOC.University Park,

9、PAPresident/Head Delegate () and Secretary General ()Fall 2xx-Spring 2xxPlanned the inaugural intercollegiate model United Nations conference (PUNC) at Penn State. Oversawthe secretariat, worked to organize crisis scenarios, booked space, and advertised for participants.Prepareddelegations of studen

10、ts to pete at international crisis simulations by teaching debate tactics andreviewing factual backgrounds.Awarded Best Delegate on the Israeli Cabi at the 2xx McGillconference and an Honorable Mention on the Veian Doges Council at the 2xx UVA conference.LANGUAGESpanish (proficient in reading and wr

11、iting, conversational speaking)PERSONALEnjoy experiencing different cultures and have traveled extensively throughout Europe over the last sixyears. Interests include college football, watching Jeopardy, and playing volleyball.温馨提示:职场新人应该具备什么样的素质呢?1 良好的心态初入职场,首先要完成从学生到职场人的身份转变。对于刚走出象牙塔的新人来说,接受自己已经毕业

12、,重新认识自己是件很重要的事情,由于种种原因,职场的初体验会和我们想象中的工作有很大差别,我们要梳理好情绪,调整好心态,我们要学着适应全新的工作环境和工作节奏。刚刚毕业工作上难免有些眼高手低,要及时调整好自己的心态,给自己时间适应和学习,浮躁是魔鬼。伸手摘星固然重要,脚踏实地才是摘星最坚固的基石。2 有效的沟通对于职场新人来讲,沟通绝对是必修素质之一。无论我们选择什么行业,从事什么工作,首先用到的就是沟通,有沟通才会发生交流,职场最忌讳单打独斗,有沟通才会产生交流,我们初入职场遇到的很多问题都可以通过沟通和交流解决。如果你拒绝和他人共享信息,或者不表明自己的需求,自己需不需要同事的帮助,要求的

13、工作又不明确,那你接下来的工作很难展开,职场是条河流的话,沟通交流好比渡你到对岸的舟。在与同事上司的日常工作中沟通中也不要忘记倾听和理解哦。3 主动性不知道你刚开始工作时,会不会遇到和一样的情况:不知道做什么,不知道该怎么做的情况。这个时候就要你充分发挥你的主动性了,主动找活做,主动问,主动学习,主动思考。遇到不懂的问题不会的事情先要主动想办法,主动思考分析。常识性的问题要主动学习,避免万事请教,实在是解决不了,就要主动向有经验的同事寻求解决类似问题的方法思路。良好的工作习惯,从主动开始。4 责任感职场上无论你担任什么岗位,把责任感代入工作,你就会把这份工作做好,俗话说:世上无难事,只怕有心人。责任感就是有心、用心,职场新人要努力做工作的有心人。作为新人,责任感就是尽自己最大的努力做好自己分内的事,这是对工作的一份承诺,一种自我约束力。凡事尽责用心,责任感是职场新人开启光明前程的金钥匙。当然除了以上几方面,初入职场的毕业生还要具备比如:勤快、熟练运用办公软件、踏实、谦虚等等,HR面试也会从个人简历 、面试细节方面观察求职者的个人表现。 10 / 10


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