(潍坊专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专题语法 高效突破 专项9-16课件.ppt

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《(潍坊专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专题语法 高效突破 专项9-16课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(潍坊专版)2018中考英语总复习 第二部分 专题语法 高效突破 专项9-16课件.ppt(91页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、专项 9 动词和动词短语,高频考点精讲,考点1 动词的分类,1.系动词 系动词本身有词义,不能单独作谓语,必须和表语一起构成谓语部分,说明主语的状态、性质、特征或身份等。,2.延续性动词和短暂性动词 (1)延续性动词 延续性动词可以和表示一段时间的状语连用,表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以长时间地延续下去或产生持久的影响。如:study,work,stand,lie,know,walk,have,wait,watch,live,stay等。 (2)短暂性动词 短暂性动词表示动作瞬间完成,即动作一经发生即结束,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。如:begin,buy,come,die,find,go

2、,join,lend,leave,sell,borrow 等。,考点2 动词辨析,1.语境辨析 近几年潍坊中考对动词的考查主要为语境辨析,需要学生通过阅读题干辨别选项的不同意思,从而结合常识选出正确的选项。 2近义词辨析 常见的易混近义词辨析如下: (1)arrive,reach 与get to见P32; (2)borrow,lend 与 keep见P95; (3)dress,wear,put on与 be in见P31; (4)pay,spend,cost 与 take 见P17; (5)reply 与 answer见P76; (6)bring与 take见P26; (7)win 与 bea

3、t见P36。,考点3 动词短语,动词短语是动词的一种固定搭配形式,常见的动词短语结构有: 1动词介词(宾语只能放在介词后); 2动词副词,如果宾语是名词,位于副词前后皆可;宾语是代词时,则只能位于动词和副词之间; 3动词副词介词(宾语只能放在介词后); 4动词名词介词(宾语只能放在介词后)。,十年真题全练,考点1 动词的分类,1.2010潍坊,20题The cookies _ good.Could I have some more? Ataste Bsmell Cfeel Dsound 2.2012潍坊,27题Does the soup _ nice? Yes.Its hot,but real

4、ly delicious. Asound Bfeel Clook Dtaste 3.2014潍坊,25题What will a science museum be like if you are asked to build one? I hope it will _ like a book. Ataste Bsound Clook Dsmell 4.2015潍坊,26题The new sweater I bought for my grandma _ soft.She likes it very much. Alooks Bsmells Ctastes Dfeels,A,D,C,D,十年来,

5、潍坊市中考对动词(短语)考查了十三次,主要面向动词短语、动词分类和词义辨析这三个考点。动词短语、系动词和动词词词义辨析仍是未来对于动词(短语)的考查方向。,考点2 动词辨析,5.2008潍坊,31题Boys and girls! Please _ your compositions after class. Oh,my God! I _ it at home. Ahand in;forgot Bhand in;left Chand out;forgot Dhand out;left 62011潍坊,19题With the help of the Internet,information can

6、 _ every corner of the world quickly. Ago Bland Creach Darrive 72013潍坊,20题Do you often get online? Yes.I _ lots of time on it.Its a good way to kill time. Acost Bspend Ctake Duse,B,C,B,考点3 动词短语,82009潍坊,18题The sports meet has to be _ because of the heavy rain. Aput up Bput down Cput off Dput on 92013

7、潍坊,25题Diaoyu Islands _ China ever since ancient times. Abelong to Bbelong in Cbelong under Dbelong with 102014潍坊,21题Have you seen the film Coming Home directed by Zhang Yimou? Not yet.Im _ seeing it.Its said the film is great! Alooking down on Blooking out for Clooking up to Dlooking forward to,C,A,

8、D,112014潍坊,24题Its too cold outside today.Youd better _ your jacket. Aput on Bput up Ctake off Dtake after 122016潍坊,23题The sofa is so large that it _ half of the room area. Atakes up Bpicks up Cturns up Dputs up 132017潍坊,24题Why do you _ Liu Hulan? Because she is a great hero. Alook like Blook down Cl

9、ook over Dlook up to,A,A,D,猜押预测,1When spring comes,trees begin to _ green. Asound Btaste Ckeep Dturn 2When I got to the bus stop,I missed the early bus and I had to _ the next one. Agive up Bkeep off Ccall off Dwait for 3How much do you know about Taiwan,Li Fen? Taiwan and the mainland have a lot in

10、 common.They _ a lot of history and culture. Asupport Bexplain Cshare Dbelong 4Lets get Laurie a gift for his birthday. OK.Shall we _ a book online for him? Aafford Border Coffer Dpay 5“重要的事情说三遍。”can be translated into “Important things must be _ again and again and again” Aspoken Brepeated Cdescrib

11、ed Dintroduced,D,D,C,B,B,6This food is free.You dont have to _ it. Alook for Bpay for Cask for Dwait for 7On my way home,I saw a granny fall down.I offered help first and then _ the police. Acalled up Bcared for Ccheered up Dfound out 8Oh,my god.I _ 2 kg this month. Dont worry.Its normal for a growi

12、ng teenage girl. Aput up Bput off Cput on Dput down 9How much money did you _ on the dictionary? Seventynine yuan. Apay Bspend Ccost Dtake,B,A,C,B,专项 10 情态动词,高频考点精讲,情态动词有一定的词义,本身并不表示动作或状态,而仅仅是表达说话人的态度,在句中和实义动词一起构成谓语。,十年真题全练,十年来,潍坊市中考对情态动词考查了九次,主要面向情态动词can/may/must/need的基本用法和情态动词表猜测这两个考点。情态动词的基本用法和情态

13、动词表猜测仍是未来对于情态动词的考查方向。,12008潍坊,20题Listen! Is Professor Bloom giving a speech in class? No,it _ be him.He has gone to France. Amay not Bmustnt Cneednt Dcant 22009潍坊,17题You _ write letters to your cousin.You can chat with her online. Acant Bneednt Cshouldnt Dmustnt 32010潍坊,23题Is Jessica giving us a spe

14、ech this evening? No,it _ be her.She _ to Japan. Amustnt;has gone Bmustnt;has been Ccant;has gone Dcant;has been,D,B,C,42012潍坊,21题Shall I tell Jim the good news? No,you _Ive told him already. Awouldnt Bneednt Cshouldnt Dmustnt 52013潍坊,21题You mustnt go off on your own,because you _ get lost in the mo

15、untains. Ashould Bmust Cneed Dmight 62014潍坊,18题People _ wait until the traffic light becomes green.Thats the traffic rule. Amust Bcan Cneed Dmay 72015潍坊,25题I have been to the moon twice. You _ be joking! Its impossible! Acan Bmay Cmust Dneed 82016潍坊,25题Must I hand in the report now? No,you _Tomorrow

16、 is OK. Acant Bneednt Cmustnt Dshouldnt 92017潍坊,23题A good friend is someone you _ share your pleasure and pain with. Acan Bneed Cshould Dmust,B,D,A,C,B,A,猜押预测,1Excuse me,sir,visiting hours are over.You _ leave. Pardon me,nurse.I didnt hear the bell. Amay Bcan Cmust Dneed 2Is that man Mr.Zhang? It _

17、be him.He went to Beijing for a meeting yesterday. Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dneed 3Shall we take a car? No,we _Its only five minutes walk. Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dcouldnt 4The girl in the classroom _ be Sarah.She has gone to the library. Amay Bmust Ccant Dneednt,C,A,C,C,5Whose is this book written by Ya

18、ng Jiang? Carols favourite writer is Yang Jiang.It _ be hers. Amustnt Bmust Ccant Dcan 6Please be quiet.Our teacher is coming. It _ be our teacher.She has gone to Beijing. Amust Bmay Ccant Dmustnt 7What should we do to protect the fish in the river? We _ throw rubbish into the river. Aneed Bneednt C

19、must Dmustnt 8Must I hand in my homework now? _ AYes,you need. BNo,you mustnt. CYes,you have. DNo,you neednt.,B,C,D,D,专项 11 动词的时态和语态,高频考点精讲,考点1 动词的时态,一、一般现在时 意义:1.现阶段经常性或习惯性动作;2.目前的状态;3.客观真理。 构成:be动词用am / is / are;主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词在词尾加s或es,其他人称和数用动词原形。 时间标志词:often,sometimes,usually,always,twice a mont

20、h,on Sundays,every week / month / year等。 例句:He usually leaves for school at 7 in the morning.他经常早上7点去学校。 二、一般过去时 意义:1.过去发生的动作;2.过去存在的状态。 构成:be 用was / were;其他动词用过去式。 时间标志词:just now,.ago,in过去的年份,last night / week / month.,yesterday,the day before yesterday等。 例句:We went to the History Museum last Monda

21、y.上周一我们去了历史博物馆。,三、一般将来时 意义:1.将来发生的动作;2.将来存在的状态。 构成:助动词will(shall)动词原形;am / is / are going to 动词原形。 时间标志词:tomorrow,from now on,soon,in the future,next year / week / month等。 例句:I will meet you at the school gate tomorrow morning.明天早上我将在校门口见你。 【注意】在时间和条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替将来时。 四、现在进行时 意义:说话时或现阶段正在进行的动作。 构成:

22、am / is / are 动词ing形式。 时间标志词:now,at present,at the moment,look,listen等。 例句:The bell is ringing.Could you open the door?门铃响了,你能开下门吗? 【注意】表示位移的动词:go,come,leave 等用现在进行时表示将来时。,五、过去进行时 意义:过去某一阶段或某一时刻正在进行的动作。 构成:was / were动词ing形式。 时间标志词:at 9 last night,at that time,表示过去时态的时间状语从句等。 例句:I was reading when he

23、 came in.当他进来的时候,我正在读书。He was always complaining about something.他总是抱怨一些事情。 【注意】在复合句中,如果两个动作同时发生,那么延续性动词用过去进行时,短暂性动词用一般过去时。通常在when 或while 引导的时间状语从句中出现。,六、现在完成时 意义:1.到现在为止已经完成的动作,对现在还有影响;2.从过去开始延续到现在的动作或状态。 构成:have / has 动词的过去分词。 时间标志词:yet,just,before,recently,once,already,lately,ever,never,since时间点,

24、for一段时间等。 例句:He has only been to the Great Wall once.他仅仅去过长城一次。 【注意】1.since后面的从句用一般过去时,主句用现在完成时。2.短暂性动词不能与一段时间连用。,考点2 被动语态,考点3 常见的主动语态变被动语态的特殊结构,1.含有双宾语的句子多把间接宾语变为主语,直接宾语不变。 如:Jack told us the truth.We were told the truth by Jack.杰克告诉了我们真相。 2主动语态中有些感官动词(如:hear,see,watch,notice等)后用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,变为被动

25、语态时,要把不定式符号to还原。即:hear(see)sb.do sth.sb.be heard(seen) to do sth.如:We heard the girl play the piano in the music classroom.The girl was heard to play the piano in the music classroom.我们听见那女孩在音乐教室弹钢琴。 3主动语态中有些使役动词(如:make,let,have 等)后用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语,变为被动语态时要把不定式符号to还原。即:make sb.do sth.sb.be made to do

26、 sth.如:The teacher makes his students do much homework every day.His students are made to do much homework by the teacher every day.老师让他的学生每天做很多家庭作业。,十年真题全练,考点1 动词的时态,十年来,潍坊市中考对时态考查了十次,被动语态考查了一次,主要面向六大时态和被动语态这两个考点。时态特别是对现在完成时的考查仍是未来对于时态和语态的考查方向。,12008潍坊,22题Im sure I can make it better,if our teacher

27、 _ me a second chance. Agive Bgave Cgives Dwill give 22008潍坊,23题 Bad luck! Its too late! It doesnt matter.The movie _ for only a few minutes.You cant miss it. Ahas begun Bhas been on Cbegan Dwas on 32010潍坊,24题A moment,please.Im checking if Mr.Smith _ free tomorrow. Ais Bbeing Cto be Dwill be,C,B,D,4

28、2011潍坊,26题If Tom _ the game,well give him a surprise. Awin Bwins Cwon Dwinning 52012潍坊,20题Guess what! I saw Sally in London. Really? I _ she was in New York. Athink Bwas thinking Cthought Dam thinking 62013潍坊,29题I didnt hear the phone because my father _ TV then. Ais watching Bwas watching Cwatched

29、Dwatches 72014潍坊,27题Are Betty and Lingling still living in Beijing? No,they _ to Qingdao. Awill move Bare moved Chave just moved Dmove,B,C,B,C,82014潍坊,29题If it _ rain tomorrow,well go hiking. Awont Bdoesnt Cdont Ddidnt 92015潍坊,24题Next month were going somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday _ A

30、will begin Bhas begun Cbegins Dis beginning 102017潍坊,22题 A little effort every day,you _ a big difference. Amakes Bmade Chave made Dwill make,B,C,D,考点2 被动语态,11.2016潍坊,29题It is said that the project connecting mainland and Hong Kong _ soon. Ais completed Bhas completed Cwill complete Dwill be complet

31、ed,D,猜押预测,1Where were you when I called? I _ on the bed. Alied Bwas lying Clay Dwas lieing 2I dont know if you _ to Marys party next Sunday.If you go,_ Ago;so will I Bwill go;so will I Cwill go;so do I Dgo;so do I 3Were proud that China _ stronger and stronger these years. Awil l become Bbecame Cis

32、becoming Dwas becoming 4Grace_this game every time we play it. Awins Bwon Cwill win Dhas won 5I saw Jeff in the park.He _ on the grass and reading a book. Asits Bsat Cis sitting Dwas sitting,B,B,C,A,D,6The teenagers _ to choose their own clothes. Aallow Ballowed Care allowing Dshould be allowed 7Now

33、 smart phones _ in many ways in our daily life. Aare used Bis used Care using Duse 8The novel _ by many people today. Ais read Bare read Creads Dwere read 9He has ordered a watch online for his father and it _ to him before the Fathers Day. Asend Bwill be sent Cwas sent Dsent 10He was made _ the roo

34、m quickly. Aclean Bto clean Ccleaned Dto be clean,D,A,A,B,B,专项 12 非谓语动词,高频考点精讲,非谓语动词在句子中不可以单独用作谓语,也不受主语人称和数的限制,在句子中可以用作其他句子成分。非谓语动词有三种形式:动词不定式、动词ing形式和过去分词。,考点1 动词不定式,1.动词不定式的构成 肯定结构:(to)动词原形;否定结构:not(to)动词原形 2.动词不定式的用法,考点2 动名词,1.动名词的构成 动名词一般由“动词原形ing”构成。 2.动名词的句法功能,【拓展】英语中有一些词后面常跟动名词作宾语: 口诀记忆 完成实践值

35、得忙(finish,practice,be worth,be busy);继续习惯别放弃(keep on,be used to,give up);考虑建议不禁想(consider,suggest,cant help,feel like);喜欢思念要介意(enjoy,miss,mind)。 含有介词to的固定短语: look forward to期盼,盼望;prefer.to.两者间更喜欢;be used to.习惯这些后面需要接名词、代词或动词的ing形式作宾语。,3.一些动词后接不定式和动名词的区别,4.一些动词后跟动词不定式和动名词作宾语补足语的区别,考点3 分词,1.现在分词和过去分词的

36、构成 现在分词:v.ing;过去分词:v.ed(规则动词) 2.分词的用法,十年真题全练,十年来,潍坊市中考对非谓语动词考查了五次,主要面向动词不定式和分词这两个考点。动词不定式和动名词作宾语的考查是未来对于非谓语动词的考查方向。,考点1 动词不定式,12008潍坊,30题The young soldier really doesnt know _ to stop the baby from crying hard. Awhat to do Bhow to do Cwhen to do Dwhere to do 22012潍坊,23题Girl students in some schools

37、are not allowed _ long hair. Ahaving Bhave Chad Dto have,A,D,考点3 分词,32009潍坊,23题The school _ in the earthquake is being built by workers from Weifang. Adestroyed Bdestroying Cto destroy Ddestroys 42010潍坊,19题At least 300 million people are using QQ _ by Ma Huateng to chat on line. Acreate Bcreates Ccr

38、eating Dcreated 52011潍坊,29题The new treatments _ by Norman Bethune helped a number of soldiers. Ainvent Binvents Cinventing Dinvented,A,D,D,猜押预测,1We have worked so long.Shall we stop _ a rest? Ahave Bto having Chaving Dto have 2Its important for us to know _ all the subjects. Yeah,group work is my fa

39、vourite. Ahow to study Bwhen to study Cwhich to study Dwhat to study 3What happens when you hear a strange noise at night,or find a big spider in the corner of your bedroom? It often makes us _ Ajump Bto jump Cjumping Djumped 4We advise parents _ their children at home alone in order to keep them aw

40、ay from danger. Anot leave Bnot to leave Cleave Dto leave,D,A,A,B,5A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel _ by Charles Dickens. Awritten Bwas written Cwrote Dwriting 6The fridge doesnt work,why not consider _ a new one? Abuy Bbought Cto buy Dbuying 7The novel is great.Its well worth _ Aread Bread

41、s Creading Dreaded 8When you are tired,_ in the countryside is a wonderful experience. Arelaxing Brelaxed Crelax Drelaxes,A,D,C,A,专项 13 简单句,高频考点精讲,考点1 感叹句,感叹句是用来表示喜、怒、哀、乐等强烈感情的句子。 1由感叹词what引导的感叹句,what修饰名词或名词短语。 有以下两种形式: What a (an)形容词可数名词单数主语谓语! What形容词可数名词复数或不可数名词主语谓语! 2由感叹词how引导的感叹句,how修饰形容词或副词。 其

42、结构为:How形容词(副词)主语谓语!,考点2 there be 句型,1.there be sb./sth.地点,表示“某处有某人或某物”。be 动词必须和主语保持人称和数的一致,如果主语部分是两个或两个以上的主语,be动词一般和邻近主语的数和人称保持一致。 2否定形式为在be 动词后加not,not any,no。 3将来时态为there will / be going to be。,考点3 疑问句,1.一般疑问句 以系动词、助动词或情态动词开头,可以用yes / no来回答的疑问句叫一般疑问句。 2特殊疑问句 由特殊疑问词引导的疑问句叫特殊疑问句。疑问词包括疑问代词、疑问副词和由疑问词构

43、成的疑问短语。特殊疑问句不能用yes / no回答。 (1)常用疑问代词:what“什么”;who“谁”;whom“谁”(who的宾格);which“哪个”;whose“谁的”(提问物主)。疑问代词可以提问主语、 宾语、表语或定语。 (2)常用疑问副词:when“何时”;where“何地”;how“怎么”;why“为什么”。 疑问副词提问状语。 (3)常用疑问副词短语:what time“什么时刻”;how many / much“多少”;how often“多久一次”;how soon“再过多久”;how long“多久,多长”;how far“多远”;how old“多大(年龄)”。,3选

44、择疑问句 用来在两种或两种以上情况中进行选择的疑问句叫选择疑问句。 常见的两种结构:一般疑问句一个选择对象or另一个选择对象;特殊疑问句一个选择对象or另一个选择对象。 4反意疑问句 附在陈述句后对陈述内容进行反问的句子叫附加疑问句。反意疑问句一般由两部分组成:陈述句附加疑问句。基本原则为:前肯后否;前否后肯;前后(人称、时态)一致。 反意疑问句中的特殊形式: (1)如果陈述句中含有否定副词never“从不,决不”,hardly“几乎不”或其他表示否定的代词或副词,如:nothing,none,no one,nobody,neither,few,little,seldom等,则附加疑问句只能用

45、肯定形式。 (2)陈述句是I think / I suppose / I believe / I consider等结构时,问句一般与从句保持一致,注意“否定前移”。,(3)祈使句的反意疑问句分两种情况:Lets do something,shall we?Let us do something,will you? (4)陈述句主语是不定代词something / anything / everything / nothing等时,附加疑问句中代词用it;陈述句主语是somebody / someone / anybody / anyone / everybody / everyone等时,附

46、加疑问句中代词用they或he,注意附加疑问中动词的单复数应与they / he保持一致。,考点4 祈使句,用来表示请求、命令、劝告、建议等的句子叫祈使句。 1祈使句的肯定形式:动词原形其他成分。动词前加上do加强语气,表示“务必,一定”。let宾语动词原形(其他成分)。 2祈使句的否定形式: dont动词原形其他成分。在公共场合的提示语中,祈使句的否定句常用“No名词或动名词”,表示“禁止做某事”。,十年真题全练,十年来,潍坊市中考对简单句考查了六次,主要面向特殊疑问句、感叹句和there be句型这三个考点,祈使句没有涉及。特殊疑问句、感叹句和there be句型的考查仍是未来对于简单句的

47、考查方向。,考点1 感叹句,1.2011潍坊,22题_ great scientist Qian Xuesen is! AHow BHow a CWhat DWhat a,D,考点2 there be 句型,2.2013潍坊,23题There _ a basketball game between Class 8 and Class 12 tomorrow afternoon. Ais Bhas Cwill be Dhas got,C,考点3 疑问句,32009潍坊,24题_ will your headmaster come back from Australia? In a few day

48、s. AHow often BHow soon CHow fast DHow much 42010潍坊,30题_ do you have PE lessons? Three times a week. AHow long BHow soon CHow many DHow often 52014潍坊,22题_ do you go to Weifang Theatre? Once a month. AHow soon BHow often CHow much DHow long 62017潍坊,27题_ is it from your home to your school? It is about 10 minutes ride. AHow long BHow soon CHow far DHow often,B,D,B,C,猜押预测,1The firemen did all their best to put out the fire. _ excellent firemen! AWhat BWhat an CHow an DHow 2_ heavy the rainstorm is! Yes,the town has experienced the most serious flood during


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